Chapter 1463 Zhu Wu Enters New Galaxy Again

Ross nodded slightly: "This island monument is the biggest achievement of our trip. If we can bring back the hydrological planet, the development of our planet will be directly on the fast track!"

The engineer looked at the island monument in shock, and he felt that everything was not so realistic.

"Is the repair of our spacecraft also the ability of this island monument?" The engineer reconfirmed.

Los nodded slightly, and replied: "That's right, it was repaired with the island monument!"

The engineer was stunned for a while, and then said pleasantly: "Doesn't that mean we don't have to worry about small bumps on the spacecraft at all?"

"That's right!" Ross replied, "But, the premise is that we have enough resources to repair it!"

"And what resources does it need?" the engineer pressed.

"Cornerstone and dark gold!" Ross replied.

Hearing these two terms, the engineer frowned. He had never heard of these two things.

Ross continued to explain: "I don't know what these two things are, but there are still some in this island monument, which must be left by the humanoid creatures we killed before."

The engineer nodded slightly.

"That's why I'm selling oxygen and fuel!" Ross continued.

The engineer's eyes brightened slightly: "Captain, do you mean that we can exchange oxygen and fuel for cornerstone and dark gold?"

"Right!" Ross replied.

"I understand, Captain, you can sell oxygen and fuel at ease, I will definitely produce it with all my strength!"

"Well, let's go!" Ross nodded.

Just when the spacecraft on the Hydrographic Planet began to produce oxygen and fuel at full capacity, the deal that Ross just hung up caught the attention of the survivors.

"Have you noticed that someone sold oxygen and fuel just now, and it's cheaper than that of the boss at the end of the world!"

"Yeah, I even snatched some! Is there a better-developed Survivor than the Big Boss at the End of the World?"

"Probably not, there are still people who dare to tear down the platform of the boss of Tianzhiya?"

"This is not better, at least it will not be monopolized, and we can enjoy some cheap resources."

"That's right, the bigger the competition, the better, and the result will definitely be cheaper and cheaper!"

Jiang Yuntian noticed this at the first time, he frowned, and thought to himself: "Could it be that the people from the hydrology planet occupied an island monument?"

At this time, a lot of oxygen and fuel were suddenly listed on the trading floor again, and the price was cheaper than Jiang Yuntian's.

Looking at the amount of oxygen and fuel, Jiang Yuntian was [-]% sure that the person who suddenly sold the oxygen and fuel must be someone from the Hydrology Planet.

Jiang Yuntian thought for a while, and directly connected to Xiao Yi.

"Brother Jiang, what's the matter?" After connecting, Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

Jiang Yuntian immediately stated everything that happened before objectively.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "That's right, it should be the Hydrographers who got an island monument."

"Then what should we do?" Jiang Yuntian asked with a frown.

Xiao Yi pondered for a while, and then said: "The other party was able to get familiar with the operation of the island tablet in such a short period of time, and bought the cornerstone and dark gold in the trading hall, which shows that the rules of the world will help those natives get familiar with the island tablet."

Jiang Yuntian nodded.

Xiao Yi continued: "Now is the time when galaxies are colliding, and it is not appropriate to cause troubles, and the rules of the world also encourage natives to snatch our island monuments, let's wait and see what happens!"

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian responded. "You can remind other survivors." Xiao Yi said.

It's not to let them not buy cheap resources, but to let them know who is buying the resources in their hands.


After finishing the call with Xiao Yi, Jiang Yuntian immediately started sending messages in the public channel.

"Attention everyone, the ones selling oxygen and fuel on the trading floor are the alien civilization forces that killed the previous survivor. They occupied an island monument and quickly mastered how to use it. As for whether to use it or not?" Buy their resources and let everyone measure for themselves."

"I just said that no one can develop better than the boss! It turns out that it is an indigenous force, no wonder!"

"Yeah, this will explain why the other party has so many supplies."

"One planet for others must have more resources than us fighting alone!"

"So, shouldn't we not buy their resources? If they become our enemies in the future, wouldn't our current actions be an enemy!"

"I can't get through now, who still thinks about the future?"

"That's right, I'll buy some resources and store them up. This gravitational fluctuation has consumed all the resources I have on hand!"

"I don't know how many gravitational fluctuations there will be in the future, so I'd better buy more!"

"The dark gold I have accumulated with great difficulty is probably going to be handed over to this galaxy collision!"

While Jiang Yuntian, a survivor of the galaxy, was discussing, Zhu Wu was staring at the public channel on the island tablet in a daze!
According to the previous operation rules, after leaving the galaxy where Jiang Yuntian was, he would pass through a void where there were no survivors or even light.

But this time, someone was actually discussing it in the public channel.

"Made, this gravitational fluctuation almost killed me!"

"Yeah, another large amount of cornerstone and dark gold will be consumed to prepare fuel!"

"I don't know if the boss can still provide so much fuel."

"It's difficult to estimate, after all, there are still many survivors in our galaxy."

"In my opinion, our galaxy must have the most survivors!"

"That's right, if there is no boss, our galaxy will probably be eliminated by more than half!"

Seeing this, Zhu Wu, who was a little excited at first, couldn't help it anymore, and said directly: "You are too confident, your galaxy must not have as many survivors as our Gamma galaxy!"

As soon as these words came out, there was a moment of silence in the public channel, and then immediately began to discuss.

"Lying on the grass, whose mad dog is this, is it not tied?"

"That's right, returning to the Gamma galaxy, is this the place you dreamed of?"

"This dancing pig, didn't you see your speech?"

Zhu Wu immediately replied: "Of course, I came from another galaxy, of course you didn't see my speech?"

"From other galaxies? You can really joke! If you can travel between galaxies, then I can travel between galaxies!"

"That's right, if you brag and don't make a draft, can you rely on something?"

"Ignore him, I don't know where he came from!"

Zhu Wu snorted coldly, and said, "What do you frogs in a well know? If my goods hadn't been sold out in the last galaxy, I would definitely let you see what a comet merchant is!"

(End of this chapter)

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