Wang Yang took the scientific researchers back to the Chaos Star in the independent planet space and held a meeting overnight.

"Star Master, in addition to being top researchers in various categories, scientific researchers in the past must also have super learning abilities. Those advanced instruments and equipment need to be relearned." Yang Jin suggested.

Wang Yang nodded: "Yes, that's why we need to hold this meeting to discuss which people are more suitable to be arranged to go there!"

"No, I don't think so." Dou Ji suddenly said.

Everyone looked at him one after another.

He continued: "Don't you feel that this scientific research city owned by the island owner is like a university?"

Everyone was stunned, thought for a moment, and nodded.

Those scientific research robots are all-rounders of the third-level civilization. As long as you follow them, you will definitely learn very advanced knowledge.

"So, for the continued development of our Chaos Star, I suggest that we arrange for a group of young people to come over." Dou Ji continued, "The technology in the hands of the island owner is getting more and more advanced. We were originally an inferior civilization, and now Even us scientific researchers can’t keep up with the pace of the island owners, and we need to cultivate more scientific research talents.”

Wang Yang nodded slightly: "I understand what you mean. I need to communicate with the island owner first. Let's discuss today, if only senior scientific researchers are arranged, who will be arranged to go there."

"Okay!" Everyone responded.

"Don't publish the list discussed today. I'll discuss it with the island owner. If we can arrange study personnel, then we will arrange the first [-] people on the list and the remaining [-] students!" Wang Yang continued.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Next, regarding the preparation of the list, Wang Yang left it to Yang Qian and others. He was just a manager and did not know much about scientific research, so he would not give random instructions.

While Yang Jin and the others were discussing the list of personnel, Wang Yang found the Minister of Commerce.

"Is the merchant sure?" Wang Yang asked.

The Minister of Commerce immediately handed over the tablet in his hand: "It's been confirmed, take a look here!"

Wang Yang took it, browsed it, nodded, and said, "Just submit this list to Minister Feng."


Feng Menglong quickly received the list, browsed the data information on it, then selected a part of it and sent it to Xiao Yi.

"You can decide this matter!" Xiao Yi quickly replied to him.

"Yes!" Feng Menglong replied.

Those selected merchants were notified quickly.

"The merchants named above need to relocate to the Space Research City at the request of the island owner. The shops on the Chaos Star in Space One and the Alliance Entertainment City in Space Two can choose to keep them or close them."

These merchants basically have their own stores on Chaos Star and Alliance Entertainment City.

Although they need to relocate to the Space Research City, there is no need to force them to close shops elsewhere.

The merchants who received this notice were stunned, and then immediately started talking.

"What's going on? Aren't we doing a good job? Why do we have to move?"

"Yeah, it seems like we didn't break the rules!"

"Don't panic, everyone, pay attention to the notice. We are just going to a new place to do business, and we are not forced to close shops in other places!" "That's right, I feel like the higher-ups value us more!"

"Space Research City? I don't seem to have heard of any place building such a city!"

"Yes, if we move there, the passenger flow there is not high enough, wouldn't we lose a lot?"

"The newly built city may not be very popular!"

"I think this is an opportunity. Since it is a newly built city, the policy will definitely be tilted accordingly. It will be very advantageous to move in early!"

"Yes, the island owner will definitely not treat us badly!"

"You guys think too much. Anyway, I firmly support the island owner's decision. Since the island owner needs me to do business in the Space Research City, I will go even if I lose money!"

"That's right, everyone must know that we have the happy life we ​​have now, thanks to the island owner. We can't forget our roots after making two dollars!"

"That's true, I was blinded by money!"

"You don't have to think too much. We can keep the shops in other places. Anyway, we just need to do what the island owner ordered. It's not necessary to close all other shops!"

"While you were hesitating, I already grabbed the best position."

"Wancao, you are moving too fast! Is the place over there big? Can you choose the location of the store by yourself?"

"It's very big and very high-end. I suspect that it will be the core location of our Yiranpin Alliance headquarters in the future, so you don't have to worry about passenger flow!"

"Really? Then I have to hurry!"

For a moment, no one in the group spoke. They all came directly to the Space Research City to take their seats!

After a while, everyone started discussing in the group again.

"Wancao, what's going on with you guys? Why are you so fast? When I pass by, I won't have any choice."

"Me too, there are only the last two or three shops left, they are all very remote and I don't want them anymore!"

"Then you are a little faster than me. When I get there, I only have the last store left, and I have no choice at all!"

"Actually, I feel that you don't need to pay too much attention to the location of the store. If you pay a little attention, you will find that we merchants have no direct competition. That is, each merchant provides some unique supplies. As long as they live here, they want to buy corresponding The supplies can only go to a certain merchant.”

"Makes sense!"

"Don't worry about the location of the store. You can pay attention to your own store. The things here are so advanced that I feel like there is no need for store clerks."

"Those of us who make snacks still need it."

"There's no other way. You have to cook and eat it now, and machines can't cook Xia cuisine, so we have to rely on chefs."

While the owners of those shops were discussing, Wang Yang came to the Space Research City again and communicated with Xiao Yi.

"Island owner, Dou Ji has provided a new idea." Wang Yang said, "That is to treat the Space Research City as a university. We want to arrange some students to come here to study and keep up with the technological development of the Yiranpin Alliance as soon as possible. Progress, so can we arrange for some students to come in and study?”

Hearing Wang Yang's words, Xiao Yi was slightly startled, and then said with a smile: "This Dou Ji's idea is really different!" (End of Chapter)

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