Chapter 3055 Believe, network intrusion

After posting the video to the public channel, Jiang Yuntian also specially targeted all the survivors in Bayio Star.

"Our island owner has reminded everyone before that the fleet at the pinnacle of the fourth-level civilization is a cruel and ruthless invader. You may have doubts, so just watch this video. This is the information we just received. .”

After seeing the video sent by Yiranpin Alliance, everyone immediately started watching it.

The video is not long, but it is shocking!

"Aren't those all corpses?"

"Definitely. Who have you seen who can survive in space with a tattered spacesuit?"

"How many people are here?"

"It's a lot anyway, definitely not less than one million!"

"Did that fleet really do this?"

"If you don't believe it, you can transfer to the Bayio star and get in touch with that fleet."

"Forget it, I'll just keep guarding my three-thirds of land."

"Let me ask you weakly, who are these people? Why were they killed like this?"

Jiang Yuntian saw this man's question and explained directly.

Except for the fact that Blue Star joined the Yiranpin Alliance, everything else was roughly explained.

"I see, these people have chosen the wrong path, and they can only blame themselves!"

"It seems that the Dragon Kingdom on Blue Star is still very discerning and knows how to cooperate with the Yi Ranpin Alliance."

"Yes, through this incident, I have become more determined to follow the Yi Ranpin Alliance."

"If you follow the Yi Ranpin Alliance, you can at least survive. Those people must regret it very much!"

"There is no turning back when you draw a bow, and there is no use regretting."

"I don't know what level of civilization this Blue Star is. If the civilization level is relatively high, wouldn't the Yiranpin Alliance make a lot of money again?"

"What? Are you jealous of this? If you have the ability to help others move planets, you can also make a lot of money!"

"There are so many good things in the Yiranpin Alliance, aren't you jealous? Anyway, I am jealous, but I also know that a gentleman loves money and gets it in a wise way."

"I feel that Blue Star must have come up with a lot of good things. Moving a planet is not easy. Yiranpin Alliance should not do a loss-making business."

"No matter how many good things Blue Star comes up with, I just hope that Yiranpin Alliance can come up with some good things to sell to us as soon as possible."

"That's right. It's okay not to look at the good things we can't buy."

"Yes, you can see it but not use it. You can only envy it."

"Speaking of the survivors of the Barrio system, do you still have the intention to contact that fleet?"

"It's better not to contact us, safety first! If the information from the Yiranpin Alliance is true, it would be very disastrous to contact them rashly!"

"It seems you still don't believe in the Yiranpin Alliance!"

"Let's put it this way! The information provided by Yi Ranpin Alliance is 100% correct so far. Therefore, the information of Yi Ranpin Alliance is not true in one case, but true in ten thousand cases!"

The Bayio Galaxy was a market opened up by the Yi Ranpin Alliance later, so the survivors there did not particularly trust the Yi Ranpin Alliance, which was normal!

But after watching the video in the public chat room, many hesitant survivors decided not to contact the Masked Star Fleet.

Of course, there are still people who are not afraid of death. Their idea is to gain wealth through danger! These survivors are still determined to sail towards the location of the Kamen Star Fleet, which is the original location of Bayio Star.

The Masked Star Fleet did not stay where it was, but just found a random direction and started driving. Now they could only try their luck to see if they could meet the team from the Yiranpin Alliance that Neo said.

At this time, the information department of the Masked Star Fleet suddenly intercepted several pieces of information.

After analysis, it was found that they all seemed to be discussing their own fleet.

Therefore, the information officer immediately sent these pieces of information to Captain Mansk.

After reading these pieces of information, Mansk narrowed his eyes and said: "It seems that the Yiranpin Alliance has its own information exchange system. We will try our best to trace the source of these pieces of information. It is best to hack into the other party's information exchange system!"


At the pinnacle of the fourth-level civilization, it is very simple to hack into the servers of the second-level civilization.

But the servers in the Yiranpin Alliance were obtained by Xiao Yi through system sign-in.

Produced by the system, it must be a high-quality product!

The servers of the Yiranpin Alliance have powerful defense capabilities that far exceed their own level.

When the Masked Star Fleet tried to invade the alliance server, the alliance server immediately raised an alarm.

"Warning: In the Bayio system, someone is trying to invade the server. The other party's powerful server can still last for two hours. It is recommended to shut down the server before the other party successfully invades!"

The server's defense is very strong, but no matter how strong it is, it is only an item of a second-level civilization.

Level 4 civilization will definitely be able to invade, it just takes a short time.

Upon receiving this alert, Xiao Yi frowned: "It seems that the Masked Star Fleet has discovered the alliance's network."

Jiang Yuntian and the others also received this alarm.

"Island owner, do we want to shut down the servers of the Bayio Galaxy?" Jiang Yuntian asked in a deep voice.

Xiao Yi was a little helpless: "There seems to be no other better way now!"

This is the intelligent robot on the side who said: "Island owner, you can let the network laboratory in our space research city take over. Although it cannot prevent the other party from invading, we can quickly improve our network level by resisting the other party's intrusion. We only need to If the server is shut down before the other party successfully invades, we will not lose anything."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi and others were shocked.

Soon, Xiao Yi responded: "Okay, you guys can take over!"

"Yes, the Space Research City Network Laboratory has taken over!" the intelligent robot responded.

"Can you still play like this?" Du Kang asked in surprise.

"Theoretically, fighting is indeed a way to quickly improve one's strength." Zhu Wu nodded.

"I didn't expect that the intelligent robot in this scientific research city would take the initiative to take over the problem!" Jiang Yuntian said with emotion.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "It seems that the functions of our space scientific research city are still very powerful and we need to develop more."

Everyone nodded.

In the network laboratory of the Space Research City, all the intelligent robots began to work nervously. They tried to use various methods to resist the invasion of the Masked Star Fleet.

In the Masked Star Fleet, the process of the informants invading the Yiranpin Alliance network and servers was originally very smooth, but suddenly the invasion of these informants encountered very strong resistance!

"What's going on? Our invasion is stuck?"

(End of this chapter)

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