"Yes, if he hadn't put it forward like this, I really wouldn't have thought that I could do this." Wang Yang nodded, "What do you mean, Island Master?"

"Of course. In order to ensure the speed of our technological development, the proportion of students cannot exceed half." Xiao Yi replied immediately.

"Yes, island owner, please rest assured! We only arrange [-]% of the students, and the rest are top scientific researchers." Wang Yang responded.

"Well, then let's do it your way!" Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

Wang Yang left happily, went back and reported the good news to everyone, and then deleted the last two hundred of the five hundred scientific researchers they had agreed upon and replaced them with two hundred students.

Then the list of these [-] personnel was submitted, and Su Wan will review it. After passing the review, these [-] personnel can take their families and live in the space research city.

After Su Wan received those lists, she immediately began to convene people to conduct background checks.

After confirming that there are no problems, they pass the review and then ask Wang Yang to notify these people and prepare to move to the Space Research City.

Now the people on Chaos Planet basically have no problem. They followed Xiao Yi from the beginning. Now they have enough food and clothing, have their own planet, and have a head start in life, so their loyalty is not What's the problem.

This is why Xiao Yi immediately summoned the scientific researchers from Chaos Star instead of summoning Munken Star and Blue.

The scientific researchers were also a little confused when they received the notice.

But after those representatives who had been to the Space Research City told them about it in detail, they immediately started to yearn for it.

Some people even moved here overnight, mainly because it was so convenient to move things in the Yiranpin Alliance. They could come over immediately after trading with the two island monuments.

At this time Jiang Yuntian walked into Xiao Yi's office and threw him a can of beer.

"We have obtained so many advanced genetic medicines today, how will we spread them out next?" Jiang Yuntian took a sip of beer and asked.

Xiao Yi thought for a moment and placed the beer on the table without opening it immediately.

"Similar to the intermediate genetic medicine, it will be given priority to the military, escorts, and scientific researchers. After these people have finished using it, it will be popularized among ordinary people."

Jiang Yuntian nodded: "I'm just a little worried that as everyone's mental strength increases, it will be difficult to manage."

"There is indeed this hidden danger, so the troops and escorts must maintain their mental advantage and rely on them to manage those dishonest superpowers." Xiao Yi replied.

"In this case, should we open "Tao Zang" to the army and escorts? Or only open part of it, at least to increase the speed of their cultivation and allow them to maintain their advantage." Jiang Yuntian suggested.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, then opened the bottle of beer, took a sip, and replied: "Okay, let's open some of it to them first!"

"Yes, then I will do this first." Jiang Yuntian responded, "What about Munken Star and Blue?"

"Let them digest the primary genetic medicine first!" Xiao Yi thought for a while and replied.

The Yiranpin Alliance is currently unable to produce intermediate genetic medicines. All their intermediate genetic medicines are purchased from Bayio Star.

Jiang Yuntian nodded in agreement.

"It's getting late, I'll go back to the villa first, and you should have a rest early!" Xiao Yi took the bottle of beer and left the office.

"Okay, I'll go to the bar and have a look, and I'm ready to go back." Jiang Yuntian responded.

Back in the villa, Xiao Yi suddenly thought that now that there are space scientific research achievements, wouldn't the role of the simulation deduction device be much smaller?

But he immediately reacted: "Why am I so stupid? Why don't we just fuse them together!" Just what he thought of, Xiao Yi integrated the simulation deducer, super fusion device, super intelligent decomposer, etc. into the space research city!

The Space Research City immediately had a simulation and deduction research institute, a super fusion research institute, a super decomposition research institute, etc.

If you need these functions in the future, just go to the corresponding research institute directly.

After doing all this, Xiao Yi returned to the villa to rest.

At this time, Munken Star Sun Hong was holding a meeting, and they were discussing the intermediate genetic medicine.

"Deputy Star Master, I think we should apply to the Star Master. Since others have sold intermediate genetic medicines, there is no need for us to continue taking primary genetic medicines!"

"Yeah, why use primary level when there is intermediate level?"

After hearing everyone's demands, Sun Hong said: "If many people are injected with intermediate genetic medicine at once, who will ensure the stability of our planet?"

Hearing this, everyone was stunned for a moment.

"This really needs to be considered. If everyone's mental power increases rapidly, there will indeed be a risk of instability!"

"I don't think so. Haven't we already tested high-level genetic medicines? That means we can get a small amount of high-level genetic medicines. As long as we have this, are we afraid that we won't be able to control those who have been injected with intermediate-level genetic medicines?"

"That's right, just inject advanced genetic medicine into those teams maintaining stability!"

Sun Xun nodded slightly: "This is also a solution. I will ask the Star Master tomorrow and see what the Star Master says."

"So what's the situation with the pirates now?" someone continued to ask.

Sun Xun replied: "Yesterday, our Star Master led the team to fight with multiple pirate teams near the planet of the Interstellar Pirate Alliance branch, and successfully defeated each other. The Star Master has arranged for the pirate team to join the Interstellar Pirate Alliance. Keep an eye on us, and if there is any information about us, we will pass it on in time.”

Everyone nodded.

"Is the Star Lord's team so powerful? Can it actually defeat multiple pirate teams?"

"The Star Master is indeed powerful, and we are so lucky to follow such a Star Master."

"What I'm more curious about is that the Interstellar Pirate Alliance just wants us to put our spies in?"

"It's unclear what the intentions of this interstellar pirate alliance are, but no matter what their intentions are, we just need to be prepared!" Sun Hong continued.

Everyone nodded.

"Okay, that's it for today!" Sun Hong stood up and said, "Everyone, go to bed early. I will discuss the golden potion with the island owner in detail tomorrow."

"Yes!" Everyone stood up and left slowly.

And in a certain corner of the chaotic galaxy, Bilu was communicating with the big leaders on the Kasuo planet.

"Are you sure that the intermediate genetic medicine can directly increase a person's mental power to more than [-] meters?"

Bi Lu nodded and replied affirmatively: "That's true!" (End of Chapter)

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