Chapter 3056 Return, location transfer, contact

"It is estimated that the other party has discovered our intrusion!" The head of the information department said with a sneer, "Everyone, come on, it's time to show our value!"

Although their invasion met with great resistance, it was obvious that the other party could not completely stop their invasion.

Otherwise, they would have been kicked out long ago.

"Yes!" All the staff in the Information Department responded with a smile.

While the Masked Star Fleet was working hard to invade the servers of the Yiranpin Alliance, Xiao Yi also sent out a notice in the public chat room.

"Hello to all the survivors of the Bayio Galaxy! Currently, the servers in the Bayio Galaxy are being invaded by the Masked Star Fleet. This fleet is the peak fleet of the fourth-level civilization. With the technological strength of our alliance, we cannot resist the opponent. In the event of an invasion, we will shut down the servers and base stations of the Bayio system at the appropriate time. At that time, everyone's communications will be affected. Items sold in the online market can still be traded through the island monument. The network reopening time is to be determined. We hope for your understanding. !”

"It turns out that fleet is the Masked Star Fleet! But how did the boss know their names?"

"Your focus is really strange. The name is just a code name. Maybe it's the name given to them by the Yiranpin Alliance!"

"That's true, but without the Internet, wouldn't it be impossible for us to brag in public chat rooms?"

"It's okay, isn't there a public channel for Island Monument?"

"How can it be the same? In the public channel of Island Monument, you can only brag to the survivors of your own galaxy. There is no novelty at all!"

"Yes, the Yiranpin Alliance's network connects survivors from several galaxies!"

"I have no interest in chatting and bragging, but without public chat rooms, it will be difficult to transmit information from other galaxies."

"Yes, some experiences from other galaxies are still very useful to us!"

"Can the Yiranpin Alliance share the experience of other galaxies from time to time in the public channel of Island Monument?"

Seeing this, Xiao Yi immediately replied: "This is no problem. We will release more important experiences and information on the public channel every once in a while."

"Thank you, boss! Then there will be no problem now!"

"It's enough to be able to buy high-end items from the Yiranpin Alliance and also harvest information from other galaxies!"

"Then the mobile phone and computer I bought before are useless? Can I return them?"

"Brother upstairs, what you are doing is a bit unkind. When Yiranpin Alliance sold these mobile phones and computers, they did not specify that there would be network support! Now that there is no network, you want to return the goods. This is the reason Not so good!"

"You can't say that. I bought a mobile phone and a computer just to purchase items and browse information on the Yiranpin Alliance network. Now these two functions are gone, so why should I keep them?"

Seeing a survivor asking this question, Xiao Yi thought for a moment and replied: "You can return it, but there will be a certain amount of depreciation. In addition, if you choose to return it, you will not be able to buy mobile phones and computers from our alliance again in the future."

"As long as I can retreat, I don't care about the rest."

"Then you won't be able to use your mobile phone after the network is opened again. You have to think about this clearly!"

"It's okay, I'll use the island monument the same way!"

The survivor seemed to be a little out of touch.

"It seems that you won't look back until you hit the wall. There's nothing you can do about it. Good words can't persuade this damn ghost, so just let him be!"

The survivor looked at these words, curled his lips, and said secretly: "Being targeted by the forces at the peak of the fourth-level civilization, you don't really think that the Yiranpin Alliance's network can be reopened, do you?"

Of course, he could only mutter this in his heart. After all, he still wanted to buy items from the Yiranpin Alliance and could not offend the Yiranpin Alliance to death. In fact, he is not the only one who thinks so. Yiranpin Alliance has received several transactions to return mobile phones and computers.

Without any hesitation, the Bayio Star Station immediately agreed to the returns of those survivors.

"Island owner, those who need to return goods on the Bayi'ao star have already completed their returns, do you want to blacklist them?" Bai Chen, the person in charge of the Bayi'ao star station, asked with a frown.

"No need, just put their order priority last!" Xiao Yi shook his head.

"Yes, Island Master!" Bai Chen responded, "Then shall our station be moved?"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Move to the edge of the Bayio Galaxy!"

The development level of other survivors is too low and they are protected by the rules of the world!

As long as they don't actively provoke the Masked Star Fleet, they will not be in danger.

But the Yi Ranpin Alliance is different. Now Blue Star has joined the Yi Ranpin Alliance, which has once again raised the civilization level of the Yi Ranpin Alliance. Xiao Yi is not sure whether the world rules will protect the Yi Ranpin Alliance, so he still stays away. The Masked Star Fleet is safer.

"Yes!" Bai Chen immediately commanded the stationed ship to move to the edge of the Bayio system.

At this time, the Masked Star Fleet received an anonymous message.

"Hello! I know about the Yiranpin Alliance and want to make a deal with you!"

When the Masked Star Fleet information officer received this news, he was slightly stunned, and then immediately started tracking, but found nothing.

The information officer immediately conveyed the news to the leader.

The head of the Information Department thought for a moment and immediately reported the news to Captain Mansk.

Mansk was stunned for a moment and asked, "Didn't you track the other party's position?"

The person in charge of the Information Department shook his head: "No, this is very strange! According to our current intelligence, the civilization level of this galaxy is not high!"

Mansk nodded slightly: "Use the other party's message encoding method to reply to him, and we can talk about this deal!"


Mansk followed the person in charge to the Ministry of Information. He wanted to see who wanted to make a deal with him!

The information officer responded to Mansk's request.

Soon another message was sent.

"Our deal is simple. I will provide information about the survivors and the Yiranpin Alliance. You will give me a stellar-class battleship that needs to be controlled by an intelligent robot."

Mansk looked at the message sent by the other party, frowned slightly, and asked: "Who is the survivor?"

"It seems you don't know much about us!" the other party replied, "Even if it is a message given to you for free, survivors are the name of intelligent creatures like us who participate in survival."

"Survival?" Mansk became more and more confused as he listened.

The survivor roughly explained it. After hearing this, Mansk's eyes widened.

(End of this chapter)

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