Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2764: Discussion about physical constitution, you have it and I have it too

Chapter 2764: Discussion about physical constitution, you have it and I have it too

"When Bayioxing had the opportunity to ask questions about the survivors, their first question was to ask Feiwa about Xiao Yi. This is enough to show that Xiao Yi is very important to them."

"Everyone will subconsciously put the most important things first, so Xiao Yi should be a little special."

"But no one should have used their real name as their ID. This would be troublesome to find. If the person involved is unwilling to admit it, others will never find it."

"If you can't find it, you can't find it. It has nothing to do with us anyway."

"That's not necessarily true. Maybe I can use this information to exchange for a spaceship in the future."

"That's right, look at Fei Frog using some irrelevant information to replace it with a miniature spaceship. It's so cool!"

"Brothers from the Yiranpin Alliance, after you intercept Feiwa's signal, can you directly send it to the public channel?"

Xiao Yi immediately replied: "It is estimated that it will not be intercepted in the future. Flying Frog has already flown to the Bayio Star Fleet, and our satellites can no longer monitor Flying Frog."

Seeing this news from Xiao Yi, all the survivors were once again stunned.

"Wucao, does this flying frog want to die?"

"Yes, if you are close to the Bayio star fleet, wouldn't it mean that food is delivered to your door?"

"This guy is really a tiger. It seems that he took a desperate risk for that tiny spaceship!"

"Is it dangerous? I feel like you are overthinking it." Flying Frog said, "As you discussed, I am still valuable to Bayio Star, so the other party will not hurt me at all!"

"You really think highly of yourself. All I can say is be careful. Once they have the chance, they will definitely take you down!"

"That's right, even if I capture you, I can still show your value."

Feiwa sneered: "They don't have that chance. If they really want to take action, I will fight them to the death."

The other survivors were stunned again.

"If you really have this mentality, it will indeed be a lot safer!"

"I'm just afraid that Flying Frog won't have a chance to fight the opponent to the death."

"Probably not. We should at least have an advantage in terms of physical fitness. In addition, there is an escape cabin blocking the way outside. It should still be possible to destroy the island monument and commit suicide before the opponent breaks open the escape cabin."

"That's not necessarily true. How do you know that the physiques of the advanced civilizations in this galaxy have not been upgraded to the SSS level?"

"The Yiranpin Alliance should have encountered many indigenous people. Have you paid attention to the physique of those indigenous people?"

"Yes, boss, tell me!"

Xiao Yi replied: "It is true that the physiques of the indigenous people we encountered are all at the ordinary level, but it does not mean that the physiques of all the indigenous people are at the ordinary level."

"See, I know our physiques have an advantage!"

"If you watch the boss, you have to read it to the end, don't just read half of it! The boss said it's just that the natives he met have ordinary physiques!"

"If this is really the case, it would be beneficial to Flying Frog to get closer to the opponent's fleet."

"That's right, if Flying Frog can sneak into the opponent's ship, wouldn't it be possible to seize the opponent's ship directly?"

"Don't tell me, this possibility is really possible. A group of soldiers with ordinary physiques holding weapons may not be able to do anything to us, right?"

Seeing this, Fei Frog was moved again.

"If you can really sneak into the opponent's warship, there is indeed a chance!"

Flying Frog is so confident because he has awakened the metal power and his strength has reached a new level.He really appreciates these survivors’ discussions, which always provide him with better choices!

Xiao Yi naturally saw the discussion among these survivors, and he shook his head slightly.

Although he didn't know the physique of the other party, through communication with the other party, he knew that there was a prophet in the other party.

He has been wondering whether this prophet has awakened a very special power?

If this is really the case, the opponent's physique may not be at the ordinary level.

Although Xiao Yi had such speculation, he did not remind anyone.

Mainly because Xiao Yi felt it was unnecessary. Other survivors had no chance to get close to the Bayi'ao Star Fleet. The only survivor who could get close to the Bayi'ao Star Fleet was Fei Frog.

He wanted to die, so Xiao Yi had no obligation to remind him.

"Island Master, another satellite-class spacecraft has flown over from Bayio Star." Jiang Yuntian walked over and said.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly and immediately ordered: "Open the No. [-] space wormhole and pull out a satellite-level battleship."

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian turned and left.

After leaving the cabin, he opened the wormhole in Space [-]. He entered Space [-] directly, then flew out on a satellite-class battleship.

At this time, Flying Frog had arrived ten kilometers away from the Bai'ao Star Fleet. As soon as he stopped, he saw a huge spaceship flying over in the distance.

It is larger than the existing spacecraft of the Bayio star fleet.

"The civilization level of Bayi'ao Star is too high!" Fei Frog couldn't help but sigh.

At the same time, he was a little lucky in his heart. Fortunately, he had defected to Bayi'ao Star and did not go all the way with the Yiranpin Alliance.

Otherwise, with the strength of Yiba Yiao Xing, the Yiranpin Alliance would not be enough!

Originally, the ships in the Bayio Star Fleet were of a higher type than the ships of the Yi Ranpin Alliance, but now there is a higher type of ship.

"Maybe the Bayi'ao Star Fleet is preparing to take action against the Yiranpin Alliance. Now it's up to you whether you can escape!" Flying Frog murmured while looking in the direction of the Yiranpin Alliance fleet.

When he saw it like this, he was stunned again.

Behind the fleet of the Flammables Alliance, a dark vortex appeared out of thin air, and a huge spaceship flew out of it.

Its size is no smaller than that of the new ship from Bayio!

"This is a wormhole! How is this possible? How can the Yiranpin Alliance control the wormhole? And there is such an advanced spaceship?" Flying Frog was completely dumbfounded.

The captain of the Bayio Star Fleet also saw this scene and was equally shocked.

Originally, he didn't pay attention to the Yi Ranpin Alliance at all. It was only because of Bai Yu's order that he peacefully coexisted with the Yi Ranpin Alliance. Otherwise, he would have started fighting long ago.

He didn't expect that the Yi Ranpin Alliance would have the ability to summon reinforcements at any time!
He clearly saw that the wormhole appeared suddenly!
The captain immediately reported the situation to Bai Yu.

After watching the video sent by the captain, Bai Yu was also stunned.

"Being able to use wormholes to transfer between galaxies doesn't mean that we have reached a level four civilization or above?" Bai Yu said in shock.

Lin Ling nodded: "That should be the case. At least with our current capabilities, we cannot control wormholes. At most, we can use the naturally occurring wormholes!"

(End of this chapter)

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