Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2766: Expose each other, sell anything as long as you have money

Chapter 2766: Expose each other, sell anything as long as you have money
"It turns out that the Yiranpin Alliance has just arrived." Lin Ling said in surprise.

Feiuche said solemnly: "What I'm more curious about is their mandatory challenge rules."

"Yes, this rule is so overbearing!" Bai Yu frowned and said, "You can actually bring survivors from two different galaxies together to compete. What kind of power can do this?"

"It should still be an advanced civilization!" Feiuche replied, "Just like the trial space you entered before!"

Bai Yu nodded, frowned and said, "What do these advanced civilizations want to do?"

Fei Youqie smiled bitterly and shook his head. He couldn't see that far, and now he wasn't even sure when he would meet Xiao Yi!
"Now we can only play according to the established rules of the game, and there is nothing else we can do." Feiuche said helplessly.

Bai Yu thought for a moment and then ordered: "Send a message to the flying frog. We want to know more about the survival rules of the survivors. We can use various devices to trade with him!"


The captain of the Bayio Star Fleet immediately sent Bai Yu's message to Fei Frog.

After Feiwa received the news, he immediately smiled. He knew that as long as he revealed the mandatory challenge rules, the other party would definitely be more curious about whether there were other rules for survivors!
"Okay, I'll summarize it here first, and then send it to you slowly!" Fei Frog replied with a smile.

Although the Yi Ranpin Alliance was unable to intercept the communication signals between them, they could still film their actions from a far away place.

Other survivors are still very concerned about Fei Frog's movements. At the request of many survivors, as long as there is movement on Fei Frog's side, the Yiranpin Alliance will send the video directly to the public channel.

Just now, the Bayou Star Fleet sent a miniature spaceship to Flying Frog, and this scene was naturally put on the public channel.

"Wucao, he really got a miniature spaceship!"

"Made, it's so abominable to use our public information to enrich him alone!"

"I can only say that I'm envious. How could someone happen to meet Bayio Star's team?"

"Shi Ye Ming Ye! I really can't envy this thing!"

"Isn't this Bayio star planning to do anything in it?"

"If they still want to continue to cooperate, they probably won't do anything. After all, once our island monument is transferred to that spaceship, they will know everything on the spacecraft."

"Yes, since the other party knows about the island monument, he should also roughly understand the function of the island monument!"

At this time, Feiwa was also paying attention to the public channel. When he saw that the Yiranpin Alliance had exposed the video of his transaction with the Bayi'ao Star Fleet, he squinted his eyes slightly and pondered for a while.

Then he decisively spoke in the public channel: "The Yiranpin Alliance is really hiding deep enough. They just opened a wormhole and summoned a very large spacecraft from inside. It is said to be a satellite-level spacecraft!"

Fei Frog’s plan is that if you expose my situation, then I will also tell everyone about your situation, and no one will think twice about it!

"Island Master, this flying frog is too naive!" Jiang Yuntian said with a smile.

Xiao Yi shook his head slightly: "Don't pay attention, he's just a clown!"

Although Xiao Yi didn't care, the other survivors were shocked.

"No, Yi Ranpin Alliance can actually control the wormhole?"

"This is too false. Aren't wormholes formed naturally? How can they be controlled artificially?"

"I would like to ask, what level is this satellite-level spacecraft?"

"I don't think I've heard of it. If you know something, can you spread the word?"

Xiao Yi explained directly: "The aircraft types we have are upgraded in the following order: escape capsule, micro, small, medium, large, super large, super large and above are satellite level, planet level, star level... …”

Seeing Xiao Yi's explanation, everyone was stunned.Xiao Yi didn't wait for everyone to speak, but continued: "Correction, what flew out of our wormhole was not a satellite-level spacecraft, but a satellite-level space battleship."

Don't you want to expose my strength?Then I won’t wait for you to expose it, I will do it myself.

Seeing Xiao Yi's speech, Feiwa was stunned.

"Don't the Yiranpin Alliance know how to keep a low profile? Tell everything to the outside world?"

The other survivors were excited again.

"It turns out there are so many types above! It turns out I'm still struggling at the bottom."

"No matter how many levels there are, if you haven't upgraded, you will always be at the bottom."

"The problem is that most of us are still escape hatches. The boss actually has a satellite-class spaceship. Oh, no, it's a satellite-class space battleship!"

"I can only say that the Yiranpin Alliance is awesome, Feiwa, do you regret that you defected to Bayi'ao Star now?"

"The Flammables Alliance is so strong, but you actually want to join the Palestinian Star? Have you lost the watermelon and picked up the sesame seeds?"

Flying Frog shook his head helplessly, but unfortunately he couldn't go back now.

Just from the name, Feiwa knew that this satellite-class warship of the Yiranpin Alliance was definitely more suitable for combat!

"Boss, will you sell these high-end ships?"

"Of course, as long as you can spend enough money, you can buy everything in the Yiranpin Alliance." Xiao Yi replied immediately.

"Lie Cao, the boss is awesome!"

"Although I know that the money must be an astronomical figure, it finally left us with some thoughts."

"I'm not talking about the satellite-class battleship, I'm talking about the micro-spaceship. Does the Yiranpin Alliance sell it?"

"Of course, it's [-]% less expensive than using cornerstones, secret gold, and upgrade cards to upgrade." Xiao Yi replied.

Seeing the news about Xiao Yi, all the survivors became excited.

"It originally cost 1000 million cornerstones and secret gold, but now it only costs 700 million to buy from Yiranpin Alliance. This discount is really big!"

"Yeah, my current inventory is almost enough!"

"Wucao, where did you get so many foundation stones and dark gold?"

"In the first stage, I originally brought several million foundation stones, and the dark gold was collected as usual. I discovered a meteorite area rich in dark gold and collected several million in more than 90 days."

"Are you so lucky? Can you share the location of the meteorite area?"

"What are you thinking about? Someone discovered a meteorite area rich in dark gold. Why would they tell you?"

"It's useless to tell you. I've already collected this area, and there's only one left. I can finish it today with the SSS-level collector that the boss just sold me."

"I really envy you!"

Of course, more survivors are still wondering about the price. Even if it is 300 million less, they still don't know when they can get the upgraded materials together.

(End of this chapter)

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