Chapter 2748 Acceptance starts from the grassroots level
Although Hualang felt a little uncomfortable, he was ecstatic to feel gravity again.

Someone pushed him and walked directly to the teleportation cabin.

Arriving at the transfer cabin on the small spaceship, Hua Lang finally knew why there were people in the spacecraft he had just rented.

"The island owner is really too strong, he actually got the teleportation array!" Hua Lang couldn't help but sigh.

The two of them held Hua Lang and stepped directly into the teleportation array.

In a blink of an eye, Hua Lang found himself in another cabin with a larger space.

After getting off the teleportation array, someone pushed him to the side room.

Hua Lang looked at the staff who looked like humans walking around.

"Is the island owner accepting another indigenous race?" Hua Lang muttered in his heart.

After he was sent to a room, not long after, Sun Gudao walked in from the outside.

Sitting in front of Hua Lang, Sun Gudao said, "Tell me about it."

"Sir, I discovered an extremely developed civilization." Hua Lang replied.

For the next hour, Hua Lang talked endlessly about his findings.

After listening to Hua Lang's explanation, Sun Gudao was also shocked.

"You are so close to that advanced civilization planet, and they haven't even noticed you?"

Hua Lang nodded: "No, or to be precise, they can't see us unless the survivors take the initiative to attack or bump into us."

"Can't you see?" Sun Gudao said with a frown.

"Yes, according to the discussion among the survivors in our galaxy, the rules of the world are protecting us." Hua Lang responded.

Sun Gudao nodded slightly. This situation had also happened in the previous chaotic galaxy.

But the survivors in the chaotic galaxy have long been no longer protected by the rules of the world, and the Bayio galaxy is still protected by the rules of the world?

It can also be seen from this that the development level of the Bayao galaxy is low.

Of course, this low level only refers to survivors. According to the civilized planet Hua Lang described, its civilization level is probably not low.

"You have been secretly observing them for so long, have you taken any pictures of their ships?" Sun Gudao continued to ask.

Hua Lang shook his head: "I don't have any shooting equipment, and I can't point the island monument there, but from where I am I can observe their spaceport and the comings and goings of various ships."

Sun Gudao nodded slightly: "Okay, you can rest first!"

"Sir, I have never thought of betraying the Yi Ranpin Alliance!" Hua Lang emphasized when he saw that Sun Gudao was about to leave.

"Well, you got extra points for your performance just now!" Sun Gudao responded and walked out.

The performance Sun Gudao mentioned was that he did not hesitate to trade his escape cabin, island monument and all resources.

Of course, he doesn't have many resources at hand, but doing so is an attitude.

After Sun Gudao left Hualang, he immediately reported the situation here to Xiao Yi.

"Island Master, I feel that Hua Lang's heart should still be with the Alliance." Sun Gudao spoke kindly to Hua Lang.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "I'm still satisfied with his performance. Let him follow you and start from the grassroots level slowly. I won't give him the spaceship and island monument for now."

"I would like to thank the island owner for Hua Lang!" Sun Gudao happily said with his hands in hand.

Xiao Yi waved his hand: "We welcome all brothers from the alliance to return, but those who return first must have some advantages, otherwise everyone will be unable to come back in the future, and I will become a loner."

"I understand that Hualang needs more training at the grassroots level." Sun Gudao responded with a smile.

"Well, you can make arrangements for Hua Lang." Xiao Yi delegated all his power to Sun Gudao.

"Yes, Island Master!" Sun Gudao responded.At this time, Hualang had adapted to gravity again, but he was still locked in his seat and unable to get up.

At this time, a soldier came in and unlocked all the locks on his seat.

"Master Sun asked you to report to him," the soldier said.

Hua Lang nodded: "Okay, could you please tell me where Mr. Sun's office is?"

"Go out and turn left to the third room!"

According to what the soldier said, Hua Lang found Sun Gudao's office.

Before he knocked on the door, Sun Gudao's voice came from inside.

"come in!"

Hua Lang pushed open the door and entered.

"Have you adapted to gravity?" Sun Gudao raised his head and asked.

Hua Lang nodded: "Well, thank you for your concern, sir!"

"The island owner has recognized your contribution, so welcome home!"

Hearing these words, Hua Lang became excited.

"The island owner has forgiven me? Great, I'm back in the Yiranpin Alliance again!" Hua Lang shouted excitedly.

"But you have to start from the grassroots level, and just follow me from now on." Sun Gudao laughed.

After being together for so long in the first stage, it would be a lie to say that there is no emotion.

Seeing the smile on Sun Gudao's face, Hua Lang finally felt relieved.

During the entire questioning process, Sun Gudao didn't even show a smile.

"Boss, is there anything to eat? I stayed there all day long to observe the planet. With limited resources, I survived by relying on the food in the supply box." Hua Lang's stomach also made a sound.

Sun Gudao was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "You are already lucky, you can survive just relying on the supply box! Let's go, I will take you to eat first."

Sun Gudao took out a mobile phone from his drawer and threw it to Hua Lang.

Hua Lang subconsciously picked up the mobile phone and was stunned for a moment.

"Boss, is this the intercom on our spaceship?" Hua Lang asked doubtfully.

"What kind of walkie-talkie are you talking about? It's just like the mobile phones on earth. It can contact all mobile phones connected to the network." Sun Gudao replied angrily.

"Mobile phone, but is there internet here?" Hua Lang was stunned for a moment and asked.

"Of course there is, there is it in the entire Bayi'ao galaxy." Sun Gudao replied affirmatively.

"What? How is this possible! The range of a galaxy is so large, how many base stations must be arranged to provide the entire galaxy with a network?" Hua Lang said in shock.

Sun Gudao glanced at him and replied: "It seems that you have become fussy after not being in the Yiranpin Alliance for a long time! What you think is impossible is probably just a piece of cake for the island owner. dish."

Hua Lang was startled for a moment, then nodded helplessly.

"Boss, please tell me about the development level of our alliance."

"We were talking while eating. You can also read more on the Internet. Most things are recorded on the Internet."

At this time, Sun Gudao and the others had arrived at the restaurant.

Looking at the extremely huge restaurant, Hua Lang couldn't help but ask: "Boss, what type is our spaceship?"

(End of this chapter)

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