Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2978 Surprise, accommodation area, relocation of headquarters

"It's not completely cut off, but the frequency of harvesting items has become lower, and at the same time, technological items cannot be harvested!" Xiao Yi spread his hands and replied helplessly.

Jiang Yuntian was slightly startled: "Does this mean you can only harvest items for cultivating civilization?"

"Maybe!" Xiao Yi shook his head, he was not sure.

Those who entered the laboratory to visit quickly came back.

"The tour is over so quickly?" Xiao Yixiao looked at Du Kang and others.

"What's there to see? I don't know any of the instruments inside, and I don't know what research they are doing." Du Kang replied, rolling his eyes.

Although their mental strength has exceeded [-], they have never learned these scientific and technological knowledge, and they really don't understand.

Xiao Yi said with a smile: "Since you can't understand it, let's go visit other places in the Space Research City!"

The driverless car is still waiting for them outside.

Xiao Yi took them on a driverless car again and let the cars drive around the space research city.

Xiao Yi, on the other hand, looked at the description of the space research city on the driverless car.

After some understanding, this space scientific research city is not only powerful in scientific research, its attack and defense are equally powerful, and it is at the pinnacle of a third-level civilization.

There is also an accommodation area here, and the conditions in the accommodation area are comparable to or even better than those of previous six-star hotels.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi said to everyone: "Let's all move here!"

Du Kang was stunned for a moment and asked: "Here? Do you want to live in the laboratory?"

"There is a dedicated accommodation area here, and the conditions are better than our current alliance headquarters." Xiao Yi explained.

"Accommodation area?" Du Kang was confused, "Aren't there some robots here? Do they also need accommodation?"

"Of course they don't need accommodation. They are prepared for people like us." Xiao Yi explained with a smile, "This is a city after all, so it naturally has corresponding supporting facilities. What's more, the scientific research city here can also house scientists. They You can conduct experiments with the help of the advanced instruments in the Science Research City."

"There are actually those scientific research robots here, and then arranging real scientists to station here, isn't it a bit unnecessary?" Zhu Wu was a little puzzled.

"That's not the case. There are still differences between robots and real people, and if real people enter the laboratory, it will promote the improvement of scientific and technological levels." Xiao Yi continued to explain.

Everyone suddenly realized and nodded.

"The accommodation conditions here are really that good?" Du Kang asked curiously.

"I just came in. I just read the introduction in the manual. Let's take a look together later." Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

"Then what are you waiting for? Just go and take a look!" Du Kang couldn't wait.

The space research city can be moved slowly in the future, so Xiao Yi asked the car to drive to the accommodation area.

In the accommodation area, some are single-family villas, and more are buildings.

They chose a villa at random and walked in.

"Welcome home, Master!" A lady came up to greet him and bowed, "If you need anything, you can always ask me."

Seeing this lady, everyone looked at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi spread his hands helplessly: "This is a smart home robot."

Everyone was surprised when they looked at the robot that looked like a real person.

The design of this home robot is exactly the same as that of people on earth. If Xiao Yi hadn't told them, they would have thought that Xiao Yi was hiding his beauty in the golden house.

The robots in the laboratory are completely different from here. They are full of technology, but here they are more humane.

"There should be no tea left yet. Pour us some boiled water." Xiao Yi ordered. "Okay, master, please come to the tea room with me!" the robot responded.

"Call me the island owner from now on, the owner won't get used to it." Xiao Yi changed the name to himself.

"Okay, Island Master."

Xiao Yi and his group followed the robot to the tea room.

There were teacups equal to the number of people there on the table in the tea room, and boiled water had been poured into the teacups.

"Who helped pour this?" Du Gang curiously picked up a glass of water and asked.

"Dear guest, all the furniture here is intelligent. The moment the island owner told me, the water here has already started to boil!" The robot actually responded to Du Kang's doubts.

Du Kang gave it a thumbs up.

"Thank you for your compliment. This is just our basic operation." the robot responded.

"666, you can even understand my gestures. Technology really changes life!" Du Kang said with a smile.

Xiao Yi checked the basic information of the villa and found that there were five suites in a villa, so he said: "You can combine them as you like. Every five people live in a villa, and I live in this villa. Four more people.”

Jiang Yuntian and Amelia Su immediately expressed that they also lived here.

Then, Feng Qingluan said: "I'll live here too!"

Since Xiao Yi saved Feng Qingluan from Noda last time, Feng Qingluan felt that he was safe only by staying with Xiao Yi.

Just as Feng Menglong was about to speak, Du Kang hugged him: "Feng Menglong and I will live in Villa No. [-], which will be closer to the island owner. Three more people will join us!"

As a sister-controller, Feng Menglong didn't want Feng Qingluan to be separated from him.

Zhu Wu immediately responded: "I'll do it, the others probably can't stand your chatterbox!"

"Tch, compared to the two of us, you are the better chatterer." Du Kang curled his lips.

Then others started to discuss.

Feng Menglong had no choice but to find Feng Qingluan in private and asked in a low voice: "Qingluan, why do you want to live with the island owner?"

"Don't you think the island owner is safer here?" Feng Qingluan asked.

Feng Menglong was stunned for a moment, he really couldn't refute this.

Soon everyone was divided, and Wang Xin chose the last room in Xiao Yi's villa.

When Feng Menglong saw that Xiao Yi had three ladies here, he no longer objected to Feng Qingluan staying here.

Next, Xiao Yi and the others visited a small high-rise residence.

The furniture inside is also intelligent, and there is a smart home robot in each room.

"This condition is really great!" Du Kang said with emotion.

"Only when your life is better can you do scientific research better!" Xiao Yi said with a smile, "Let's move the headquarters to the Space Research City in the future!"

Everyone nodded.

"Will all the bars and restaurants be moved here as well?" Du Kang asked.

"Of course, otherwise where should we go for dinner?" Xiao Yi asked with a smile, "This is not just a restaurant and bar, this is a city, and all kinds of commercial supporting facilities need to be complete. Otherwise, those scientific researchers will have problems living here, and they still talk about it. What research?" (End of chapter)

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