Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1464 Show off, looking for someone, I really found one

Chapter 1464 Showing off, looking for someone, I really found one

"The comet merchant? The name is a bit interesting, but so what? He is a liar, and it depends on whether there are fools who believe it!"

"You are a comet merchant, and I am a star merchant!"

"May I ask why you call yourself a comet merchant?"

"Brother upstairs, you don't really believe this pig's nonsense!"

"Anyway, being idle is idle, and I always want to have some fun."

Seeing the chat on the public channel, Zhu Wu pouted, and directly sent out the high-end items in his hand.

"[Space Sleeping Bag] (S-Class)*1, [Space Special Double Glass] (SSS-Class)*1, [Extravehicular Spacesuit] (S-Class)*1, [Laser Pistol] (S-Class)*1. "

Of course, there are still some S-level and above items, but Zhu Wu has not sent them out, so I still have to keep some of the hole cards!

"Have these things appeared in your galaxy?" Zhu Wu asked proudly.

"Lying grass, how do you have so many high-level items?"

"There are still SSS-level items, how did you order such a high-level item?"

"I didn't expect him to be such a big boss!"

"Boss, I was wrong, do you sell these things? Am I asking a high price?"

Zhu Wu sneered: "I lack your cornerstone and dark gold?"

"What about me? Call you a boss, do you really think you are a boss? I already have nearly 500 million cornerstones and nearly a million dark gold in my hand. Have you seen so many cornerstones and dark gold?" ?"

Zhu Wu twitched the corners of his mouth, and replied disdainfully: "I've never seen it before! The island owner rewards me casually, and it's several times more than you!"

"Who wouldn't brag? I even said I have hundreds of millions!"

"[Cornerstone]*3000 million, [Dark Gold]*2000 million."

Zhu Wu directly posted this on the public channel without any hesitation.

These were already left after Zhu Wu distributed them to Jiang Yuntian and Ergou.

Now all the survivors are stupid.

"Lying grass, boss! It's because I don't know Taishan with my eyes, I'm so abrupt!"

"How do you have so many cornerstones and dark gold?"

"This is enough to upgrade two escape pods. Are you sure this was rewarded to you by others?"

"If it is really rewarded by others, can you reward me again, I am willing to be your subordinate!"

"I am also willing to be your subordinate!"

Seeing that so many people were starting to make connections, Zhu Wu said again: "Everyone, take a rest. It's entirely up to our island owner whether to accept people. I don't dare to make my own decisions. I'll find a few people first." Zhu Wu Said, "Sutang, the Tao is not alone, the drunkard Du..."

Zhu Wu said a lot of names in the public channel.

"Brother, although you are very strong, it's not kind to play like this!"

Zhu Wu was stunned for a moment, and then said, "What do you mean?"

"Brother, if you want to build a relationship with Sutang, you don't have to go around like this."

"That's right, everyone knows that Mr. Sutang is developing well, but your way of striking up a conversation is too low."

"You also intentionally said a lot of other messy names, you are quite dedicated in acting!"

After hearing this, Zhu Wu finally understood that there was really someone in this galaxy that Xiao Yi needed to find. "You mean Crispy Sugar is in this galaxy?" Zhu Wu asked in surprise.

"You really are acting in a complete set!"

"Okay, don't pretend, there was a survivor in our galaxy who wanted to get close to the boss, but he was directly blocked by the boss, and he hasn't released it yet."

"Brother, to be honest, do you want to join forces with Su Tang?"

Zhu Wu ignored their taunts, and directly searched for Sutang on the friend interface, there really are!
add friend!

"Failed to add, the other party has turned off the function of adding friends."

Seeing the tip of the island stele, Zhu Wu had no choice but to send a message in the public channel: "@Sutang, the island owner, Yi Ranpin, asked me to find you. If you see it, please chat with me privately!"

"Hahaha, why is there another Yi Ranpin here? Even if you say that the boss of Potian Sutang will not contact you!"

"I still want the boss to chat with you in private. If you think about it too much, it's better to wash up and sleep quickly. Dreams have everything!"

"Although you are strong, the boss of Sutang is not weak, and your family background is not enough to seduce the boss."

At this moment, Sutang, who usually doesn't speak on public channels, really spoke up: "Who are you, and why do you know the ID of the island owner?"

"Lying grass, what's the situation? Does this pig really know the big man Sutang?"

"No way, isn't everything he said true?"

"Impossible, it shouldn't be possible to travel between galaxies with only tiny spaceships!"

Seeing that Sutang really responded, Zhu Wu immediately replied: "Let's have a private chat, some things are inconvenient to talk about here!"

"Okay!" Su Tang replied abruptly.

At this moment in a huge escape pod, Su Wan was so excited that her hands were shaking!
After coming to this second stage, she has been looking for Xiao Yi, she knows that only by following Xiao Yi can she survive better.

But there is no Xia Kingdom survivor in this galaxy at all, and the public channels are filled with all kinds of incomprehensible words.

Fortunately, the island tablet provides a translation function, at least there is no problem communicating on the island tablet!
Not being able to find Xiao Yi, Su Wan didn't lie down, but worked hard to develop, hoping that when she really met Xiao Yi in the future, she could be of help.

Su Wan grabbed two supply boxes on the first day, and in these two supply boxes, she actually opened a grade-A water electrolyzer and a grade-A gas compression cooler!

With these two A-level items, Su Wan accumulated a huge advantage in the early stage.

Until now, Su Wan has become one of the best figures in this galaxy.

Su Wan switched to the private channel, searched for the dancing pig ID, and added it as a friend.

"Hello, my name is Zhu Wu, and I'm a new recruit of the island owner. In order to confirm your identity, please tell me your real name!" Zhu Wu cut to the chase.

Su Wan frowned, and asked back: "Then how do you prove that you are the island owner's subordinate?"

"I know the name of the island owner, Xiao Yi, and Brother Jiang, and I also know your real name." Zhu Wu replied.

In fact, Su Wan had already believed Zhu Wu when he posted the ID of the Survivor who entered the second stage of the Yiranpin Alliance in the public channel.

It is impossible for a survivor of other civilizations to know the IDs of all the members of the Yiranpin Alliance. These IDs are discussed in advance by them, and only the insiders of the Yiranpin Alliance know.

"My name is Su Wan!" Su Wan replied.

Zhu Wu thought for a while, and continued to ask: "Sorry, I still need to confirm what work you are in charge of in the alliance during the first stage?"

Su Wan smiled slightly, and then replied: "Translation, help the island owner to keep an eye on the island stele, and occasionally do the work of the chef."

Seeing Su Wan's reply, Zhu Wu said happily: "Great, I finally found another one!"

(End of this chapter)

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