"So, we only need to prepare a quarter of the materials to build the artificial star?" Zhao Jun asked excitedly.

Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, then replied with a smile: "That's true!"

"Then our current resources are enough!" Zhao Jun became excited.

"Calm down! I don't have quadruple status now, so the resources are still not enough!" Xiao Yi shook his head.

"Then when will you quadruple your state?" Zhao Jun asked hurriedly.

"Not sure, there is a chance of triggering." Xiao Yi replied.

Hearing that Xiao Yi's quadruple state has a trigger probability, Long Qing and others nodded.

In their opinion, such a perverted skill must not be available every day. It is normal to have a trigger probability limit.

"So I still have to continue working hard to collect raw materials!" Zhao Jun's tone was full of helplessness.

"Of course I have to continue collecting. It just so happens that I don't have the quadruple state yet. When you collect them all, I will trigger the quadruple state, and then our independent planet space will have artificial pseudo-stars." Xiao Yi replied with a smile. road.

Zhao Jun was speechless: "Island Master, you didn't plan this from the beginning, right?"

"It's not easy to find a helper who can help you collect resources. Why don't you do this?" Xiao Yi asked.

Zhao Jun was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

Long Qing, who still had a look of shock on his face, asked: "Island Master, can all the items on our Blue Star meet the requirements of the four states?"

"Of course, except for the things you bought from Yiranpin Alliance!" Xiao Yi replied affirmatively.

"That means our existing supplies will be multiplied by four!" Long Qing said happily, "Great!"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "I will notify you when I trigger the quadruple state."

Assaid asked cautiously: "Then after our supplies quadruple, can you give us half of them?"

"Of course, it's the supplies you provided after all!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Thank you, Lord Island Master!" Assaid and the others said in unison.

Long Qing pondered for a moment and spoke again: "Since we have joined the Yiranpin Alliance, the currency still needs to be unified. Let's all use the virtual currency of the Yiranpin Alliance."

At this time, Assaid and his party no longer hesitated, and they all responded.

This short thirty-minute exchange has completely subverted their three views.

They never thought that there were such special beings as survivors, let alone the magical island monument, Xiao Yi's quadruple status, etc.!

Xiao Yi thought for a while and replied: "There is no need to be too anxious about the currency. After all, the status of us survivors is still different from the living status of the people on Blue Star. Just advance this matter slowly!"

"Yes, Island Master!" Long Qing responded.

"From now on, Space will be your Blue Star's permanent residence." Xiao Yi continued, "As for how to transform and develop Space , you decide for yourself."

Hearing what Xiao Yi said, Long Qing and the others immediately agreed happily.

But Assaid and the others were a little confused. It was just a void. What could be done to transform it?

The leaders of other countries looked at Assaid unanimously. The Stone Chicken Kingdom and the Dragon Kingdom had the best relationship. If they had any questions, Assad would always step forward and ask.

Assaid had no choice but to ask everyone's questions.

Bai Yu explained with a smile: "There is a planet in Space . If we create an artificial planet in the future, we can start to transform that planet. As long as it is transformed into a habitable place for us, it will be our second home!"

Assaid and others were shocked. “You mean there is a planet in that dark space?”

"Can we really make that planet habitable for us?"

"Even if there is an artificial star, will the planet revolve around the artificial star?"

After hearing everyone's questions, Bai Yu immediately replied: "It can definitely be transformed, because the Yiranpin Alliance has successfully transformed three identical planets!"

"Three?" Assaid's eyes widened in shock.

Bai Yu nodded: "Yes, these three are all in independent planet space. If I have the opportunity, I can take you to visit the planets in Space and Space ."

"Feather God, do you mean that our alliance has three planets that have been transformed and suitable for us to live in?" Assaid confirmed again.

"Yes!" Bai Yu replied.

"Then why do we need to modify this one? Three should be enough for us to live in, right?" Assaid said with a frown.

Bai Yu explained: "Space One is the base camp of Chaos Star. Space Two is open to the outside world. After all, we are not of the same race. If we live together all the time, there will definitely be friction. Besides, we have our own little nest. Is it not good?"

Assaid was startled for a moment, then nodded: "That's true, I just feel that transforming a planet requires a lot of manpower and material resources."

"Actually, it's not bad. We have gained experience in the transformation here. After the artificial star is manufactured, I will ask Wang Yang to assist you in the transformation." Xiao Yi said with a smile.

"Thank you very much, island owner!" Zhao Jun said immediately with his eyes bright.

It’s always faster to have someone show you the way than trying to figure it out on your own!

Xiao Yi waved his hand, then glanced at the time and said, "It's already noon. Let's go have a casual meal together and chat while eating!"

"Yes, Island Master!" Long Qing and others responded in unison.

With the arrival of high-quality merchants from the Chaos Star, the Space Research City now has a fireworks atmosphere.

Xiao Yi took them to the only hotel in the Space Research City.

Of course, there are restaurants and various snacks here, but they are not suitable for entertaining big leaders of the country like Long Qing.

"Island owner, you are too polite. We also want to try the food in your restaurant!" Long Qing said with a smile when he saw Xiao Yi taking them to the hotel.

"There will be more opportunities in the future. You are welcome to come to our restaurant for dinner at any time!" Xiao Yi replied.

A great lunch for both host and guest!

Long Qing and the others also know more about the Yi Ranpin Alliance.

"If they knew that the Yiranpin Alliance was so powerful, I wonder if they would regret their choice." Assaid suddenly said this.

Everyone was stunned.

Long Qing snorted coldly: "Everyone must be responsible for their own choices. There is no regret medicine in the world."

Everyone nodded.

Xiao Yi also knew that Assaid was talking about those countries that did not join the Yi Ranpin Alliance.

"We have different paths and don't conspire with each other! Even if they regret it, we will not accept them." Xiao Yi said, "Let's not talk about them for now. Let's take a rest. I will take you to Space 1 later." (End of chapter)

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