Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2763: Flying Frog seeks refuge with Bayio and does not believe in the prophet

Chapter 2763: Flying Frog seeks refuge with Bayio and does not believe in the prophet
"Those survivors seem to be gathering resources very quickly recently. We just need to try our luck at a location where resources are significantly reduced!" the captain suggested.

Bai Yu praised: "What a great idea, I'll leave this matter to you."


Although Feiwa was already very far away from the Yiranpin Alliance fleet, the message he sent was still intercepted by the Yiranpin Alliance.

Seeing the news revealed by Feiwa, Jiang Yuntian said: "It seems that he also has reservations about Bayi'ao Star!"

"As long as he is not stupid, he will not tell the truth to Bayi Aoxing!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

"However, Bayi Aoxing actually knew about the island monument!" Jiang Yuntian was a little surprised.

"They can all name me, so it's not surprising that they know the island monument!" Xiao Yi replied.

Jiang Yuntian was slightly startled: "That's true."

All survivors have an island monument. Anyone you meet may know about the island monument, but there should be no second survivor named Xiao Yi.

In terms of probability, the probability of knowing the name Xiao Yi is relatively small.

At this time, other survivors asked again in the public channel of Island Monument.

"Boss, has Fei Frog continued to reveal information about survivors?"

"I suggest that the boss just kill the flying frogs. Such selfish survivors will kill us all sooner or later!"

"Although I also want the boss to destroy him humanely, there is still that advanced civilization at the scene, so the boss should not dare to take action easily."

"Yes, it's hard to live in peace, so starting a war is not a good choice!"

Xiao Yi saw everyone's discussion and said, "Flying Frog did send some messages to Naba Yi'aoxing. Fortunately, he didn't tell them all, so it doesn't have much impact on us!"

With that said, Xiao Yi posted the information intercepted again by the spy satellite on the public channel.

"If you are interested, you can decipher it yourself and you will know the message he sent to Bayio Star!"

Seeing Xiao Yi's speech, Feiwa was stunned again. The other party actually intercepted all the signals he sent?
Then there must be Yiranpin Alliance's monitoring equipment near his escape cabin, but he couldn't detect it at all!
"The Yiranpin Alliance is really strong!" Feiwa frowned and muttered.

After pondering for a while, he sent another message to the Bayio Star Fleet: "I have been monitored by the Yiranpin Alliance. Can you lend me a device that can detect their monitoring of me? Otherwise, the communication between us will be There are no more secrets.”

"I suggest Fei Frog approach us directly!" Bai Yu replied directly, "Tell him that if we want to take action, the ships of his and Yi Ranpin Alliance are simply not enough to see!"


When Fei Frog saw the reply from the Bayio star fleet, he was slightly startled, and then he had to admit this fact.

If the Bayi'ao star fleet takes action, he will definitely not be able to escape, and the spaceships of the Yiranpin Alliance will definitely not be able to win. At most, the Yiranpin Alliance has the means to escape, and that's it.

Flying Frog gritted his teeth and replied: "Okay, how far away from you do I need to be?"

Looking for wealth in danger, Fei Frog decided to seek it!
"As long as it's within ten kilometers of our spaceship, that's fine!" the captain of the Bayou Star Fleet replied.

Flying Frog immediately activated the escape capsule and flew towards the Bayio Galaxy Fleet!
"Island Master, Fei Frog seems to have taken refuge in Bayi'ao Star!" Jiang Yuntian saw this scene and immediately reported to Xiao Yi!

Xiao Yi was not surprised at all when this happened.

If he were that flying frog, he would also make such a choice.

"Since he chose to go against the other survivors, it is normal for him to fall into the arms of the Palestinian-Israeli Star Fleet." Xiao Yi replied nonchalantly.

"Then will our spy satellite continue to follow?" Jiang Yuntian asked.Xiao Yi shook his head: "No need for the time being, he knows that we all know the information, and he doesn't dare to tell everything to the Bayi Star Fleet."

Jiang Yuntian nodded and immediately asked people to withdraw all the spy satellites.

At this time, other survivors had just deciphered the electromagnetic wave signals sent by Xiao Yi.

"This flying frog really told the other party most of the information."

"Yes, fortunately, the key things were not told to the other party, but how did the other party know that we have the island monument?"

"Is it possible that there are still some signals from the Yiranpin Alliance that have not been intercepted?"

"And who is this survivor named Xiao Yi? Why is the Bayio Star Fleet looking for him?"

"It used to feel like we knew a lot about this galaxy, but now it feels like it's becoming more and more unfamiliar?"

"It's very strange to begin with. Just like we have long heard that there is an advanced civilization in this galaxy, but we have never seen it. Even now, we only see each other through the video of the Yiranpin Alliance."

Seeing this, Xiao Yi said: "The Xiao Yi the other party is looking for is said to have been suggested by their prophet. The information on the island monument is probably related to this prophet."

"Prophet? So fantasy?"

"No way. If they really had a prophet, they would have found us long ago."

"The boss won't believe such nonsense, right?"

"The planet Bayio must be talking nonsense. There is no way there is a prophet."

Xiao Yi shook his head. Only people with short-sightedness would rashly deny others.

Do you really understand this universe?

Regarding this matter, Xiao Yi would not argue with survivors like them because it was meaningless.

If you insist on telling a "three-season person" that there are four seasons in a year, he will never believe it.

"Not necessarily. There are some very powerful fortune tellers on our home planet. He can indeed tell your luck!"

"Then did he see that you would be transported here to survive?"

"I haven't calculated it, but everyone who has calculated it is very accurate."

"A prophet only knows future trends, not every detail."

"I knew you would say that. That's how fortune tellers talk. They always say something specious. It sounds accurate, but it fits anyone!"

"Forget it, let's not talk about it, summer insects can't talk about ice."

"If Bayiosing didn't deceive us, maybe all his actions can be explained."

"How to say?"

"For example, if the Bayi'ao Star Fleet is so powerful, why didn't they launch an attack on the Yiranpin Alliance immediately? It's because they knew that there might be the person they were looking for in the Yiranpin Alliance's fleet."

"Yes, I don't believe that a force that has developed to an advanced civilization would be so kind."

"The other party also accepted Feiwa's information transaction in order to find Xiao Yi. You will understand by looking at the other party's questions!"

(End of this chapter)

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