Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2747 Hua Lang didn’t accept the transmission, there was a reason

Chapter 2747 Hua Lang didn’t accept the transmission, there was a reason
While everyone was discussing, Bai Chen received a private message from someone on the island monument.

"Hello, are you the island owner's new little brother?"

Seeing this information, Bai Chen was stunned for a moment, then frowned and replied: "Who are you?"

"I row without an oar, all by the waves! Hua Lang!" the other party immediately replied, "In the first stage, I was the island owner's subordinate!"

Bai Chen snorted coldly and replied: "Since you are the island owner's subordinate, why didn't you obey the call when the island owner summoned you before?"

"I really want to obey the island owner's call, but I find this galaxy is very strange. There are very advanced civilizations here, but they can't find us survivors." Hua Lang explained hurriedly, "So I think that staying here is very strange. It’s also good to help the island owner collect some information here. I believe the island owner will definitely be able to find me in the future, and then I can hand over all the information I collected to the island owner!”

Bai Chen was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I will tell the island owner exactly what you said. Specifically, if the island owner does not want to see you, will he accept it? That is not my decision."

"Thank you!" Hua Lang replied gratefully.

He was only worried that he wouldn't even be able to meet Xiao Yi. As long as the news could be passed on, Xiao Yi should have a high probability of meeting him.

Bai Chen immediately reported the situation to Feng Menglong.

When Feng Menglong saw the information sent by Hualang, he hesitated slightly and reported it to Xiao Yi.

After all, everyone's situation is different. Maybe they really couldn't help themselves, or when the island owner used the transfer card, they happened to be delayed by other things.

Xiao Yi was slightly stunned when he received Feng Menglong's report.

The information provided by the survivors just now supports Hua Lang's statement that this Bayio galaxy is indeed special.

"Then let him hand over all the information he has collected. Then we will see how he performs. Sun Gudao will take charge of this matter."

He didn't know if Hualang had encountered any special circumstances, and he didn't have time to dwell on it now. Let's just look at his performance.

Hualang was Sun Gudao's subordinate in the first stage, assisting Sun Gudao in managing Beidao.

After Sun Gudao received this order, he immediately patted his chest and said: "Island owner, don't worry, I will definitely handle this matter. If Hualang dares to play tricks on me, I will personally go over and deal with him! Mad, here He’s so shameless, the island owner invited him over, and he dared to refuse!”

Xiao Yi waved his hand: "The situation encountered by each survivor is indeed different, and we cannot force it. If he really has special circumstances, it is excusable."

"I understand, I will contact him right away." Sun Gudao responded in a deep voice.

After receiving Xiao Yi's order, Sun Gudao immediately applied for teleportation to the Bayio system.

"Master Sun, why are you here?" Bai Chen asked suspiciously when he saw Sun Gudao.

"I'm here to deal with Hualang's matter." Sun Gudao walked directly to the pouring cup and sent a message to Hualang!
"I am Sun Gudao. Send me all the information you have collected immediately, and trade everything you own, including your spaceship!"

Seeing this message, Hua Lang was stunned for a moment, and then replied directly: "Sir, have you returned to the island owner?"

"Of course! Nothing is as important as the island owner's call!" Sun Gudao replied.

Seeing this message, Hualang knew that Sun Gudao was very angry.

Hualang immediately sent a video request to Sun Gudao.

Although he knew that this was most likely the Yi Ranpin Alliance, he still needed to confirm.

Seeing the video request he sent, Sun Gudao immediately accepted it.

Seeing Sun Gudao appearing in the video in luxurious clothes, Hua Lang breathed a sigh of relief: "Sir, I did not choose to follow the island owner's call and teleport back because I saw that this galaxy is special!" "Stop saying anything, just do as I say!" Sun Gudao said expressionlessly.

"Okay!" Hua Lang replied decisively, "All my things, including the escape cabin island monument, etc., can be traded without any problem, but there must be an observation point for our alliance here."

"Share the location! I will arrange for the team to go there!" Seeing Hua Lang being so decisive, Sun Gudao's tone softened slightly.

Hua Lang's decisiveness shows that his heart is indeed still in the Yi Ranpin Alliance.

If he really wants to go out independently, he should be like Xiang Zhen of the Ford Galaxy before and will not trade anything of his own to the Yi Ranpin Alliance.

Hearing Sun Gudao's softened tone, Hua Lang was overjoyed and immediately shared his location.

Sun Gudao rented a teleportation spacecraft and sent a team of ten people there.

Now the Yiranpin Alliance has many star system teleportation arrays, so each galaxy station will have at least three teleportation spacecrafts.

Hua Lang swallowed when he saw a small spacecraft of a second-level civilization rented by Sun Gudao.

He knew that the island owner was very powerful, but he didn't expect that in just over 90 days, the island owner would actually have a second-level civilization spaceship!
And he is still the original escape cabin, but the space has been expanded a lot.

"Have you seen the spaceship I rented?" Sun Gudao looked at Hua Lang and asked.

"I saw it, it's so advanced!" Hua Lang exclaimed.

Sun Gudao continued: "Next, control your escape capsule to complete the docking with this spacecraft, then open the connecting hatch, and do exactly what I asked the team to do."

"Sir, is there anyone on the boat you rented?" Hua Lang asked in surprise.

"Do as required first." Sun Gudao did not answer his question.

"Yes!" Hua Lang responded immediately.

Hua Lang immediately controlled his escape capsule to dock with the second-level civilization spacecraft he had just rented in front of him.

After completing the docking, he immediately opened the connecting hatch.

A team wearing protective suits immediately walked over from the opposite spaceship, holding technological weapons in their hands.

They could still walk on the small spacecraft side, and after passing through the docking port in the middle, the gravity system was immediately gone.

The team floated into Hualang's escape cabin.

"Are you Hua Lang?" the other party asked, speaking pure Xia Guoyu.

Hua Lang nodded: "It's me!"

"Master Sun has an order, please come with us."

Hua Lang didn't resist at all and floated towards the small spaceship exactly as the other party asked.

Arriving on the small spaceship with a gravity system, Hua Lang collapsed to the ground.

Someone had already brought a seat to the side and placed it on the seat. Of course, his hands and feet were still restrained.

(End of this chapter)

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