Chapter 2525 Sell electricity at half price, gather around

Seeing that the one-time laser net defense cover is so fierce, the survivor was a little relieved, so he said on the Internet: "I can't escape at all. Fortunately, the laser net defense cover is at least blocking the undead now!"

"Is the defensive cover so powerful?"

"Yeah, it's super powerful, it will be shredded if you touch it a little bit!"

"Then I can completely open the defensive cover and rush into the undead army!"

"Theoretically so, but our energy is limited. If the energy is insufficient and the defense shield stops working, then we will die!"

"Yeah, now I don't dare to move at all, the battery is slowly declining, I don't know how long I can last!"

"If we have unlimited energy, can we persist indefinitely?"

"It should be, but there simply isn't infinite energy."

In the marketing department of Yiranpin Alliance, a market analyst proposed: "Minister, I suggest to put more electricity on the shelves!"

Feng Menglong nodded slightly. He also saw what everyone was talking about on the Internet.

"Well, notify the stations of the various galaxies and ask them to add more electricity." Feng Menglong ordered.

"Minister, can the price be raised slightly?" the analyst asked.

In his view, the demand for electricity at this time must be higher than usual, and they can sell it at a higher price.

Feng Menglong shook his head: "Sold at a 10% discount from the previous price. This battle is a battle between two worlds. In order to protect our living environment, we must contribute our own strength! One round of [-] minutes, each round Each ID can only purchase one piece of electricity!"


This will help more survivors and increase their chances of surviving this undead invasion battle.

Stationary points in various galaxies rack up massive amounts of electricity.

The survivors immediately discovered this and discussed it in the public chat room.

"Where's that brother who was surrounded by undead just now? Hurry up and buy electricity online, this will also allow you to hold on for a while!"

"Is anyone selling electricity?"

"It's the Yiranpin Alliance. They should have seen our discussion, so they listed a lot of electricity."

"What's more, the current electricity price is half of the usual price!"

"Boss really took care of us too much. Not only did the price not increase at this time, but he even sold it at a reduced price!"

"Yeah, the big brother still has a very long-term vision. He definitely hopes that we can survive this undead invasion as much as possible, and also hope that we can kill the undead army as much as possible, and share the undead for our world rules. Clan pressure!"

"Don't say anything, I'm ready to fight the undead!"

At this time, survivors from other galaxies finally encountered the undead.

"Lying on the grass, there are so many undead?"

"Yeah, I saw it here too, I guess I'll have to resist!"

"They spread too fast!"

"That's right, they didn't fly by themselves at all, but the team behind pushed forward, and naturally squeezed out the team in front. The speed of this crowd is still very fast!"

"Forget it, I won't run away, I can't run away anyway, just be tough!"

Seeing more and more survivors encountering the undead army, the survivors in the Dinosaur Galaxy couldn't help but ask. "Boss, survivors in other galaxies have already encountered armies of the undead, why haven't we here yet?"

"Yeah, it's too painful to wait like this, it's life or death, give it a good time!"

Jiang Yuntian saw someone Aite Xiaoyi in the group, and he immediately replied: "Everyone, please be patient, our encounter with the undead army will be around tomorrow morning, but it is not ruled out that the undead army will adjust their speed. "

"Tomorrow morning, isn't it too early? Then I'll sleep for a while, the undead army is here, call me!"

"I'd better go back to the space of the independent planet to rest, the undead are coming, please send someone in and call me down!"

"Me too, recharge your batteries and fight the undead tomorrow!"

"It seems that we are too concentrated. Survivors have encountered undead in other galaxies, but we have none here."

"Yes, survivors from other galaxies are distributed in every corner of the galaxies, but we are all concentrated in one place, and our location is still not a short distance from the invasion point of the undead."

"Will we be concentrated by the undead army if we concentrate so much?"

"Who knows, if the undead know that we are gathered together, they should be, but they may not know."

"Never mind him, I'm going to rest too, take advantage of the rest before the big battle!"

The fact that other galaxies have encountered survivors quickly spread to the Bone King.

"My lord, the defense those survivors have is the laser net defense cover!"

Bone King sneered, and said, "It's still the same, and they have no other defense methods! This time it's estimated to be three hours, and we have enough time!"

During the last invasion, those survivors persisted for an average of three hours. After three hours, the undead completely occupied this galaxy.

It took a long time later, and the rules of the world slowly snatched this galaxy back.

In Bone King's view, history will repeat itself this time.

"Report Your Majesty, the Chaos Galaxy and the Dinosaur Galaxy have not encountered any survivors so far!" A black robe walked up to the Bone King and reported.

"Dinosaur galaxy? This is the galaxy where the survivor who awakened the power of the time system is located!" Bone King said, "It seems that this alliance called Yi Ranpin still has some appeal. The team all gathered and rushed to the coordinates provided by Gu Yan."

"Yes!" The black robe replied, and then began to convey the Bone King's order.

After receiving the Bone King's order, the undead army immediately adjusted its direction and rushed to the headquarters of the Yiranpin Alliance.

The intelligence department that had been observing the movement of the undead team quickly discovered this situation and immediately reported it to Jiang Yuntian.

Seeing the image transmitted by the spy satellite ahead, Jiang Yuntian had no choice but to wake up Xiao Yi who was in the state of cultivation again.

"Any change in the undead?" Xiao Yi saw Jiang Yuntian's solemn expression, so he asked.

Jiang Yuntian nodded: "The undead army of our galaxy is concentrated and marching towards us!"

"Concentrate?" Xiao Yi was stunned.

"Yes, it's concentrated. All the undead that can be monitored by the spy satellite have adjusted their direction and rushed towards us." Jiang Yuntian said with certainty.

Xiao Yi got up and rushed to the cockpit.

Jiebi and others who were awakened followed suit.

When Xiao Yi and the others saw the image transmitted by the spy satellite, Xiao Yi frowned and became thoughtful.

(End of this chapter)

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