Chapter 2765 Take it seriously and get paid
"I didn't expect this Yi Ranpin Alliance to be so secretive!" Bai Yu sighed with emotion.

At this time, Prophet Feiuche also came to the central control room.

"It just so happens that you should come and take a look. This Yiranpin Alliance has extraordinary strength!" Bai Yu greeted.

Feiuche was also very surprised to see the Yiranpin Alliance open a wormhole and fly out a satellite-class warship.

"Is the civilization level of the Yiranpin Alliance so high?" Feiuche asked with a frown.

Bai Yu shook his head: "Who knows? Anyway, they seem to be very mysterious at the moment. The specific level of civilization is unpredictable."

"Okay, let's not talk about the Yi Ranpin Alliance for now. Let me tell you some of the information I got from the survivors!" Bai Yu shared the information he got from Fei Wa with Fei Youqi Shared.

After hearing the information, Feiuche was slightly startled: "Every survivor actually has an island monument?"

"That's what Flying Frog said indeed. He said this is their communication tool and manufacturing tool." Bai Yu replied.

Feiuche nodded slightly: "Then it seems we'd better catch a survivor and see what the island monument looks like."

"Well, Bayi'ao Star has already started taking action." Bai Yu said, "I hope there will be gains as soon as possible!"

"Can't flying frogs do it?" Feiuche asked.

"He's fine, but since he chose to cooperate with us, he must have been prepared. None of the survivors who have survived until now should be a fool." Bai Yu replied, "I'm worried that once we take action, he will be defeated. , then not only will we not be able to gain much information, but we may also anger the Yiranpin Alliance!"

Although the Yi Ranpin Alliance seemed to be somewhat wary of Fei Wa, otherwise they would not have arranged for satellites to monitor him, but Fei Wa was from the survivor camp after all, and he had to take this into consideration.

Originally, Bai Yu didn't take the Yiranpin Alliance seriously, he just wanted to get some information from them, nothing more.

But the Yiranpin Alliance had just opened a wormhole and summoned a satellite-class space battleship from it, which forced him to pay attention.

Feiuche nodded slightly: "So it's really not appropriate to attack the flying frog!"

Bai Yu ordered again: "Send a message to the Yiranpin Alliance immediately and tell them that our satellite-class spacecraft is only here to supply supplies. Please don't misunderstand!"


When Xiao Yi and the others received the message from the Bayai Star Fleet, they all laughed.

"It seems that it is necessary to show the wormhole in our independent planet space!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

He knew that Jiang Yuntian must have scared them by opening the wormhole.

"Then should we reply to them?" Jiang Yuntian asked with a smile.

"Then just reply to them and say that our satellite-class spacecraft is also used to transport supplies." Xiao Yi nodded.


After getting the reply from Yiranpin Alliance, Bai Yu knew that the two sides would not fight for now.

"First give him the miniature spaceship promised to Flying Frog." Bai Yu continued to order.

The captain of the Bayio Star Fleet immediately contacted Fei Frog after receiving Bai Yu's order.

"We have delivered the micro spaceship. How can I give it to you?" the captain said directly.

Feiwa just recovered from the shock at this time. When he saw the message from the other party, he looked happy and immediately replied: "Please send it over! Put it one kilometer away from me." "Okay, Wait here!" the captain replied, and then he immediately ordered a medium-sized spaceship to fly over with the miniature spacecraft.

Just as the other party was sending it over, Feiwa looked at the satellite-class space battleship flying out from the Yi Ranpin Alliance.

At this time, he actually doubted whether he had made a wrong choice.

But there was no turning back when he fired his bow. Flying Frog shook his head and looked warily at the medium-sized spaceship that was slowly approaching him.

However, the other party did not make any unnecessary moves. He came to a position one kilometer away from him, put down the miniature spaceship, and left immediately.

After the other party left, Feiwa cautiously approached the miniature spacecraft and then completed the docking.

Fully armed, he passed through the connecting passage and entered the miniature spaceship.

Bai'aoxing did not seem to have done anything, and even the central control system did not have any encryption measures. Feiwa could easily seize the highest authority.

Feiwa decisively obtained the highest authority and then transferred the island monument.

As long as the island monument is transferred to the ship, all the information about the ship can be checked on the island monument.

No matter what tricks Bai'aoxing does on this miniature spaceship, there will be nothing to hide!

After transferring the island monument, Feiwa carefully inspected the overall condition of the miniature spacecraft.

"You really didn't do anything?" Flying Frog was a little surprised, "Does the other party want me to let down my guard?"

At this time, another message was sent from the Bayio Star Fleet.

"You have received the micro spaceship, right? Do you know about this Yiranpin Alliance?"

Seeing this information, Feiwa raised his eyebrows and secretly said, "Is Bayioxing planning to take action against the Yiranpin Alliance?"

This is best, since they have completely defected to Bayi'aoxing anyway, and it's best if Bayi'aoxing can kill the Yiranpin Alliance!

"I have received the micro spaceship. I am very satisfied! The information about the Yiranpin Alliance is given for free. Of course, I don't have much information here." Feiwa replied, "Because the Yiranpin Alliance has just arrived. Of our galaxy.”

"What do you mean you just came to our galaxy?" the captain asked with a frown.

"That's the literal meaning. They have just arrived in our galaxy for two days." Flying Frog replied, "Their ability to come to our galaxy is based on a challenge mechanism of our survivors."

Next, Flying Frog explained some mandatory challenge rules to Bayioxing.

The captain's eyes widened, he felt like this was playing a game!
"The survivors in our galaxy challenged the survivors of the Yiranpin Alliance, but failed, and then they chose to come to our galaxy!" Feiwa replied, "You should have seen just now that the Yiranpin Alliance can control Wormhole, as long as an alliance member comes over, they should be able to locate it and then transfer through the wormhole!"

The captain nodded: "Okay, I understand. Thank you for the information."

"It's okay. If you are sincere, I have to show my sincerity too!" Fei Frog replied with a smile.

The captain immediately conveyed this information to Bai Yu.

Seeing this information, Bai Yu was stunned for a moment. He did not expect that the Yiranpin Alliance had only arrived in the Bayio Galaxy in the past two days.

(End of this chapter)

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