Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 3102 Transformation has been accelerated, and we meet the scavenger again

Chapter 3102 Transformation has been accelerated, and we meet the scavenger again

Xiao Yi took a look at the time and said, "While there is still time, let's go practice together for a while!"

"Yes!" everyone responded.

The Yiranpin Alliance's practice every morning is unbreakable. Sometimes in the evening, because there are too many things or some emergencies occur, we cannot practice together.

Bai Yu, who had already returned to Space 5, rushed back after receiving the news that he wanted to practice together.

Xiao Yi led everyone to practice for another two hours, and it was midnight.

"Everyone go back and have a good rest. We will continue tomorrow morning." Xiao Yi stood up and said.


Seeing Bai Yu finishing his work, Xiao Yi asked casually: "How is the planetary transformation in Space 5 going?"

"Everything is going well so far. The speed of transformation completely shocked the original scientists on Blue Star." Bai Yu replied with a smile. "They all exclaimed that it was incredible. They thought it was impossible to transform a planet into a habitable one so quickly!"

"This should be the result of our large-scale transportation of animals and plants and the participation of superpowers," Xiao Yi said.

Bai Yu shook his head: "That's what I said at the time, but those scientists said that was not the case. They had already taken into account the effects of our manual intervention and superpowers, and the speed should not be so fast. They speculated that this independent The planets in the planetary space should also be accelerated!"

Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "It is really possible. After all, the planet in the independent planet space is equivalent to being synthesized on the island monument using planet fragments. Since it is related to the island monument, it is also possible to be accelerated. possible."

"But the earth in Space 1 was transferred in by you, right?" Bai Yu asked uncertainly.

Xiao Yi was stunned again, he understood what Bai Yu meant.

The Chaos Star in Space 1 is composed of planetary fragments, so it is understandable that it can be transformed quickly.

However, the other one is an Earth-like planet that Xiao Yi moved in from the outside world using a transfer card. This Earth-like planet is still transformed very quickly, which is somewhat unexplainable.

"Perhaps the planets I transferred into the independent planet space will have a speed bonus." Xiao Yi could only speculate.

"Doesn't it mean that our Blue Star will also have similar bonuses?" Bai Yu asked.

Xiao Yi shook his head: "I'm not sure about this. Let's observe it slowly in the future!"

Bai Yu nodded.

"Okay, let's go back and have a rest. Don't forget to come on time tomorrow morning." Xiao Yi reminded.

Everyone nodded in agreement, and then left the training room one after another.

"Master, will we be eaten by those big bugs?"

On the way back, Ping'er asked curiously.

Xiao Yi was slightly startled and replied with a smile: "Of course not, those big bugs don't eat people."

"But I feel like you guys are very nervous." Ping'er asked, tilting her head.

"Although they don't eat us, they invade our living space. We are still trying to figure out how to deal with them?" Xiao Yi explained.

"I heard from my aunt that we didn't have this kind of bug in our original galaxy. Why is it only here?" Ping'er asked curiously.

"I don't know about this issue, we are also studying it." Xiao Yi was stunned by Ping'er's question.

Ping'er thought for a while and asked again: "Then why don't we just go to the stars where there are no such bugs?"

In her opinion, as long as there were no such bugs, they wouldn't have to be so nervous.

"This is indeed a solution. If this bug follows us to your original galaxy in the future, where will we flee?" Xiao Yi asked with a smile.

Ping'er frowned.

Xiao Yi continued: "There are some problems that we can get around, but there are some problems that we must face. Avoiding them cannot solve the problem."

Listening to Xiao Yi's words, Ping'er was thoughtful. While talking, they had returned to the villa.

"Di Yi, are there still no Bacteroidetes found in the Rose Galaxy?" Xiao Yi asked.

Di Yi shook his head: "Not so far. I just don't know if the Interstellar Pirate Alliance pays attention to the information we provide?"

"I think he should take it seriously!" Xiao Yi said in a deep voice, "Squaw, a cautious person, will definitely take it seriously."

Squaw is the director of the Ross Galaxy Interstellar Pirate Alliance branch.

"I hope so!" Di Yi responded.

After a night of silence, Xiao Yi woke up the next day and checked the check-in status step by step.

"Sign-in is cooling down, please sign in in three days!"

Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly, and after washing up, he walked to the training room.

Before he reached the training room, he saw Jiang Yuntian walking towards him in a hurry.

"Island Master, a new situation has arisen!" Jiang Yuntian said with a frown.

"What's going on?" Xiao Yi asked in a deep voice.

"The scavenger who helped us clean up the undead has appeared again!" Jiang Yuntian replied in a deep voice.

Xiao Yi was slightly startled: "Are you helping us clean up the Bacillus-like organisms this time?"

Jiang Yuntian nodded.

"This should be considered a good thing, right?" Xiao Yi continued.

"It is indeed a good thing, but after the scavengers appeared, the temperature of the galaxy increased faster!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

Xiao Yi pondered for a moment, and then said: "It seems that this time is a test of our survival in high temperatures!"

"That should be the case!" Jiang Yuntian agreed.

"Has our Chaos Galaxy been affected?" Xiao Yi continued to ask.

"The temperature of our galaxy is indeed rising, but not as fast as the Dinosaur Galaxy, nor as large as that over there."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "It seems that it is very correct to clean up those Bacteroides organisms in time!"

"Then should I go to the Dinosaur Galaxy first?" Jiang Yuntian asked.

Xiao Yi shook his head: "No, let's finish this morning's practice first!"

Jiang Yuntian had no choice but to follow Xiao Yi back to the training room again.

According to past practice, Xiao Yi lectured for an hour, and then everyone practiced on their own for another hour.

After finishing the morning exercise, everyone quickly finished their breakfast and then headed to the Dinosaur Galaxy together.

They all heard that the scavenger appeared again, so they all wanted to appreciate the heroic appearance of the scavenger again!

Xiao Yi and the others came to the Dinosaur Galaxy and saw scavengers in white clothes not far away, constantly killing Bacteroides organisms.

Although the Bacteroides organisms would not fight back, the Scavenger stopped attacking after killing several Bacteroidetes organisms in a row and just floated in space.

"Island Master, what's going on with those scavengers? Are they being lazy?" Du Kang looked at the motionless scavengers floating in space and asked doubtfully.

Xiao Yi shook his head: "I don't know, maybe they are just exhausted!"

(End of this chapter)

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