Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 905: Charlie Chapter went to seize his teleportation point

Chapter 905 Charlie went back and seized his teleportation point
Immediately there was a horrific cry from the jungle on the side.

Even the elves and werewolves panicked when they heard this cry.

Benny walked to Xiao Yi's side and asked in a low voice, "Island Master, instructor, what is he doing?"

"Extorting a confession by torture!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile, "You probably haven't learned this yet. When you go back this time, if you are interested, just let Brother Jiang teach you!"

Benny shrank his head, listened to the screams over there, and said, "Can I not learn?"

"Of course you have to learn, otherwise you have to know how to persevere when someone forces you to confess!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

Penny shrank his head again and stepped aside.

Seeing Benny's performance, Sarah leaned over and asked, "Did you ask what the instructor is doing?"

"That's right, the island owner said he was extorting a confession by torture!" Benny replied, "He said he still wants to teach us!"

Sarah stepped back and said, "Let's leave such a violent and bloody thing to you werewolves, we elves can't learn it!"

Penny shivered, and replied, "I don't think we can learn it either."

Amidst their discussions, Jiang Yuntian walked out from the bushes and said, "That's right, let's go there!"

Xiao Yi waved his hand and said, "Let's go!"

"Where are those people?" Penny asked curiously.

"Throw it here, it's useless, and it's useless to carry it!" Jiang Yuntian replied casually.

Penny swallowed.

Obsolete?What do you mean?
Although he was very curious, Benny still resisted not going to look, but followed Xiao Yi's car obediently to Charlie's teleportation point.

"Just ahead!" Jiang Yuntian signaled everyone to stop!

Everyone came down one after another, Xiao Yi said: "The most important thing this time is to prevent them from sending any messages back, otherwise Charlie won't jump in if he finds out!"

"But as long as we attack, they will find out!" Jiang Yuntian frowned.

Xiao Yi smiled and said, "Look at me!"

With that said, Xiao Yi walked out swaggeringly.

When he saw the guards on the ship, he knew that the guards on the ship were two indigenous soldiers, not survivors.

So Xiao Yi gambled that they would not know him!

Although Xiao Yi has been exposed, among the survivors, few indigenous soldiers have seen Xiao Yi's face.

At this time, the soldiers on the ship at the teleportation point didn't even notice that Xiao Yi walked over, and they didn't react until they were about five meters away from them.

"Stop! Who are you?" The guard shouted immediately. Obviously, Xiao Yi's bet was right!
Xiao Yi spread his hands and replied, "I have something to ask Lord Duke!"

Hearing Xiao Yi call Charlie the Duke, the two guards let down their vigilance a little!
Because anyone who is hostile to vampires will never call Charlie the Duke, but will only call him by his first name, or call him a vampire.

"What do you want from our lord duke?" the guard asked.

"There is a very big business that needs to be done with him!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile, "Can you make the decision?"

The two guards shook their heads and said, "I'll take you to meet the person in charge here!"

"Very good!" Xiao Yi smiled and nodded.

The guard still pointed his gun at Xiao Yi and pointed at Xiao Yi to get on the boat.Jiang Yuntian and others on the side saw Xiao Yi boarding the boat, and they all said, "It's done now!"

Sarah asked suspiciously: "Don't many people know the island owner? These guards will bring the island owner aboard?"

"These guards are all indigenous people. The survivors should all know the island owner, but that is not necessarily true for the indigenous people! I have to say that the island owner made the right bet!" Jiang Yuntian replied with a smile.

Xiao Yi was escorted by the guard into the cabin, saw a person sitting in front of the island monument, and asked with a smile, "Are you the person in charge of this teleportation point?"

The man subconsciously replied: "I am, you are."

After he saw Xiao Yi's appearance clearly, he immediately called out, "Xiao Yi!"

Then he immediately prepared to issue a warning message on the island monument, but he had no chance at such a short distance.

The two guards felt a blur before their eyes, and then Xiao Yi's figure disappeared, and the next moment, a figure flew towards them!
Before the guard could react, he was knocked to the ground by the figure.

Xiao Yi's figure appeared in front of the island monument, and said with a smile, "I never thought I'd be quite famous, you actually know me!"

The man who was kicked away by Xiao Yi spit out a mouthful of blood, stared at Xiao Yi and said, "Hmph, Lord Duke has been looking for you, I never thought you would dare to come to your door."

Xiao Yi spread his hands and replied, "Actually, I'm looking for him too!"

The person in charge struggled to stand up from the two fainted guards, and said, "Then I will notify the Duke to come and find you?"

"No need, I'll wait for him here!" Xiao Yi replied.

At this time, Jiang Yuntian and the others also rushed out from their hidden position and dealt with the guards outside.

"Island Master, everything is under control, shall we wait next?" Jiang Yuntian asked.

"Queen Sarah and Benny stay. The others continue to search for Charlie's team on the mainland. Once they find it, just destroy it!" Xiao Yi ordered.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian immediately left here with the other teams.

Hearing Xiao Yi's words, the person in charge said coldly, "You dare to kill Lord Duke's team, you just wait to die!"

"Noisy!" Xiao Yi said with a frown.

Penny stepped up immediately and knocked the man out with a punch.

"Island Master, I feel that Charlie may not come over!" Sarah said suddenly.

"Why?" Xiao Yi asked back.

Sarah replied: "According to what we know about vampires, each of them is very smart, and they probably wouldn't be sent here rashly."

"I know this, so we are also betting. I hope that Charlie will be careless this time. He may not have thought that we did not respond to the reminder from the island monument yesterday in the alliance, but ran over to kill him!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile road.

Sarah froze for a moment, then nodded.

Sarah also knew about the information prompted by the island monument, because she also had a mobile phone.

This kind of matter related to the entire alliance, the leader should definitely stay in the alliance, who would be like Xiao Yi, who would go to the New World to trouble Charlie at such a critical time!

"This time it's the right time, place and people. It depends on whether Charlie will come!" Xiao Yi sat in front of the island monument, closed his eyes and meditated.

After Charlie returned to the alliance, he found that there was no battlefield, but moved the island by one position, so he ordered: "If there is any abnormality, go to the New World and notify me in time!"

"Now should be a good opportunity to sneak attack on the Yiranpin teleportation point!" Charlie murmured, and then activated the city return stone.

(End of this chapter)

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