Chapter 1472 Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce, talk collapsed
"Of course!" Si Lu said happily, Zhu Wu said that, which meant that he should be moved.

"Then should I sell these resources to you at half price?" Zhu Wu continued to ask with a smile.

Si Lu frowned slightly, and replied, "Are you joking?"

No one would voluntarily give up the materials they deserved, Zhu Wu voluntarily gave up half of the income, this is simply impossible!
"You were the one who joked with me first!" Zhu Wu replied with a cold snort.

"What do you mean, Your Excellency?" Si Lu's expression turned ugly.

"It's not interesting. Anyway, the price is determined by our island owner, and it is impossible to change it! It is even more impossible to transfer it to you!" Zhu Wu replied decisively.

Si Lu asked in a cold voice: "Some earn money but you don't?"

"We can earn long-term profits only if everyone can survive. However, a short-sighted survivor like you shouldn't see this!" Zhu Wu shook his head and replied.

"It seems that you are determined to oppose our Heavenly Alliance Chamber of Commerce!" Si Lu said in a deep voice.

"Whatever you think!" Zhu Wu directly blocked the other party.

Si Lu still wanted to say some harsh words, but found that he had been blocked by the other party, and he was so angry that he was so angry.

"Made, you don't have to drink fine wine for toasting, this time I will show you the strength of our Heavenly Alliance Chamber of Commerce!" Si Lu's face was gloomy.

Then he immediately said in the Chamber of Commerce's internal group: "Everyone immediately go to buy the resources that the dancing pig hangs out!"

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

The resources that Zhu Wu posted were quickly bought by people with large sums of money, and other survivors soon discovered this phenomenon.

"No, this is the people from the Sky Alliance Chamber of Commerce. They must want to buy all the resources of Brother Zhu and hoard them!"

"Yeah, so we can only buy high-level resources in the future, everyone should hurry up and stock up, and it's best to last until Brother Zhu comes next time."

"The people of the Alliance Chamber of Commerce today are really no jokes. Are you not afraid of retribution for making such money?"

"I have to remind Brother Zhu quickly, we can't let the Sky Alliance Chamber of Commerce succeed!"

"@ Dancing Pig, Brother Zhu, hurry up and set a purchase limit for each ID, so that they can limit their hoarding."

Zhu Wu didn't know these reminders from survivors, these were leftovers from Xiao Yi's play.

"Everyone, don't be impatient. I've seen their actions a long time ago. They can buy whatever they want. If they can really buy up the resources I brought, they are amazing!" Zhu Wu said with a smile, "Other people who need resources , and your hands and feet should be quicker."

"Brother Pig, they have hoarded so many resources like this, and when the time comes to sell them at a high price, wouldn't it be a loss for you?"

Zhu Wu smiled slightly: "As for the rabble like them, I will let their hoarded resources rot in their hands!"

Seeing Zhu Wu's speech, Si Lu immediately countered: "Then I would like to see how many resources you have brought!"

Zhu Wu frowned slightly, and immediately listed a large number of resources on the trading floor.

Survivors who needed resources frantically snapped up, they were not sure how many Zhu Wu had left.

What if it is really robbed by the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce!
This time, Zhu Wu brought a lot of resources, at least this galaxy can't digest it all.

Soon, those survivors who needed resources grabbed at least three days worth of resources.

The next time is to watch the competition between the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce and Zhu Wu.

As Zhu Wu took out more and more resources, the Sky Alliance Chamber of Commerce couldn't bear it.

"President, all the dark gold on hand has been consumed!"

"Me too!"

"I don't have any here either!"

Hearing the report from his subordinates, Si Lu was dumbfounded, because there are still many resources listed by Zhu Wu on the trading floor!

Zhu Wu saw that there was no trading volume, so he taunted: "I still have a lot in my hand, don't stop!" Silu replied angrily: "Huh, if I hadn't upgraded the escape cabin to consume With the foundation stones and dark gold, I will definitely be able to absorb all of these resources! I won’t be as knowledgeable as you this time!”

"Tsk tsk tsk, if you can't afford it, you can't afford it. These words are better than singing!" Zhu Wu continued to mock.

When Si Lu saw this sentence, he directly chose to ignore it and stopped answering.

"Is someone from the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce here? Come out and talk to me!"

"Don't be a coward! Didn't you want to buy all the resources in my hand before? This is where it is."

"Oh, it's really boring. Since the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce doesn't need it anymore, everyone can buy it according to their needs!"

Zhu Wu continued to mock, Si Lu and the others completely ignored it.

"Don't worry, everyone. With the Yiranpin Alliance and the Comet Merchant, no organization or individual can hoard these resources. I will continue to list these resources on the trading floor for everyone to buy. Please rest assured. !" Zhu Wu once again sent a message in the public channel.

"Brother Pig is mighty and domineering!"

"Yi Ranpin Alliance, I will remember, I will see if I can join this alliance when I have a chance in the future!"

"Thanks to Brother Pig, I don't think any other force can compete with the Sky Alliance Chamber of Commerce."

"Not necessarily, I feel that in Brother Zhu's galaxy, a slightly more powerful organization can handle the Sky Alliance Chamber of Commerce."

"I think so too. The Sky Alliance Chamber of Commerce is only able to show off its power in our galaxy, but in those developed galaxies, it can only be a coward."

At this time, the island monument reminded that there would be a gravitational fluctuation in 10 minutes.

All the survivors immediately put on the spacesuits in the cabin and fixed themselves, ready to face the gravitational fluctuations.

Another burst of rapid acceleration, rapid deceleration, and then stabilized.

After stabilizing, everyone immediately began to discuss.

"The fluctuations seem to have become more intense this time?"

"It seems to be, this time the feeling is stronger!"

"No way, this gravitational fluctuation is still strengthening?"

"Not good, it seems that two planets are about to collide with each other!"

"Huh? Two planets? Are you sure they are planets?"

"I'm not sure, but it's very big, it can't be done, I have to stay away, they collide, don't splash me with stones!"

"No, planets in a galaxy should not collide. Gravitational fluctuations seem to act on the entire galaxy."

"Yeah, if the planets in the galaxy were to collide, they would have collided long ago!"

"The brother upstairs, did you read it wrong?"

"Is it because the gravitational fluctuations are too strong, making you dizzy?"

"I'm dizzy, my escape pod is fully equipped, and I'm in very good condition!"

"He was not mistaken, it was indeed two huge celestial bodies colliding!"

"how do you know?"

When Zhu Wu saw this, he subconsciously looked at the person's ID. He was completely shocked.

"How could it be like this?" Zhu Wu murmured.

(End of this chapter)

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