Chapter 2749 Hua Lang’s shock and confusion
"Planet-level space battleship." Sun Gudao replied.

"Planet level? What level is this?" Hua Lang was stunned for a moment.

After Sun Gudao ordered some dishes, he started to explain.

In the following time, Hua Lang would freeze at the dinner table from time to time. His hunger could not stop him from being shocked.

By the time he finished the meal, his stomach was full and his whole head was filled with shock.

"The island owner is really too strong! He doesn't give other survivors a way to survive at all!" Hua Lang sighed with emotion.

"What you said is wrong. The island owner has always been committed to letting more survivors survive." Sun Gudao corrected with a smile.

Hua Lang nodded and asked, "Boss, what should we do now?"

"Come back to the headquarters with me first!" Sun Gudao replied.

"Go back to the headquarters? Is our alliance headquarters also in this galaxy?" Hua Lang's eyes widened.

"Of course not in this galaxy!" Sun Gudao shook his head.

"Then we are going to sail across galaxies?" Hua Lang looked at Sun Gu uncertainly and said, "Our alliance can't even sail across galaxies, right?"

After speaking, Sun Gudao reacted without waiting for a reply.

"No! Even if we can sail across galaxies, the distance of several light years will not be covered in a short time. And the fact that you rushed here so quickly, boss, shows that we must have other means of transmission."

Sun Gudao nodded slightly: "Not too stupid! The island owner snatched the portal from the undead. This portal can transport across galaxies and even across planes."

"Wancao, are you so strong?" Hua Lang asked in shock.

"Otherwise, how could the undead use this portal to come to us?" Sun Gudao asked.

Hua Lang nodded.

Sun Gudao took Hua Lang and teleported back to the headquarters through the portal.

Back at the headquarters, Hua Lang discovered that the portal was actually placed on a piece of land.

He asked doubtfully: "Is our headquarters on a planet?"

"No, this is a planet-level space city." Sun Gudao explained.

"Space City?" Hua Lang looked around curiously.

"Let's go to the office of the City Lord's Mansion first!" Sun Gudao led Hua Lang forward.

When I came to the office, I didn't see Xiao Yi or the others.

Sun Gudao grabbed a random person and asked, "Where are the island owners and the others?"

"My lord, the island owner, they are all in the conference room."

Sun Gu thanked him and took Hua Lang directly to the conference room.

They walked quietly through the back door of the conference room.

When Xiao Yi saw them, he motioned for them to find a place to sit down.

At this time, they were discussing the advanced civilization planet in the Bayio galaxy.

It turned out that while Hua Lang was eating, the team that took over from Hua Lang to observe the planet from the front had already transmitted back many photos.

"Island owner, according to the photos of the ship sent back from the front, this planet is at least a level three civilization." Jiang Yuntian said in a deep voice, "Look, this spaceship is almost bigger than the planet-level space battleship we have. One lap.”

Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

"The level of development of survivors there is so low, how could there be such an advanced civilization there?" Du Kang asked curiously. "The two don't seem to have much to do with each other." Zhu Wu replied immediately.

"It really doesn't matter much. Hua Lang also said that as long as they don't get close to or hit the ship of the planet, the higher civilization will not be able to discover them." Xiao Yi interrupted their exchange of words. .

"And the ships of this civilization sail very fast." Jiang Yuntian continued, "It may be equal to the speed of light, or even exceed the speed of light."

"Could this be related to the super-light objects observed by Yang Jin and others?" Du Kang said suddenly.

Everyone was stunned when they heard Du Kang's whimsical idea.

"No way, are these two going in the same direction?" Zhu Wu said uncertainly.

"This needs to be confirmed by Yang Jin and the others. Brother Jiang, please give a copy of these information to Yang Jin!" Xiao Yi ordered.


"The team in the Bayio galaxy should pay close attention to that civilization force." Xiao Yi continued to order.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian nodded.

"Until our civilization level is upgraded to the third level civilization, no one is allowed to take the initiative to provoke that civilization force!" Xiao Yi warned.

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

"Everyone welcomes the return of Hua Lang!" Xiao Yi took the lead in applauding.

No one else noticed Sun Gudao coming over. After Xiao Yi's reminder, everyone turned around and saw Sun Gudao and Hua Lang.

"Hua Lang? Are you losing weight? Why have you lost so much weight?" Du Kang looked at Hua Lang in surprise.

Hua Lang replied with a bitter face: "It's hard for me to be alone in the Bayio Galaxy. The food provided every day is not enough to eat, and I am hungry every day. How can I even think about losing weight! If I had known better, I would have agreed to the transfer of the island owner. Well, at least you don’t have to go hungry if you follow the island owner!”

"So I'm hungry! Now that I'm home, I don't have to go hungry anymore!" Du Kang said.

"Yeah!" Hua Lang nodded heavily.

"You were hungry and helped our alliance occupy a position to observe that advanced civilization. This is very important!" Xiao Yi affirmed his contribution.

Hua Lang hurriedly handed over his hand and replied: "I hope the island owner doesn't mind that I rejected your transfer at that time!"

Xiao Yi waved his hand: "It's okay, let the past go!"

"Yes!" Hua Lang responded respectfully.

"You don't know how sad the island owner was when you refused when he transferred you!" Du Kang said exaggeratedly, so vividly!

Hua Lang asked in surprise: "Is there anyone else besides me who has rejected the island owner's transfer?"

"Of course, there are quite a few!" Du Kang immediately curled his lips and said, "These people you see now are all the people who agreed to the transfer of the island owner."

Hua Lang was shocked, even more shocked than when he heard about the advanced ship equipment before.

He couldn't figure out why someone would refuse to follow the island owner?
Is it because the island owner entered the second stage without bringing any cornerstones?
Such basic supplies are definitely not a problem for the island owner!

"Have all those people's brains been squeezed by the door?" Hua Lang's face was filled with disbelief.

"What you said is so right. I admire you very much!" Du Kang gave Hua Lang a thumbs up. "Those people think that the island owner has no foundation at the beginning, so they think that the island owner cannot develop. Isn't this nonsense? ?Island owners don’t need a cornerstone for development.”

When Xiao Yi heard this, he immediately glared at him and said, "You must need a foundation stone, but this thing is easy to obtain. After all, it is a basic material!"

"Listen, our island owner is starting Versailles again." Du Kang said with a grimace.

(End of this chapter)

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