Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1473 A lot of new arrivals, the price has been reduced

Chapter 1473 A lot of new arrivals, the price has been reduced

The ID of the person who spoke just now turned out to be Yi Ranpin, and the words used were the same as Xiao Yi's.

Zhu Wu has obviously come to another galaxy, and he can't believe that there is a Yi Ranpin in this galaxy.

"Someone must be pretending to be the island owner!" Zhu Wu said affirmatively, and then immediately spoke in the public channel, "@易然品, who are you, why are you pretending to be our island owner's ID?"

"You bastard, can you read the address book on the island monument before you speak!" Yi Ranpin replied immediately.

Seeing the other party's response, Zhu Wu was stunned for a moment, and immediately switched the interface of the island monument to a private channel, and Xiao Yi's ID in the address book actually lit up.

Zhu Wu immediately chatted with Xiao Yi in private: "Island Master, what's going on?"

"It's not very obvious, this galaxy has rushed into our galaxy." Xiao Yi replied.

"So fast?" Zhu Wu said in surprise.

"With the rules of the world behind it, it will naturally be very fast!" Xiao Yi said.

At this time, discussions began on the public channel.

"This Yiranpin seems to be the name of the alliance that Brother Zhu has been talking about, right?"

"Brother Zhu seemed to say that someone pretended to be the island owner just now, who is the island owner?"

"Are you all connected to the Internet in the village? Don't you guys know about Yiranpin?"

"Who are you? It seems strange!"

"You are just familiar with it!"

"Why do you feel that there are so many people suddenly?"

"Yeah, what's going on, where did these people come from?"

"I see, it must be the merged service area!"

"You mean to say that the collision of galaxies brought survivors from other galaxies to our galaxy!"

"It should be like this. Someone didn't see the collision between planets just now. There is almost no possibility of planetary collision in a mature galaxy."

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard, brother Zhu seemed to be confused just now, and even suspected the boss!"

"Yeah, I don't know if the boss will punish him a little bit, Brother Zhu probably regrets it to death!"

Seeing the discussion on the public channel, Zhu Wu curled his lips and said, "You think the boss is as stingy as you, besides, I just showed my vigilance, otherwise what if I was deceived by others?"

"According to my observation, the bosses will act very grand, but in fact they are very stingy, and they will probably remember you for a lifetime."

"Yes, they are more tolerant on the surface, but they are actually very small-minded!"

"So, brother pig, you are in danger, wait for the boss to put on your shoes for you!"

Seeing everyone's discussion, Zhu Wu was really worried. After hesitating for a moment, he still sent a message to Xiao Yi.

"Island Master, it's true that I didn't notice the address book before, that's why I didn't recognize you."

Seeing the news, Xiao Yi was quite speechless: "Isn't it good to have time to pay more attention to your business? And you don't really believe what those people say, do you? Or do you think I'm a narrow-minded person?"

"No no no, absolutely not, island master, you have the whole universe in your mind, how could you be a narrow-minded person!" Zhu Wu hurriedly replied.

Xiao Yi replied angrily: "But your behavior obviously doesn't think so."

"Island Master, I was confused by those nonsense survivors." Zhu Wu argued.

"Okay, if you have time, pay more attention to business matters, and don't think about what you have!" Xiao Yi said, "If there is a problem in our alliance, we will communicate directly about it, and we don't have to pay so much attention!"

"Yes!" Zhu Wu responded, "Speaking of business, I really have something to report to you." "What's wrong? Doesn't this galaxy not need these basic resources?" Xiao Yi asked doubtfully.

"No!" Zhu Wu replied, and then explained the matter of the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce.

After listening to Zhu Wu's report, Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and said, "Well, you did a good job. Now that their galaxy has crashed into ours, the resources they hoarded will be completely wasted in my own hands!"

"That's right, with you providing resources, their speculation has completely failed." Zhu Wu said with a smile.

"Well, first trade the storage slow release device you sold short to me, and I'll add some more to you!" Xiao Yi directly threw the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce to the back of his mind.

Xiao Yi wouldn't pay attention to this kind of chamber of commerce!
At this time, the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce discovered that there were many transactions hanging on the trading floor.

Not only basic resources such as oxygen, fuel, and electricity, but also many other resources are traded.

"Have we really come to other galaxies?"

"It should be, our previous galaxy business was not so prosperous."

"Look at the trading floor, you can buy almost anything, and the price is much lower than ours!"

"In this way, wouldn't our previous investment be completely useless?"

"We spent so much cornerstone and dark gold, and it turned out to be for nothing!"

Chairman Si Lu frowned and said, "I've seen the prices here, and they're the same as what we bought. At least we shouldn't lose money!"

At this time, a member of the Chamber of Commerce shouted: "President, it's not good, the price of the basic resources of the trading hall has been reduced!"

"What!" Si Lu said in shock, and immediately switched to the trading floor.

Those basic resources like Oxygen Fuel are all reduced by 10%.

This means that they have lost 10 points in the resources they bought from Zhu Wu this time!

"Made, is this Yiranpin Alliance declaring war on our Sky Alliance Chamber of Commerce?" Si Lu said angrily.

"President, what shall we do now?"

Chief Slaw exhaled, and replied: "Keep what you need to use, and sell the rest immediately."

Although they have lost money now, if they don't sell it, they can't continue to do other businesses.

They had already exchanged all the dark gold in their hands for resources before.

And dark gold is the common currency here!

Gritting his teeth and selling so many resources, Si Lu secretly said: "Yi Ranpin, don't let me catch the opportunity, or you will die."

If Xiao Yi knew Si Lu's thoughts, he would definitely scoff at him.

The price reduction this time is not completely aimed at the Sky Alliance Chamber of Commerce, but because there are more and more basic resources now, and the high price is not easy to sell.

Of course, the price cut also entrapped the Sky Alliance Chamber of Commerce by the way.

Xiao Yi didn't take the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce seriously at all, let alone regard them as his opponents.

Naturally, other survivors also discovered the price reduction of resources in the trading hall.

"It's still a big boss, and the price of basic materials has been lowered!"

"Yeah, it will be easier for us to survive in this way!"

"Have you noticed that after the boss lowered the price, all other similar products have also been reduced in price!"

(End of this chapter)

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