Chapter 902 Reading can improve strength
Although Xiao Yi said that Jiang Yuntian was pretending to be there, there was no movement in the weeds!
Xiao Yi randomly found a dead branch, and sent it forward with his hand, the dead branch flew out like an arrow off the string, and stuck in the weeds.

"My arrow is only one centimeter away from your head. If you don't come out again, I will aim at your head!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

At this time, the weeds finally moved, and a figure stood up and asked in surprise, "How did you find me?"

And the surrounding elves were already stunned. More than one elf had searched there just now, and even waded through, but they didn't find Jiang Yuntian.

Xiao Yi shrugged, and replied: "Your skills have declined so much, your disguise is incompatible with the surrounding environment, you can tell it at a glance!"

Jiang Yuntian rolled his eyes, and replied, "I feel like I've performed supernormally by pretending this time!"

And Zhan Xue came over and said: "It's not that his skills have declined, but that the island owner is no longer at the same level as us!"

Hearing Zhan Xue's words, Xiao Yi was stunned: "Isn't it the same level? I'm on the second floor, and you are on the first floor?"

"No, we are still on the surface of the planet, you have already broken through the atmosphere!" Zhan Xue replied.

Xiao Yi was startled again, and then laughed loudly: "Sister Xue, when did you learn such fashionable sentences?"

Zhan Xue shook her head, and continued: "The island owner found you just now, not because he saw your flaws, but because he saw the environment. The highest level of camouflage is to integrate with the entire environment, but the island owner just said that you The camouflage is incompatible with the environment! This is a state that we have not reached yet!"

"Yes, it's a fusion. When the island owner was sitting on the tree just now, I couldn't feel the island owner's existence at all!" Sarah immediately stepped forward and said in agreement.

Speaking of this, Jiang Yuncai felt it carefully. Sure enough, if he hadn't seen Xiao Yi standing in front of him, he would hardly have felt anyone standing here!

You must know that he and Zhan Xue are top-level mercenaries, and they didn't react when they were approached within three meters. This was impossible in the past!
Because if they were so close and they couldn't find them, they would have died a long time ago, I don't know how many times!
"Island Master, how did you do it?" Jiang Yuntian asked curiously, if he could learn it, then his strength would definitely be raised to another level!
Hearing what they said, Xiao Yi finally came to his senses, and he seemed to be a little different.

Is this the power of Tao?

"Reading!" Xiao Yi suppressed his shock and replied with a smile.

"Is that what you saw?" Jiang Yuntian asked.

"Yes, those are the ones!" Xiao Yi nodded.

Suddenly, Jiang Yuntian said to himself: "Sure enough, those books are the key to another breakthrough!"

"Okay, let's go, I'm looking for you today to give you something good!" Xiao Yi said, walking towards the outside of the forest.

The crowd quickly followed.

After walking out of the jungle, Jiang Yuntian saw an off-road vehicle parked on the training ground.

"Island Master, that's not what you're talking about, is it?" Jiang Yuntian asked in surprise.

"Well, I got a multifunctional personnel carrier template here. With it, it will be much more convenient to fight on other continents in the future!" Xiao Yi replied.

Jiang Yuntian walked over immediately, got in the car and drove around, then stopped.

"Island owner, this car is really powerful!" Jiang Yuntian said excitedly, "But the space is a bit small. It is estimated that one car can only transport about ten people!" "It's okay, there are large-capacity ones, and this template is made with capacity! "Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

"It's great that it's so powerful. With this kind of car, we can move our troops quickly!" Jiang Yuntian said happily.

Xiao Yi nodded, and then said: "I will give you permission to manufacture, but when manufacturing, communicate with Uncle An to see how our resources are allocated!"

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian responded immediately.

Although cornerstone islands can continuously refresh resources, resources are not unlimited at present, and it takes time to refresh resources!

"You guys continue to train. The current plan is to go to the New World tomorrow to encircle and suppress that vampire!" Xiao Yi ordered.

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

The most excited ones were those elves, they had long wanted to encircle and suppress vampires, but Xiao Yi and Jiang Yuntian locked them in this barracks!
After Xiao Yi left, Zhan Xue immediately assembled the team and said, "Since the island owner needs us to set off tomorrow, now we need you to familiarize yourself with the weapons in our alliance."

Following Zhan Xue's words, the soldiers on the side took out many kinds of weapons from the arsenal, from bows and arrows, to continuous crossbows, to firearms, and artillery!
"Report!" Sarah yelled.

"What's the matter?" Zhan Xue responded.

"Our elves are best at using bows and arrows, and we are not used to other weapons!" Sarah replied, "I think it is enough to use one weapon to the extreme!"

Zhan Xue walked up to Sarah and stared at her and said, "What if you don't have a bow and arrow in your hand? What if the other party is holding these weapons that you have never seen before? If you don't even know the other party's weapons, how can you defend yourself?" Woolen cloth?"

Sarah opened her mouth and wanted to refute, but she found that she had no way to refute this matter.

Zhan Xue continued: "The last time the dark elves fought with our team, most of our soldiers were only B-level, and even C-level. Why did you lose? Don't you have a long memory?"

Speaking of this, Hale's body trembled. He was the one who led the dark elves to attack the temporary base of the Yiranpin Alliance on the elf continent last time, and they returned in a big defeat. That's why the Nine Elders will take action in person later!
And that failure, in the final analysis, was really caused by not being familiar with the weapons of the Yiranpin Alliance!
If they knew what a grenade was at that time, they certainly wouldn't have injured so many people!

"From now on, I ask you to be proficient in operating every weapon in our alliance!" Zhan Xue roared, "Do you understand?"

"Understood!" All the elves responded in unison.

"Remember, you will be the most powerful assassins in the Yiranpin Alliance. You have to learn and know everything!" Zhan Xue continued.


"Okay, now let's start explaining. First is the repeating crossbow. Its characteristics are"

Xiao Yi had already returned to his bedroom, looked at the books on the desk, and murmured, "The Daozang rewarded by the system is really not easy!"

During this period of time, Xiao Yi didn't deliberately train himself at all, but through the disguise training just now, Xiao Yi understood that his strength had really improved a lot!

(End of this chapter)

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