Chapter 1474 Fight started, Zhu Wu left again
"It's for sure, the boss is so cheap here, and there is basically no case of out of stock. If they sell it at a high price, no one will buy it at all. Don't you lower the price and wait for it to rot in your own hands?"

"That's right, I've sighed more than once, what kind of equipment does the boss have in his hands, and why can he produce so many resources and supplies."

"Needless to say, it must be SSS-level equipment. I feel that if the boss does not have SSS-level equipment, he would be embarrassed to take it out."

These were the original survivors of the Gamma galaxy, and they already knew Xiao Yi very well.

And those newly merged survivors were extremely shocked.

"How can these basic materials be sold so cheaply?"

"I just came back from the trading floor. Not only these basic materials, but also many other materials on the trading floor. The market here is too busy!"

"What else can I say, I bought some more oxygen and fuel, feeling full of security in my heart!"

"The survivors in this galaxy are too happy, right?"

"No wonder you can cultivate a high-quality businessman like Brother Zhu. This Yi Ran product is not easy!"

"Hi, newcomers, everyone is welcome to join the Gamma galaxy, at least the basic survival here is worry-free."

"Made, welcome shit! An escape pod met me just now and started attacking without saying a word!"

"Isn't it, so belligerent? Everyone is a survivor, can they coexist peacefully?"

"Think too much, our galaxy is developing so well, as long as they can successfully rob one, they will get a lot of supplies, and someone will definitely take the risk!"

"Newcomers had better not be impulsive, our galaxy is much better developed than yours, don't try to challenge us, be careful to lose your life!"

After discussing this in the public channel, the survivors of the merged galaxy calmed down a bit, but the survivors who were originally in the Gamma galaxy began to move around.

Since they are better developed than the newcomers, why not just eat the newcomers!
Although these new resources are definitely not many, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat, not to mention getting an extra island monument. If there is a second or third spaceship in the future, it will be much more convenient to have an island monument!

"Lying on the grass, let's calm down, you've turned your back on us, don't think you're going to kill us!"

"What's the situation? Why are you fighting again?"

"Hmph, you still want to attack us because of your good development? I reluctantly accepted this escape pod!"

"I'll go, you haven't already solved one, have you?"

"Of course, since he dares to do something, he must be prepared to be killed!"

"I understand, the world rule merge server is raising Gu!"

"Well, it wants us to kill each other and choose the strongest one."

"Um, this one doesn't seem to need to be chosen, isn't Yiranpin the strongest one?"

"That's not necessarily the case. Boss Yi Ranpin just has a lot of resources. I'm not sure how it will be in terms of force!"

"Are you kidding? With so many resources, will the force be poor?"

"That's right, I think you forgot the intersection between the boss and Chaos Star. If the boss is not strong enough, Chaos Star will make a deal with him?"

"Yes, can you use your brain before speaking?"

The new survivors were puzzled when they heard their discussion.

"Where is the planet Chaos Star? Are there any civilized forces on it?" "Chaos Star is the planet in this galaxy. There are indigenous civilizations on this planet, and they have a close relationship with Boss Yi Ranpin!"

"Lying in the grass, is this okay?"

"No wonder the boss has so many resources, with a planet as the backing, how many resources can't be obtained?"

"Yes, but this is also the skill of the boss. Even if I am given an indigenous planet, I can't handle it. I guess the other party will handle it with a high probability."

Seeing this, Zhu Wu couldn't help but said, "You all know how to speculate that the resources of our island owner still need the support of Chaos Star? I'm afraid you are saying the opposite!"

"It's the other way around? You don't want to say that the boss is going to support Chaos Star, do you?"

"Can't it work?" Zhu Wu asked back.

"Brother Pig, I admit that the boss is very powerful and has developed very well, but if you support a planet by yourself, I will tell you this, do you believe it?"

"Yes, and Chaos Star is not that kind of very backward planet. At least they can develop miniature spaceships."

Zhu Wu replied with a smile: "If Chaos Star doesn't lack anything, why do you want to make a deal with our island owner? This only shows that our island owner has what they need, although Chaos Star also has the resources we need , but relatively speaking, Chaos Star needs our island owner more, so there is nothing wrong with our island owner supporting them!"

"Um, I can't refute Brother Zhu's words!"

"It's okay, I can only say that you are awesome!"

"Is Master Yiranpin so powerful?"

Everyone sighed with emotion, especially those new survivors.

At this moment, Zhu Wu suddenly realized that he had left the Gamma galaxy again, and the chat in the public channel suddenly stopped.

"Isn't this already back? Why did you leave again?" Zhu Wu muttered, switching the island tablet to the map interface.

After careful study, Zhu Wu discovered that the previous gravitational fluctuations pulled the comet and the previous galaxy back into the Gamma galaxy, and then the comet flew out again!

"This comet is really persistent!" Zhu Wu sighed helplessly, and then switched to the public channel again, only to find that no one spoke.

"It seems that we have come to nothingness again!" Zhu Wu sighed, and then grabbed the doll beside him and slid into the sleeping bag!

Anyway, no one is bragging, and it's time for him to rest, so he might as well take a nap first!
At this time, the survivors in the Gamma galaxy also discovered that Zhu Wu had left the galaxy.

"What's the situation, why did Brother Pig leave again?"

"Brother Pig is going in and out, looking for pleasure?"

"The road has been a bit slippery recently, everyone should stop driving. Brother Zhu must have been pulled back by the gravitational fluctuations, and now continue to fly according to his own trajectory."

Seeing everyone's discussion, Xiao Yi was also taken aback for a moment, then glanced at the address book on the island monument, Zhu Wu's name had indeed faded.

"It really flew out again!" Xiao Yi said in surprise, "It seems that Zhu Wu's comet businessman can still work for a while!"

After thinking for a while, Xiao Yi searched on the island tablet: "The end of the sky."

"The ID you searched for does not exist in this galaxy."

"It seems that Brother Jiang and the others haven't bumped into them yet!" Xiao Yi thought secretly, and then floated towards the living cabin. It's getting late now, he should also rest!

(End of this chapter)

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