Chapter 3057 Intelligence trading, station location

"You mean, there are actually many survivors like you around us now. You can see me, but I can't find you?" Mansk asked uncertainly.

"That's basically it, but if we take the initiative to provoke you, it will be exposed!" the other party replied.

"Hmph, how is this possible? Are you kidding me?" Mansk replied coldly.

"I have no interest in playing tricks on you. If you don't believe it, complete a transaction with me and I can prove it to you."

Looking at the message sent by the other party, Mansk pondered.

"Captain, this sounds too weird!" the person in charge of the information department said with a frown.

Mansk nodded: "It's indeed weird, but we have to try. As long as we trade, he will definitely show up!"

The head of the Information Department nodded.

"Reply him, we can trade with him, and ask him how can we trade?" Mansk continued.

"It's very simple. You clean up a star-class battleship, sail to the location designated by me, and open the highest control authority of the central control system. I will arrange for someone to take over!"

"No problem, just tell us the location!" Mansk replied.

The other party immediately provided a coordinate.

The staff officer who had been standing next to Mansk said at this time: "Captain, do we really want to trade a stellar-class battleship to the other party?"

"Arrange a team and hide it in that stellar battleship. I want to see how he receives it?" Mansk ordered.


The coordinates provided by the other party were not far from them, and they quickly packed up a stellar-class battleship and sent it over.

"We have sent the stellar battleship to the location you mentioned, what to do next?" Mansk asked in a deep voice.

"The next thing I need to do is just watch!"

At this time, an escape capsule suddenly appeared near the stellar battleship.

Mansk's eyes widened when he saw this scene: "When did that escape capsule appear?"

"Captain, he appeared suddenly! There was no warning at all!"

At this time, the other party sent another message: "You should have seen it, right? We are actually always around you, but you can't see us!"

"How did they do this?" The staff officer on the side was puzzled. "Are they a more advanced civilization?"

Mansk glanced at the staff officer beside him: "If they are a higher-level civilization, is it necessary for them to need our stellar-class battleships?"

Na Shen was immediately speechless.

"If what he said is true, do we really want to complete this deal?" the person in charge of the Information Department asked with a frown.

Mansk frowned, and he was a little hesitant. Should he do it now? Or do you really want to complete this deal?

Since the other party can send information without revealing his position, it means that he must have equipment in his hands that exceeds his current civilization level. It is not certain whether he can catch the other party now.

If he scares the other party away, his clue will be cut off again!

If the transaction is really completed like this, wouldn't it be a big loss if the other party doesn't provide more information?

What's more, one of his own teams is ambushing the star-class battleship now!

Mansk quickly made a decision: "Contacting the other party means that there is still one of our teams in the stellar battleship. We need to get more useful information, and that team will automatically withdraw from the stellar battleship!"

The person in charge of the Information Department was stunned for a moment: "Do you really want to say that directly?"

Mansk nodded.


The Ministry of Information quickly sent this message out, and the other party responded immediately.

"It seems that you are still on guard. It's understandable. I can provide more useful information."

"Then let's talk about it!" Mansk replied. "First of all, the headquarters of the Yi Ranpin Alliance is not in this galaxy but in the Chaos Galaxy. There is only one station of the Yi Ranpin Alliance here. Before you arrived, their station location has been..."

The other party reported a coordinate again.

"But there is a high probability that it has moved away. You can go and investigate on your own. This is considered information!"

Mansk nodded slightly, and then immediately arranged for a small team to go over.

"Secondly, we survivors have an artifact called the Island Monument, which has a huge effect..."

After listening to the other party's introduction to the role of the island monument, Mansk and others' eyes widened again.

Made instantly?


No matter which function, it is shocking!

At this time, the team that went to explore the Yiranpin Alliance's station in the Bayao star system had already arrived at the target location.

"Captain, it is true that there are no ships here anymore, but according to our monitoring of background radiation, there were indeed ships that stayed here." The leader of the search team replied.

"Can you trace the past?" Mansk suppressed his shock and asked in a deep voice.

"Okay!" the captain responded.

"Follow immediately, but don't act rashly!" Mansk ordered.

The information received so far shows that survivors are a special group, and they are likely to have equipment that exceeds their own civilization level.


The search team continued to track the Yi Ranpin Alliance team.

And Mansk received another message from the survivor.

"Are these two pieces of information solid enough?"

Mansk nodded slightly, and then suddenly asked: "Can we use your survivors' island monument?"

"Of course, as long as you can find a survivor and snatch his island monument!" the other party replied cheerfully.

Mansk nodded slightly: "Is there an island monument in the escape cabin in front of me?"

"What do you think?" The other party didn't seem worried at all, but asked instead.

"Just kidding, don't mind." Mansk replied, "I will have my team evacuate the stellar battleship immediately."

After finishing speaking, Mansk ordered: "Let our team withdraw from the warship immediately and arrange for a spaceship to pick them up!"

"Do we really want to give him this stellar-class battleship?" the staff officer on the side asked weakly.

"Since the accuracy of the other party's information has been verified, let's give it to him. He is the breakthrough point for this group of survivors. At least for now, let's maintain a good relationship!" Mansk nodded and replied.


The team previously arranged in the Stellar-class battleship received an order to put on spacesuits and evacuate immediately.

Another spaceship flew out from the Masked Star Fleet and arrived at the stellar battleship.

The team put on Yu's flight suits and left the stellar battleship, boarding the spacecraft that came to pick them up.

After the spacecraft left, Mansk sent a message to the other party.

"Okay, our team has completely evacuated, you can take over the stellar battleship."

(End of this chapter)

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