Chapter 2526 Prepare to evacuate, guerrilla warfare, test

"Place nuclear mines, let's retreat to the interior of the galaxy!" Xiao Yi said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian immediately began to convey the order.

Sun Gudao frowned and said, "Island Master, if we retreat, will this wormhole be occupied or destroyed by the undead?"

The wormhole in Sun Gu's crossing naturally refers to the one connecting the chaotic galaxy and the dinosaur galaxy.

"Whether it is occupied or destroyed, it doesn't have much impact on us. We now have a portal!" Zhu Wu replied immediately.

Sun Gudao was slightly startled, and then patted his forehead: "Why did I forget about the portal, it really doesn't matter, I was worrying too much!"

"Well, we will fight against them in the dinosaur galaxy!" Xiao Yi continued.

Everyone nodded.

At this time, Jiang Yuntian has already sent a notice on the public channel of the island monument: "The spaceships of all survivors will immediately enter the space of the independent planet, and we will transfer to the interior of the galaxy!"

"Huh? Didn't you say you want to fight? Why are you going to transfer all of a sudden?"

"Yes! Did something happen again?"

"Now that the transfer is gone, don't you want this wormhole? Then can we return to the chaotic galaxy in the future?"

Xiao Yi spoke on the island tablet: "Survivors, just now we discovered that the undead army is all concentrating in our direction, which means we are going to be set on fire!"

"Fucking grass, I was just comparing nonsense just now, they really want to set fire to us!"

"You crow's mouth, it's probably because you said this that the undead heard it!"

When they were discussing before, some people asked whether they would be attacked by the undead when they were so concentrated, and now it has really become a reality!
"So, I'm going to lead everyone to fight a guerrilla. When the situation is right, I will open the space of the independent planet and let you come out to fight." Xiao Yi ignored their discussion and continued.

"Okay, just call me when the time comes, I'm advanced to the independent planet space!"

"Boss, I still have the same question as before. After leaving this time, do we have to give up this wormhole? Do we still have a chance to go back?"

Xiao Yi continued to reply: "The undead should not destroy the wormhole, we still have a chance to fight back in the future. Even if they really destroy this wormhole, I still have a way to return to the chaotic galaxy, just like going to several other wormholes. Like a galaxy!"

"Great, then there is nothing to worry about, hurry up and enter the independent planet space, don't delay the evacuation!"

"Yeah, follow the boss, and you won't have to worry about eating and drinking!"

"The boss finally admits that he has a way to move across the galaxy!"

"Isn't it already decided when the Marrow Washing Pill and the one-time defensive cover were sold before!"

"That's just what we speculated, and now the big boss admits it himself, it's completely different!"

"Stop talking, go back to the independent planet space to sleep!"

In just a few minutes of chatting, it was still posted on the Internet.

Survivors from other galaxies saw these chat screenshots and started discussing again.

"It seems that it is not a good thing for them to gather together, and they were set on fire by the undead!"

"Yeah, it's better to spread out."

"However, the Yiranpin Alliance is too comfortable. They will not be dragged down by various ships of different types and classes when they escape. They will all be stuffed into the space of an independent planet. They only need to use the fastest ship Just run away!"

"Yes, or they can use the smallest ship to escape, which makes it easier to hide themselves!" "It seems that the independent planet space is really a good thing!"

"It's not easy to collect the fragments of the four planets!"

"You said, is it possible that the undead are going to the Yiranpin Alliance, and those survivors gathered in the Yiranpin Alliance have been affected?"

As soon as these words came out, the entire public chat room was silent for a moment, and then started discussing again.

"Don't tell me, it's really possible, because the Yiranpin Alliance is too powerful, so the undead have to take targeted measures."

"So those survivors really hit the guns themselves?"

"If we leave the Yiranpin Alliance team now, can we easily escape the undead army?"

"Maybe it's possible! But I don't recommend doing it. These are just our guesses. If not, he will have to face the undead army alone after he leaves. It's not good either, I'd better follow the Yiranpin Alliance team honestly, at least I can guarantee my survival!"

"That's true. Even if the target of the undead army is the Yiranpin Alliance, the Yiranpin Alliance at least has the means to save their lives."

After the undead army was concentrated in one direction, the speed of its spread increased several times.

Although some undead were pushed to both sides, most of the undead still spread straight to the Yiranpin Alliance.

"Island Master, after the undead adjusted their formation, their speed has increased by about five times, and they will be able to arrive at our current position around midnight." Jiang Yuntian said in a deep voice.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Has the nuclear explosion mine been placed?"

"It's ready!" Jiang Yuntian replied in a deep voice.

"Have all the ships entered the space of the independent planet?" Xiao Yi continued to ask.

"Well, they've all entered!" Jiang Yuntian nodded.

"Then let's go!" Xiao Yi ordered.

The pilot of the alliance headquarters immediately controlled the headquarters spacecraft to fly to the center of the galaxy.

Xiao Yi looked at the undead army captured by the spy satellite, pondered for a while, and suddenly ordered: "Turn the bow and fly sideways!"

The pilot was slightly taken aback, then immediately responded, turned a right angle and continued to fly forward.

Zhu Wu asked suspiciously: "Island Master, if you fly so fast, wouldn't the nuclear explosion mines planted by Brother Jiang be useless?"

"Yes, Island Master, the undead are coming towards us, if we go this way, they will follow this way!" Sun Gudao was also puzzled.

Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes and replied, "I just want to see if they will follow us!"

Hearing this, everyone was stunned, and Jiang Yuntian continued to explain: "The island owner means to test whether the undead have our real-time location."

Everyone suddenly realized.

"But if they have our position, wouldn't those hidden nuclear mines be a waste?" Zhu Wu mentioned the issue of hidden nuclear mines again.

Jiang Yuntian replied with a smile: "As long as they follow us, are you afraid they won't be able to step on the thunder?"

Zhu Wu was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Yes!"

If the undead followed them and changed the direction of travel, Xiao Yi and the others could fly back, correct the direction of the undead and lead them back to the nuclear minefield accurately.

(End of this chapter)

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