Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 3100 It’s great to be a prisoner, let’s find the bone soul

Chapter 3100 It’s great to be a prisoner, let’s find the bone soul

"Of course you can regain your freedom, and you can also leave freely, but I'm afraid you won't be able to let go of it when the time comes!" Wang Yang replied with a smile.

Qixing was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "We all have relatives on Worm Planet, and everyone will want to go back and see them."

"This is understandable, but I'm afraid you will want to take your relatives over by then." Wang Yang nodded.

Qixing was stunned again, shook his head slightly, and stopped talking.

Wang Yang left them after handing them over to the person in charge of the prisoner of war camp.

"The rules of the prisoner of war camp are explained in your respective rooms. You can check it yourself." The person in charge said, "Your room is in Building 108. Starting tomorrow, you must follow our requirements and work eight hours a day. , you can freely arrange other times, but the premise is that you cannot violate the rules of the prisoner of war camp. Do you understand?"

Qixing and others responded in unison: "I understand!"

Following the instructions, Qixing and others came to Building 108. The rooms in this building were enough for them, and they could even allocate rooms by themselves.

Qixing naturally lived in a room with his staff officer and two confidants.

A room for four people, with a bed above and a desk below, and all facilities are available!

When the Worm people saw the conditions in the room, they started talking again.

"Are you sure this is a prisoner of war camp?"

"This condition is better than what we have in the fleet!"

"Yes, and you only need to work eight hours a day. This is simply better than the work on our home planet!"

"That's right, we still have one day off every week, so we don't feel like prisoners at all!"

Wang Yang had just briefly told them about the rules that could not be violated in the prisoner of war camp.

At this time, they finally had time to look at the tablet in their room and carefully understand the rules of the prisoner of war camp.

"Look, everyone, if we perform well during the reform-through-labour period, our sentences may be reduced!"

"Great! It's possible for us to leave the prisoner of war camp early!"

"More than that, 10% of the profits we create during the labor reform will be converted into the alliance's virtual currency and rewarded to us after serving our sentence!"

"To put it simply, we have some capital as soon as we go out."

At this time, Qixing and the staff also read the details of the prisoner of war camp.

After reading it, the two looked at each other, and they saw shock and excitement in each other's eyes.

"No wonder they all say this is a gift given to us by adults! It is indeed a gift!" Qixing said with emotion.

The staff officer on the side nodded with deep understanding: "Yes, the Yi Ranpin Alliance is much more benevolent and righteous than we imagined. We should not be enemies of the Yi Ranpin Alliance from the beginning!"

"Yes! If we had made good friends with the Yi Ranpin Alliance from the beginning, maybe the civilization level of our home planet would have been improved by now!" Qixing became even more emotional.

"Fortunately! It seems it's not too late now!" the staff officer replied.

"Well, if we behave well, maybe we can get out of the prison camp early, and even have a chance to return to our own home planet!" Qixing said excitedly.

Because of the previous battle with the Yi Ranpin Alliance, they were worried that the Yi Ranpin Alliance would invade the galaxy where their home star was located, so they had no choice but to blow up the wormhole leading to their home star.

Now that there is an opportunity to become a member of the Yiranpin Alliance, maybe you can apply to Xiao Yi for inter-galactic transfer services.

However, there is a problem here, that is, the Seven Stars are not sure of the coordinates of the galaxy where their home star is located.

Of course, the more important thing for Qixing at the moment is to restore his freedom first, and then eliminate the contract with the undead!

While Qixing and the others were shocked in the prisoner-of-war camp, Xiao Yi was still discussing matters about bones and souls. "I didn't expect that the spiritual power of this bone soul would grow so fast, and it had already exceeded three thousand meters." Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

Du Kang curled his lips: "No matter how fast you are, you are not as fast as the island owner! However, I do admire this bone soul's blind confidence!"

"Yeah, where did he get the confidence to say that no one in the Yi Ranpin Alliance can catch up with him." Zhu Wu was also speechless.

At this time, Jiang Yuntian had already rushed back and continued: "If it knew that our island owner had exceeded 10,000 yuan, would it be scared to death?"

Du Kang immediately shook his head: "Definitely not, because it no longer has this function!"

Everyone laughed immediately.

Xiao Yi shook his head and continued: "Qixing said that the bone souls were transferred to the Chaos Galaxy only after they were tested. This shows that the corrosive substances produced by the bacterium-like organisms have almost no impact on the undead."

"Yes, otherwise, Bone Soul wouldn't let Qixing and the others come over." Jiang Yuntian nodded.

If the bacterium-like organisms were really a threat to the undead, the undead would definitely drag Qixing and the others to be buried with them.

After the Bone Soul determined that the Bacteroidetes organisms had no effect on the undead, it was time to make full use of the puppet tool Seven Stars.

"It seems that the emergence of this type of bacilli is an advantage to the undead." Xiao Yi frowned.

Jiang Yuntian nodded: "Island Master, now that we know the location of the bone soul, should we go directly and get rid of him!"

"I'm afraid it's not that simple!" Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

"Island Master, are you worried that Qixing is lying to us?" Du Kang asked.

Xiao Yi shook his head: "I believe Qixing will not lie to us, but after Bone Soul discovered that the Bacteroides organisms did not have much impact on him, he will definitely not stop the reproduction of the Bacteroidetes organisms."

"Then shouldn't we hurry up and get there?" Jiang Yuntian said in a deep voice.

"I'm afraid that the location where the bone soul is now has been occupied by bacteroid organisms, and we can't get there at all!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Then let's test it with a drone first!" Jiang Yuntian suggested.

Xiao Yi nodded: "Okay, let's do a test first!"

Jiang Yuntian immediately set the transmission coordinates of the portal near the location of the bone soul in the Dinosaur Galaxy, then set the drone to cruise mode, passed through the portal, and flew back to the portal after a circle.

After setting it up, he released the drone directly.

The drone passed through the portal and immediately arrived near the planet where the bone soul was.

At this time, the Bacteroidetes organisms have not yet taken over the nearby space.

The departure of Qixing also took away all the satellites here.

The undead don't know how to operate, and with the bacteroids covering the surroundings, they don't need satellites.

So the drone circled around here, but the undead didn't notice anything.

The drone quickly flew back to the Yiranpin Alliance headquarters through the portal, bringing back the situation in the Dinosaur Galaxy.

(End of this chapter)

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