"That's true!" Du Kang nodded.

"Feng Menglong, please arrange this matter and discuss it with Wang Yang. The merchants who settle in the Space Research City must find the best!" Xiao Yi ordered.

"Yes!" Feng Menglong replied.

"Let's discuss with others how to arrange our offices, practice rooms, and the locations of restaurants and bars." Xiao Yi continued, "I'll move the island monument here first!"

"Okay, let's go out and walk around." Jiang Yuntian responded.

After giving all these instructions, everyone left one after another.

Xiao Yi first moved the island monument to the city lord's office in the Space Research City, and then sent a message to Wang Yang.

"Gather together the representatives of scientific researchers on Chaos Star and come out!"

Wang Yang will definitely not be able to receive Xiao Yi's information directly, but there will be someone who will pass through the wormhole in Space [-] to pass the information there.

After receiving Xiao Yi's message, Wang Yang, who was screening merchants, was stunned again.

He was a little surprised when Feng Menglong just sent him a message asking him to provide some high-quality merchants to prepare for the new headquarters.

Isn’t the current space city pretty good?Why the sudden need to move the headquarters?

Xiao Yi asked him to summon representatives of scientific researchers and go out.

What is this for?
Although he was confused in his heart, he would still execute Xiao Yi's orders [-]%.

He assigned the task of selecting high-quality merchants to the Commerce Department of Chaos Star, and flew out of Space [-] with representatives of scientific researchers.

After leaving Space [-], he saw an extremely huge ship.

"Island owner, we have left Space No. [-]." Wang Yang contacted Xiao Yi.

"I've seen you. Have you seen the largest ship?" Xiao Yi asked.

"See, is this the latest ship of our alliance?" Wang Yang asked curiously.

Xiao Yi smiled slightly and replied: "To be precise, this is not a ship, this is a city."

"City?" Wang Yang said in shock.

"You guys connect first, come in and I will explain it to you slowly." Xiao Yi ordered.

"Yes!" Wang Yang responded, and then immediately ordered, "Complete the docking with the largest ship."

After successfully completing the docking, Wang Yang and his party entered the Space Research City.

Seeing the scene inside, the scientific researchers were shocked.

"Are we on another planet again?"

"I really didn't expect that there would be a cave inside this ship!"

"This is bigger than the previous space city of the alliance headquarters!"

Xiao Yi came to them in an anti-gravity car,

"Get in the car first, let's find a place to sit and talk." Xiao Yi greeted in the car.

Wang Yang nodded and took the scientific researchers into the next few cars.

Xiao Yi took them to an office and then described the situation of the Space Research City in detail.

After listening to Xiao Yi's story, everyone was stunned. "Island owner, do you mean that we can also settle in these advanced laboratories to conduct scientific research?" Yang Jin, director of the Institute of Astronomy, asked excitedly.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Although the space of the Space Research City is relatively large, it is only a ship after all, so it is impossible for all scientific researchers to come here to do research, only some, so we have to find the top ones Those people, let them come over.”

Wang Yang nodded and replied: "I understand!"

Yang Qian and the scientific researchers asked impatiently: "Island owner, when can we go into those laboratories and take a look?"

"You can do it now!" Xiao Yi stood up and replied, "Let's go, I will take you to the laboratory now."

While Xiao Yi was taking the scientific researchers to visit the laboratory, Du Kang had already completed the relocation of offices, bars and restaurants.

In fact, it is very convenient to migrate. Just determine the specific location, trade it with the island monument, and then place it at the designated location.

"We have moved into a new home, so we should celebrate." Du Kang suggested, "Go to the bar and have a drink!"

Some people responded immediately and walked towards the bar in small groups.

Over at the research institute, Yang Jin and his team of researchers were equally confused.

Those instruments were too advanced, and they didn't recognize them. There were only a few instruments that were similar to their existing instruments, and they could probably guess what they did.

"I have never seen [-]% of the instruments in this laboratory!" Yang Jin shook his head helplessly.

"Yes, even if we really move here to do research, it will be in vain if we don't know how to use these instruments."

"These intelligent robots can also do research. It doesn't seem to have any impact whether we come or not."

"With these intelligent scientific research robots, it seems like we are of no use anymore?"

After hearing the discussion of the scientific researchers, Xiao Yi said: "These robots are still different from real people. At least for now, their creativity and imagination are still not as good as ours."

Yang Jin and others looked at Xiao Yi in confusion.

In their view, robots that can do scientific research will definitely be creative and imaginative.

Xiao Yi continued: "All their creations and imaginations are based on the data we provide, and will not be as wild as our real people's thinking."

Hearing this, they immediately understood what Xiao Yi meant.

"Your arrival will give these scientific research robots the wings of thinking!" Xiao Yi said with certainty, "Of course, you also need to learn more advanced instrument operation methods from these scientific research robots."

"Yes, we understand!" Yang Jin nodded.

"So are you willing to come here for scientific research?" Xiao Yi asked with a smile.

"Of course I do!" Yang Jin and the others said in unison.

"Well, then you go back and make preparations. You are allowed to bring your family members." Xiao Yi said, "Wang Yang, please make arrangements here and give you [-] places first!"

"Yes, Island Master." Wang Yang responded, and then asked tentatively, "Are there also places on Munken and Blue?"

"I haven't called them yet, but I should give them some. After all, we have to concentrate all our superior forces to improve our technology." Xiao Yi shook his head and replied.

"Okay, I understand, then I will go back and arrange this matter immediately." Wang Yang was about to leave, but he suddenly thought of something and asked again, "Island owner, Minister Feng is looking for high-quality merchants. Are you going to station here too?”

"Yes, since this is a city, it must have basic configurations. Otherwise, how will everyone live here?" Xiao Yi nodded.

"I see, I will choose the merchants to settle in as soon as possible."

Wang Yang left the Space Research City with the scientific researchers. (End of chapter)

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