Chapter 2527 Worm star informant, can't find it, open it

Xiao Yi and the others marched for half an hour, and they were already very far away from their original position, but the image fed back by the spy satellite showed that the undead had not changed their direction of travel.

"Island Master, the undead don't have our real-time coordinates!" Jiang Yuntian said happily.

As long as the undead don't have their real-time coordinates, it will be easier for them to fight guerrilla warfare!
When the undead found out that the Yiranpin Alliance had withdrawn, they needed to cast their nets again.

And once they cast their nets widely, it means dividing up their forces, and Xiao Yi and the others don't have to face so many undead at the same time.

Just as the undead were rushing to the original location of the Yiranpin Alliance, the bone man came to the bone king again in a miniature spaceship.

Because of the greeting in advance, the undead did not stop the flying miniature spaceship.

Bone King looked at the miniature spaceship and nodded slightly: "That's right, having this is also a place to rest."

"King, Bone Soul has received news that the Yiranpin Alliance has withdrawn from its original position!" Bone Chi knelt in front of Bone King and said.

Bone King nodded slightly: "Well, I see, let's keep this spaceship!"

"Yes!" Bone Chi replied, and asked the survivors on the spaceship to send a message to Bone Soul with the island tablet.

After Bone Soul received the message from Bone Chill, he immediately arranged for a spaceship to pick up Bone Chill.

Bone King's order is an imperial decree, and no one dares to disobey it.

After arranging for a spaceship to pass by, Bone Soul continued to communicate with the Worm Star Fleet through the island monument.

"Qixing, can you find the real-time location of the Yiranpin Alliance? If you can find their location, you will be an eternal friend of the undead!"

Seeing the message of Bone Soul, Seven Star, commander of the Worm Star Fleet, sneered.

friends forever?is it possible?
"Sorry, I can't find the location of the Yiranpin Alliance yet." Qixing replied decisively, "I have notified you of the Yiranpin Alliance's movements in time, and the things you promised me here should be fulfilled! "

"Of course, you can land on the planet where I am. I have already told you that our team will not attack you!" Bone Soul replied.

"Okay!" Qixing responded, and then directed his fleet to land on the planet where the bone soul was.

At this time, the planet has been occupied by the undead, the Zerg has been completely slaughtered, and even the wormholes are closed!
It seems that the Zerg also knew about the massive invasion of the undead, and they couldn't beat it at all, so they closed the wormhole directly.

The Worm Star Fleet landed on the surface of the planet smoothly, and they looked nervously at the densely packed undead team around them.

But those undead really did not intend to attack them at all, as Bone Soul said.

"Commander, isn't it too dangerous to land here?" The staff officer on the side said nervously.

"It's okay, the big deal is that the fish will die and the net will be broken. I believe we are still valuable, and the bone soul will not do anything to us!" Qi Xing said in a deep voice.

There are large-yield nuclear bombs in the Worm Star Fleet. If the Bone Soul chooses to attack, the Worm Star Fleet will collectively detonate the nuclear bomb, and the Bone Soul will get nothing.

While talking, the time came to midnight.

The undead army is already very close to the previous position of the Yiranpin Alliance.

"Island lord, the undead are approaching the edge of the minefield. Do you want to activate the hidden mine?" Jiang Yuntian asked.

"Activate, control the nuclear explosion dark mine to rush into the undead army and detonate it!" Xiao Yi reminded.


Jiang Yuntian immediately manipulated the nuclear explosion dark mine to drill into the undead army.

But the number of undead is too much, it is impossible to get in!

Moreover, when those undead encountered nuclear explosions, they would lie down on them like crazy and gnaw and scratch at them! "Island owner, you can't get in!" Jiang Yuntian said with a frown.

"Then detonate immediately!" Xiao Yi ordered decisively.


A ball of dazzling white light appeared, instantly vaporizing all the undead within a five-kilometer radius.

The undead without dark gold are indeed very fragile!
With a radius of five kilometers, this area looks very large, but for the undead, the loss of these undead is not even a drop in the bucket!
"Report, Your Majesty, we have encountered a trap at the position of the Yiranpin Alliance. It should be the kind of nuclear explosion hidden mine that the bone man mentioned!" A black robe came to the bone king again to report.

Bone King thought for a while, and asked, "Apart from traps, haven't you found any ships from the Yiranpin Alliance?"

"No!" The black robe replied.

"Well, let's disperse, and find the Yiranpin Alliance first!" Bone King ordered.


As for the loss of the trap this time, Bone King didn't care at all.

After being blasted once by Jiang Yuntian's control of a nuclear explosion, the undead team immediately dispersed.

"Island owner, look, they are really scattered!" Zhu Wu said, pointing to the image transmitted by the spy satellite.

Jiang Yuntian frowned slightly: "Island Master, are we still going to use nuclear bombs?"

After the undead are dispersed, the number of undead that can be killed by the nuclear explosion mine is less, and it may be a bit wasteful to continue using it.

"No need for now, control the nuclear explosion and dark mine to retreat. If the undead catch up and cannot escape, then detonate it directly!" Xiao Yi thought for a while and ordered.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

"Let's fight guerrilla warfare with them next!" Xiao Yi said.

The undead had concentrated their forces before, but now it takes a lot of time to disperse.

Xiao Yi and the others took advantage of this time to wander around the dinosaur galaxy, leaving nuclear explosions everywhere.

The spreading speed of the undead army is comparable to the maximum speed of a large spaceship, but it still cannot catch up with the speed of a satellite-class ship.

So this also provides conditions for the Yiranpin Alliance to fight guerrillas.

Jiang Yuntian personally led the team and rushed to the undead army.

Seeing the dense white bones in the distance, constantly moving to their side, the soldiers on the satellite-class warship of the Yiranpin Alliance felt their scalps tingling.

"Don't worry, everyone. Their speed is not as fast as ours. Before they fill our galaxy, we will not be in danger. Everyone, fight with peace of mind!" Jiang Yuntian comforted everyone when he saw the uneasy expressions on everyone's faces.

"Instructor, we're not worried, it's just that seeing so many skeletons moving towards us together feels a little weird and a little scary!"

"Yeah, it's just scary, we're not worried about safety at all."

"Yes, it's like watching a horror movie. Even though I know it's acted by humans, I'm still scared!"

Jiang Yuntian smiled and said, "I'll get used to it after looking at it more, now let's get closer, everyone, take a closer look at these skeletons!"

Those soldiers shook slightly, and replied: "Forget it, let's fight directly!"

(End of this chapter)

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