Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 3101: The bones and souls were not captured again, scientific research was very slow

Chapter 3101: The bones and souls were not captured again, scientific research was very slow

After reading the information and videos brought back by the drone, Jiang Yuntian said in a deep voice: "Island owner, that side is not occupied by Bacteroides organisms yet. We can go there now."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Then let's set off immediately! You lead the team in Space 1, and I will go over and open the wormhole!"

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian responded.

After Jiang Yuntian was ready, Xiao Yi also put on protective gear and walked directly through the portal.

Arriving at the Dinosaur Galaxy, near the Bone Soul.

Xiao Yi immediately opened the No. 1 space wormhole, and Jiang Yuntian led the ship to fly out, and at the same time released the drone to fly around.

The main purpose of these drones is to test whether there are corrosive substances in the surroundings.

Xiao Yi also returned to the ship.

"Island Master, we have discovered a gap where no Bacteroides organisms exist. We can launch an attack from there." Jiang Yuntian pointed to a location and said.

Xiao Yi nodded: "Attack immediately!"

The fleet of the Yi Ranpin Alliance immediately sailed towards the gap.

It was only then that Bone Soul discovered the fleet of Yi Ranpin Alliance.

"What's going on? Why did the fleet suddenly appear?" The bone soul was a little surprised, but it quickly reacted, "The creatures are really fed by unfamiliar white-eyed wolves! Qixing, how dare you betray me! Wait until I go to Chaos When the galaxy breaks out, I will make you live or die!"

While muttering this, the bone soul immediately rushed to the group of Bacteroides organisms nearby.

At the same time, the skeleton army it controlled stood neatly on the spot, seemingly waiting for the arrival of Xiao Yi and the others.

"Instructor, the skeleton army has been discovered!" a soldier reported.

"Free attack!" Jiang Yuntian ordered.


Following Jiang Yuntian's order, the ships immediately began to attack.

Beams of light flew past, tearing apart the skeletons standing on the surface of the planet.

These skeletons cannot fly, and they have no means to effectively attack air units, so they can only stand on the ground, waiting for the Yi Ranpin Alliance ships to harvest them.

"The bone souls shouldn't be inside these skeletons, right?" Jiang Yuntian frowned.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "As long as he is not stupid, he will definitely not hide among these skeletons."

The physical strength of these skeletons cannot stop the weapons on the Yiranpin Alliance ships.

"Then we still have to find the bones and souls?" Jiang Yuntian was a little embarrassed.

The planet in front of us is very huge, and it will take time to find bone souls on it.

But what they lack now is time, and the Bacteroides organisms on the side are still proliferating.

"Destroying all these skeletons first will weaken his strength." Xiao Yi ordered, "At the same time, take away all the ships buried by Qixing and others on this planet."

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian immediately arranged for a team of people to dig out the ship!

When Bone Soul discovered that the Yiranpin Alliance fleet was digging up the buried ships of Qixing and the others, he became even more certain that Qixing had betrayed him.

"Qixing, you will definitely regret it!" Bone Soul cursed, and then continued to drill into the Bacteroidetes biota.

Although Guhun is confident that his mental power is invincible in the Yi Ranpin Alliance, the Yi Ranpin Alliance must already know the strength of his current mental power. Knowing that his mental power has exceeded three thousand meters, the Yiranpin Alliance team still dares to rush over, which means that they have made sufficient preparations. Although the bone soul's mental power is strong, it is still timid in the face of so many high-end ships. !

While Jiang Yuntian was destroying the army of skeletons and digging up ships, Xiao Yi was also using his mental power to search for the location of the bones and souls, but found nothing.

The spiritual power breaks through 10,000 meters. This distance sounds very far, but for a planet, 10,000 meters is really not enough.

As time goes by, there are more and more Bacteroides organisms around, and several of the drones released by Jiang Yuntian have been corroded.

"Island Master, it's time for us to go back!" Jiang Yuntian reminded, although he was a little unwilling, they couldn't stay here forever.

Xiao Yi nodded: "Let's go back!"

Xiao Yi directly opened the No. 1 space wormhole, and Jiang Yuntian commanded the ship to fly in, including the ones dug out.

After all ships enter Space One, the wormhole closes.

It was only then that Bone Soul breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hmph, betraying my information to gain the trust of the Yiranpin Alliance?" Bone Soul snorted coldly, "But you have been marked as the undead. No one can remove it. I will go over and punish you!"

It is precisely because the Bone Soul is extremely confident in the power of its contract that it allows Qixing and the others to move to the Chaos Galaxy.

Before Qixing and the others left, Bone Soul specially strengthened their contract.

Xiao Yi and the others returned to the alliance headquarters through the portal on the Chaos Star in Space 1.

When Du Kang saw them coming back, he immediately asked, "Has the island owner captured the bone soul?"

Xiao Yi shook his head: "We didn't find it at all, we just dug back the skeleton army and the ships buried by Qixing."

"Can this guy run so fast?" Du Kang asked curiously.

"It's not that it runs fast, it's probably hiding in the Bacteroidetes biota." Jiang Yuntian replied, "Even if his mental power exceeds 3,000 and he uses his mental power to push forward, there is no way that any ship can run fast. "

Du Kang nodded and asked, "Have you thrown a few nuclear explosive mines to try your luck?"

"No, the space is too big, and it is impossible for us to throw nuclear explosive mines deep into the Bacteroidetes biota." Jiang Yuntian replied helplessly.

"This bone soul is really just like Xiao Qiang, completely unbeatable!" Du Kang said with emotion.

"Correction, it's not that it can't be killed, it's that there is no chance to hit it!" Jiang Yuntian spread his hands and replied.

Zhu Wu agreed: "Yes, as long as it dares to show up, the island owner can crush it and kill it!"

Du Kang nodded: "So, this bone soul is too timid and doesn't even dare to show his face."

"It's not that he is timid, it's that we are too strong!" Zhu Wu said with a smile.

Xiao Yi shook his head and changed the subject: "How is the situation over there in Buhai?"

Su Wan replied: "I asked once at seven o'clock in the evening. Their research is still in progress, and the results may not be available so soon! After all, they are actually doing scientific research, which is different from us survivors."

Xiao Yi was slightly startled. He had adapted to getting results quickly, but normal scientific research needed to be done slowly.

"Well, I understand, you don't have to keep asking them. Just tell them to report the results as soon as possible!" Xiao Yi nodded and warned.

"Okay, I will convey your wishes to them." Su Wan responded.

(End of this chapter)

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