Chapter 1465 Finding Su Wan, Zhu Wu's Thoughts
Su Wan looked at Zhu Wu's news and hurriedly asked, "How is the island owner?"

"Of course he is very strong!" Zhu Wu replied with a smile, "A strong man like the island master can burst out with dazzling light no matter what the situation is!"

Su Wan nodded slightly, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, when Xiao Yi entered the second stage, he didn't have even a cornerstone on him.

"Have you upgraded?" Zhu Wu continued to ask.

Su Wan shook her head slightly, and replied: "Now there is an upgrade card, but the resources have not been collected yet."

"Resources are not a problem at all!" Zhu Wu said with a smile, "Trade all your resources to me, and I will provide you with the resources you need to upgrade!"

Su Wan was taken aback for a moment, and hesitated. In the first stage, because of her carelessness, she let other survivors land on his island. If Xiao Yi hadn't arrived in time, she would have ended badly!
That lesson left a deep impression on her, so when Zhu Wu asked her to trade the resources, she hesitated for a moment.

Zhu Wu also seemed to understand her concerns, and immediately initiated a deal.

"[Cornerstone] * 1200 million, [Dark Gold] * 1200 million. No transaction."

Seeing this transaction, Su Wan was stunned for a moment, she did not expect that Zhu Wu would trade the resources used for upgrading to her first.

"Although I don't know why the island owner lets the resources go through his hands first, but since the island owner has ordered, let's do it!" Zhu Wu said with a smile, "The resources you have collected in your hand should be given to the island first." Over there, Lord!"

Seeing the message from Zhu Wu, Su Wan nodded slightly. Although she knew why, she didn't talk too much, and traded the resources she had collected.

Among them, she already has more than 800 million foundation stones and dark gold!
"No wonder they call you the boss, you've almost got it all together!" Zhu Wu looked at the resources that Su Wan had traded, and said with emotion.

"It was just a fluke that the equipment for producing oxygen and fuel was developed at the beginning." Su Wan explained.

"Then you are so lucky!" Zhu Wu said with a smile.

Su Wan nodded slightly, and then asked curiously, "How did you come to our galaxy?"

"My escape capsule was captured by a comet, so I have been flying with the comet." Zhu Wu replied, "To be precise, I didn't come to your galaxy, but your galaxy broke into my running route. !"

"Captured by a comet?" Su Wan was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized, "No wonder you call yourself a comet merchant!"

"Yes, by the way, the island owner needs some raw materials, so you should collect them as well!" Zhu Wu said.

"What raw material?" Su Wan asked.

"They are all needed for some high-level items. Let the island owner tell you later!" Zhu Wu replied.

"Huh? The island owner told me personally?" Su Wan was completely dumbfounded.

"Wait!" Zhu Wu replied, and then disappeared.

At this moment, Zhu Wu was contacting Xiao Yi with a cross-system communicator.

Seeing Zhu Wu's connection request, Xiao Yi rolled his eyes and muttered, "It's not because I'm too lonely again, why don't you chat with me?"

Xiao Yi has already learned from Jiang Yuntian that Zhu Wu has left their galaxy and should be in a barren space now.

Although he was a little speechless, as a boss, he couldn't help answering his subordinates' calls.

"Lonely again?" Xiao Yi asked helplessly after connecting to the communication.

"No, no, now my place is lively, how can I be lonely?" Zhu Wu replied with a smile.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "You won't enter other galaxies again, right?" "Oh, island master, when will you be a little stupid? I just said something, you I guessed it, it’s so boring!” Zhu Wu said helplessly.

"Have you really entered another galaxy?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised, "It seems that the collision of galaxies also has the effect of merging!"

It is similar to the operation of the previous world merge server.

Zhu Wu was slightly startled, then nodded, and said, "That's what it means!"

"Since it's so lively, why are you still looking for me?" Xiao Yi continued to ask.

"Island Master, you're so smart, you can definitely guess it!" Zhu Wu even pretended to be tricky.

Xiao Yi rolled his eyes and replied, "Three seconds, hang up if you don't say anything!"

"Come on, Island Master, you are too ruthless!" Zhu Wu said helplessly, "I found a companion of your first stage!"

"What? Who!" Xiao Yi asked excitedly.

"Sugar." Zhu Wu replied.

"It turned out to be Su Wan!" Xiao Yi asked nervously, "How is she doing now?"

"Island owner, don't worry, he is now the leader of this galaxy!" Zhu Wu replied with a smile.

"Boss?" Xiao Yi was surprised.

"That's right, if it wasn't for Su Wan, this galaxy would probably lose half of its current staff!" Zhu Wu said with a smile, "She was lucky enough to develop oxygen and fuel manufacturing equipment at the very beginning, and it's not a problem to take off." strangeness."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

Zhu Wu continued: "Island Master, I want to apply with you. I'm trading this communicator to Su Wan. When I go back, can you give me another inter-system communicator."

"You don't need to apply for this, you can trade it directly!" Xiao Yi replied, "Your idea is very good."

"Ah? Island lord, I am so sad that you are doing this, even if you hesitate!" Zhu Wu pretended to be extremely sad.

"Okay, your side should come to our galaxy soon. It's not a big problem if you don't have a communicator for a while, and Su Wan needs it more!" Xiao Yi replied, "Besides, when you come back, I will I'll give you another one in time!"

"Oh, okay!" Zhu Wu responded, "I will trade the communicator to Su Wan. Island owner, please don't miss me!"

Xiao Yi rolled his eyes and hung up the communication.

"Is this the island master, is he oblivious to his friends?" Zhu Wu muttered to himself, and then initiated a transaction on the island tablet.

"[Inter-Galaxy Communicator] (SSS level) * 1 transaction None."

"You take this and use it first, I should go back soon, and then I will ask the island master one!" Zhu Wu continued.

Seeing this transaction, Su Wan instantly understood why Zhu Wu asked Xiao Yi to tell her personally.

"Thank you!" Su Wan said gratefully.

"You're welcome, we are all under the owner of the island, so naturally we have to help each other, let me tell you, the owner of the island still has a lot of good things, I don't have them now, I will bring them to you when I come next time! "Zhu Wu replied.

"Okay!" Su Wan took over the inter-galaxy communicator and installed it in the cockpit of her newly upgraded miniature spaceship!

(End of this chapter)

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