Xiao Yi arranged a guest room for Long Qing and others, allowing them to take a short rest after lunch.

But Long Qing and the others have been in a state of excitement and can't rest now.

After Xiao Yi and others left the hotel, they immediately gathered together.

"Star Lord, are all the survivors here so strong?" Assaid asked directly.

"According to the information we have received so far, this is not the case. The Yiranpin Alliance should be a top-notch existence among survivors." Long Qing replied in a deep voice.

Bai Yu on the side continued: "Yes, most of the other survivors only have one micro spaceship, and their spaceship was purchased from the Yiranpin Alliance!"

Assaid nodded: "Star Lord, we also hope to contribute to the transformation of that planet in the future."

"So do we." Leaders of other countries expressed their desire to contribute.

"Well, that is our common second home, and we need to work together to build it." Long Qing nodded.

"Then it's settled. If there is anything we need to do at that time, you can just give it to us!"

"Yes, with such a safe place, we don't have to worry about having nowhere to go if we encounter danger in the future."

"Star Master still has a long-term vision and decided to join the Yiranpin Alliance. It is definitely a very wise choice."

Everyone said one after another.

Long Qing waved his hand, looked around, and said in a serious tone: "After we go back, the information related to the Yiranpin Alliance will be kept secret for the time being, especially some things about the island owner. Let everyone just keep it in mind. !”

Xiao Yi told them some things out of trust, and they couldn't live up to this trust.

"Yes!" Assaid and others responded.

"Star Lord, will we give up Blue Star in the future?" Assaid asked again.

Some things are difficult to move away. If there is a real possibility of abandoning Blue Star in the future, there is no need for them to continue to develop businesses on Blue Star that are difficult to move away.

"Probably not!" Long Qing replied.

"What if we encounter a force that we are completely unable to resist?" Assaid continued to ask.

"If we really encounter force majeure, I will apply to the island owner to transfer our Blue Star to an independent planet space!" Long Qing said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Assed and others were all stunned.

It took a while for Assaid to react and asked: "What does it mean to transfer Blue Star to an independent planet space?"

"It's very simple, it means literally." Bai Yu continued, "Our island owner has a large celestial body transfer card, which can completely transfer our planet to an independent planet space!"

Assaid and others felt that they had been shocked and numb today, but Bai Yu's words made them dumbfounded again!

"Being able to transfer a large celestial body? Is this really the power that a third-level civilization can possess?"

Seeing the disbelief on Assaid's face, Bai Yu replied: "No, but the island owner and the others are survivors, so it is possible according to their rules!"

The crowd nodded.

While Assaid and others were shocked in the hotel, the scientists from Blue Star were also talking in shock.

“The living conditions here are so good!”

"Yeah, the conditions are much better than ours on Blue Star!"

"Maybe it was the right choice to stay."

"Have you ever seen it in the laboratory?"

"Not yet. It's not that this is only a third-level civilization. No matter how you look at it, their instruments and equipment can't be more advanced than ours."    "Having said that, there are many intelligent robots in their laboratory, and those intelligent robots are constantly changing. Keep experimenting."

"Robots conducting experiments? This is too unreliable!"

"No, I have carefully observed their experiments. Their experimental methods are very advanced, even more advanced than ours!"

"how can that be?"

"Nothing is impossible. We only rely on the high-end items and materials in the chaotic space to raise the technological level. After all, our quasi-fourth-level civilization has a weak foundation."

Everyone nodded.

Although they are top talents in various fields, they are still digesting the information obtained from the chaotic space.

At this time, a soldier from the Yiranpin Alliance came in, put down a box, and said to everyone: "Everyone will receive a mobile phone and enter their information as required. If you need to apply to bring your family over, , we have to operate on this too!”

"Okay, sir!" the scientists responded in unison.

The soldier shook his head: "I'm not a commander, I'm just a patrol officer here!"

After saying that, the soldier left.

The scientists stepped forward to receive a mobile phone and then registered as required.

As for the language barrier, Long Qing and the others had already considered it and arranged for translators to accompany them.

With the help of translators, these scientists successfully completed the registration.

"The writing of the Yiranpin Alliance seems to be very similar to the writing of the Dragon Kingdom!" A scientist said in surprise.

"It should originate from the same civilization!" A scientist from the Dragon Kingdom nodded and said.

"It seems that the Dragon Kingdom and the Yi Ranpin Alliance have some connections."

"Isn't the island owner a native of the Dragon Kingdom?"

"If this is really the case, that would be amazing. Previously, a feathered god appeared, killing everyone in the chaotic space, and now another island owner has appeared. The rise of the Dragon Kingdom is unstoppable!"

"Dragon Kingdom has already risen, and now it's just widening the gap between him and us."

"So, we should be glad that our country has chosen to follow the pace of the Dragon Kingdom!"

Xiao Yi and others came to the hotel again, picked up Long Qing and others, and flew to the second space.

When they entered the second space, Xiao Yi and the others began to introduce them to Long Qing and his party.

"This second space is open to all survivors. It contains the Alliance Entertainment City we built and a planet that has been transformed by us. It is also open to the outside world, but there is a fee to stay on the planet! "

Long Qing and others looked at the Alliance Entertainment City composed of thousands of spaceships curiously.

"Since there are planets suitable for everyone to live here, why should the Alliance Entertainment City be placed on these spaceships?" Long Qing was a little confused, "Isn't this a bit wasteful?"

Hearing this, Xiao Yi was startled.

Alliance Entertainment City was the first to start planning and construction, earlier than the small stars in Space and the planetary transformation.

In addition, the Alliance Entertainment City is composed of many spaceships, which makes it easier to relocate. It is also near the entrance of the wormhole in Space , making it convenient for the survivors who come to play.

Xiao Yi and the others did not consider moving the Alliance Entertainment City to the planet. (End of chapter)

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