Now hearing Long Qing's question, Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Lord Star Master is right, we can indeed consider moving the Alliance Entertainment City to the planet."

"Wouldn't it mean that so many spaceships would be idle?" Su Wan said with a frown.

But Feng Menglong's eyes lit up: "We can break it down and sell it!"

Recently, the sales of various materials at the station in the Domi Hot Galaxy have increased significantly, and the Yiranpin Alliance has just built a space scientific research city, and the materials have been exhausted, making it impossible to manufacture more high-end items.

If there are thousands of spaceships, a lot of materials can be broken down, which can greatly alleviate their dilemma of insufficient supply capacity.

After hearing Feng Menglong's words, Xiao Yi immediately understood what he meant.

"This can indeed be considered!" Xiao Yi nodded, "Go and contact Wang Yang and discuss it with him."

"Yes!" Feng Menglong responded, then confessed to Long Qing and the others, and left.

"Sorry, he is impatient and can't keep anything alive." Xiao Yi said with a smile.

Long Qing nodded: "This shows that he has strong execution ability! Who wouldn't envy having such subordinates?"

While they were talking, the spaceship that Xiao Yi and the others took landed on the planet in space two.

When Long Qing and his party set foot on the planet, they all felt emotional.

"It feels almost the same as it does on our Blue Star."

"Yeah, it feels like the air here is fresher than Blue Star."

"Are the planets in Space we want to transform the same as this one?"

Xiao Yi smiled and nodded: "Yes, it's the same."

"Great, we must transform it to look like this!" Assaid said excitedly.

"You can transform for the better!" Xiao Yi encouraged.

At this time, Feng Menglong had already arrived in Space No. , found Wang Yang, and explained his purpose.

Wang Yang was also stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Is this what the island owner meant?"

Feng Menglong nodded: "Yes, the island owner will be here soon. I'll come over to discuss it with you first."

Wang Yang nodded: "There is no problem in moving the space entertainment city, but those ships were rented by the shop owners, and some even bought them back. Compensation needs to be done."

"This is definitely no problem. The island owner never treats his own people badly!" Feng Menglong nodded.

"Well, let's discuss the demolition plan first!" Wang Yang responded.

The two immediately started discussing.

Xiao Yi took Long Qing and his party around the planet and then left directly.

Jiang Yuntian directly opened the No. Space Wormhole in a secluded location.

"Can wormholes in other independent planet spaces also be opened in independent planet spaces?"

Although this sentence sounds like a tongue twister, it is the question on the minds of Long Qing and his party.

Xiao Yi nodded: "Yes, at least there is no location found where the independent planet space wormhole cannot be opened."

"So, as long as we are connected within the independent planet space, we can visit each other casually?" Long Qing asked.

"That's right!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

Assaid thought for a while and asked: "If the wormhole in space one is opened in space five, and the wormhole in space five is opened in space one, wouldn't it be possible to connect the two spaces into one?" ?”

Xiao Yi nodded and continued: "That's true, but if you harvest multiple independent planet spaces in the future, don't do this."

"Why?" Assaid asked doubtfully. "If you don't have a portal, you will be stuck in two spaces. This independent planet space still needs external resources!" Xiao Yi explained.

Long Qing and others pondered for a moment and immediately understood.

The wormhole is the only entrance to the outside world. If all entrances are in independent planet space, then they will never be able to return to the outside world.

If there is a tool like a portal that can transport across planes, then there will be no problem.

As long as you know the safe coordinates outside, you can teleport out.

"When you encounter this kind of special space in the future, you still have to think twice before operating it!" Long Qing said with emotion.

While they were talking, they had already arrived on the Chaos Star.

After receiving the news of Xiao Yi's arrival, Wang Yang and the others had arrived at the landing point of the spacecraft in advance and were waiting.

"Let me introduce, this is Chaos Star Lord Wang Yang. This is his territory. We all depend on him for food, drink and fun." Xiao Yi introduced with a smile.

Wang Yang waved his hand hurriedly and said seriously: "Island owner is joking, everything here is given by the island owner!"

"The island owner was just joking, don't be so frightened." Jiang Yuntian said with a smile.

"Wang Xingzhu, you are too serious, you have no humor at all!" Du Kang stepped forward and put his arm around Wang Yang's shoulders and said.

"First take us to the Star Lord's Mansion to sit down, and you can introduce the basic situation of Wonton Star." Xiao Yi ordered with a smile.

Wang Yang nodded: "Please follow me!"

Everyone followed Wang Yang to a reception room, and Feng Menglong also rushed over.

"Island owner, Wang Yang and I have discussed a preliminary charter. Please review it when you have time." Feng Menglong said in a low voice.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Okay."

A promotional video for Chaos Star was playing in the reception room, and Wang Yang was explaining from time to time.

After the video played, Wang Yang looked at Long Qing and the others.

"I wonder if anyone has any questions?"

Zhao Jun immediately raised his hand.

"Please speak." Wang Yang motioned for him to speak.

"I heard from the island owner that you have rich experience in transforming planets. Can you introduce this experience?" Zhao Jun asked.

Wang Yang glanced at Xiao Yi, who was looking at the demolition plan sent by Feng Menglong on his mobile phone.

Su Wan touched him on the side and repeated Zhao Jun's question in a low voice.

Xiao Yi raised his head and said with a smile: "Long Guo has led these countries to join our Yi Ranpin Alliance. They are one of their own!"

Wang Yang was stunned for a moment. He did not expect that the agricultural country with a quasi-fourth-level civilization would join their alliance with a third-level civilization.

But he quickly reacted, nodded, and said, "Okay, I'll share my experience in planetary transformation right now."

"Normally transforming a planet will take a lot of time, but in our alliance, we can use the survivors' island monuments to speed up the transformation!..."

After Wang Yang's introduction, Assaid and others were stunned again.

They just knew that the island monument could create items instantly, but they didn't expect that the island monument could also accelerate things.

Long Qing and the others already knew about it, so they were not too surprised. They were just a little sad that they didn't immediately think of using the island monument's special ability to accelerate planetary transformation. (End of chapter)

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