"The intermediate gene potion is so powerful. How many can you buy here?" the leader of Kasuo Star asked in a deep voice.

Bi Lu replied: "As long as you have enough money, there are many!"

The big leader thought for a moment and then ordered: "No matter how much money you have here, use it all to purchase intermediate genetic medicine."

"Yes!" Bi Lu was a little helpless, but had to follow the instructions above.

"I will arrange a fleet to pick you up, and you can keep in touch at any time." The big leader continued.

Bi Lu was stunned for a moment and asked: "Which fleet are you planning to arrange to come over?"

"First Fleet!"

Hearing this, Bi Lu was stunned for a moment and asked, "Are we really going to use this trump card?"

The big leader nodded: "We have been discussing it for a long time. Based on the current situation, although your side is very dangerous, it is the best opportunity for development. We can't always be trapped in the second-level civilization, right?"

Bi Lu nodded and said, "Yes, I understand, but it will take a long time for them to come over, right?"

The big leader smiled mysteriously: "Perhaps we will be there soon, just keep in touch at any time!"

"Soon?" Bi Lu was stunned.

"Yes, so you are ready to meet them here. After they arrive, you will still be fully responsible. They will completely obey your orders!" The big leader continued.

Hearing these words, Bi Lu was stunned again. He had always thought that he would have to abdicate to make way for a new fleet to arrive. After all, the previous battles with the Yi Ranpin Alliance had failed.

Unexpectedly, the senior leader did not blame him, but instead allowed him to continue to take full responsibility.

At this time, Bi Lu felt extremely grateful. He puffed up his chest and promised: "Please rest assured, leader, I will definitely act with caution!"

The big leader nodded slightly: "Don't put too much pressure on you. At present, it seems that you just need to tolerate the development and don't rush to attack the Yiranpin Alliance."

"Yes!" Bi Lu responded.

"The First Fleet is ready to set off, so be ready to respond!" The leader smiled slightly.

Bi Lu was stunned, but the leader did not continue to explain, but ended the video call directly.

Before Bi Lu could recover, he received another video call request.

"This is the First Fleet?"

Bilu immediately agreed to the video request.

"Report General, we have arrived near the Chaos Galaxy. Please tell us your specific coordinates!" The captain of the First Fleet saluted Bilu and then said.

Bi Lu was completely dumbfounded: "So fast? How did you get here?"

"Back to General, we discovered the ruins of an advanced civilization nearby, and found the jump tool in it. After a series of repairs, the jump can be completed." The captain replied.

Bi Lu suddenly realized: "I see, I will share our location with you!"

After getting the coordinates of Bilu, the first fleet immediately rushed to Bilu.

"You must drive stealth and drive carefully, the Yi Ranpin Alliance is not easy!" Bi Lu warned.

"Yes, General!" the captain responded, "We have analyzed your previous battles, and the opponent is indeed very strong. There is a [-]% chance that our first fleet will lose against them!"

"As long as you understand!" Bi Lu breathed a sigh of relief.

He was really worried that the First Fleet would ignore the Yiranpin Alliance.

After all, the first fleet of Casso Star is the ace in the battle, and they are all so proud.

At that time, the Bilu Fleet fought after entering the Chaos Star. They were always on the edge, so the First Fleet was not very far away from them.

After the two fleets shared each other's positions, Bilu discovered that the first fleet only needed to sail for nine hours to join them.

With the addition of the First Fleet, Bilu's nervous mood could finally relax a little.In the previous few battles, all their planet-class battleships were wiped out. Now that they have the first fleet, they finally have the power to resist.

"The locations we have marked on the map are locations we have already explored. We should not encounter survivors, but you should be careful. If you have any questions, please contact me in time." Bi Lu took the trouble to remind them.

"Yes, General!"

At this time, Di Yi, who was injected with the advanced genetic medicine last night, successfully awakened his fire power!
She was fiddling with the flames in her hands, extremely excited.

"Is this what it feels like to be a superhuman?"

A ball of water suddenly flew from the side and extinguished the fire in her hand.

Di Yi was a little helpless: "Ping'er, you are naughty again!"

"Hehe, am I awesome?" Di Ping asked with a smile.

"Of course our Ping'er is the most powerful!" Di Yi said fondly.

Pinger raised her head proudly.

"However, you must learn the cultivation method from the island owner, do you understand?" Di Yi warned.

"Don't worry! I want to be as powerful as Master!" Ping'er clenched her little fists and said like a little adult.

"Well, let's get some rest! We have to get up early tomorrow to practice at the alliance headquarters!" Di Yi smiled and nodded.

"Okay, good night, auntie!" Ping'er lay down obediently.

Silent all night.

At five o'clock in the morning, Xiao Yi woke up on time.

"System, sign in."

"Sign-in is cooling down, please sign in in six days!"

Hearing this system prompt, Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment: "Isn't it right? The cooling will start from today?"

He always thought that the change from daily visa to weekly visa would start today!

The results started yesterday!

Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly, got up, washed himself, and walked to the training room.

When he came to the training room, he didn't see Di Ping.

"Did you not tell Di Yi that we moved our headquarters to the Space Research City?" Xiao Yi asked.

"It seems I forgot!" Su Wan was stunned for a moment, and then continued, "I'll pick them up!"

Di Yi and the others naturally came through the portal, but when they walked out of the portal, they found that they were not at all the same place they came from yesterday.

They looked confused because they had just moved here and there weren't many people there yet. They couldn't find anyone they wanted to ask.

At this moment, Amelia Su rushed over in an anti-gravity car.

"Sorry for the long wait. We just moved the headquarters here yesterday and didn't tell you in time!" Su Wan apologized full of face.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Di Yi immediately waved his hand, "Why do you suddenly think of moving to this location? Is this a planet in an independent planet space?"

If you haven't seen this space research city from the outside, it's really hard to tell whether it's a ship or a planet after you come in.

Su Wan introduced with a smile: "This is the space research city that was just built yesterday, a city that can move in space!"

"Space Research City?" (End of Chapter)

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