The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 589: A strategy to consume the enemy country

Chapter 589: A strategy to consume the enemy country
Throughout the second half of the night, there were cries and cries everywhere in the city. Some people were reluctant to part with money and wanted to resist.

Daxia's soldiers would not tolerate them, they would just punch and kick them and leave them lying on the ground.

Some wealthy households have thugs and guards who dare to attack soldiers with weapons.

The soldiers showed no mercy to these people and killed them on the spot.

If Lin Hai hadn't told the soldiers in advance to keep as many people alive as possible, allowing these people to consume the enemy's food.

All these people had been killed long ago.

After a whole night, everyone in the city was finally searched.

Drive all these people out of the city and flee after the Korean army.

The money found was more than 100 million taels of silver, and there were countless grains, enough to feed the army for a year.

There are also a lot of hoarded goods, which can be transported to Daxia in exchange for money.

Lin Hai felt so happy when he heard the report from his subordinates and looked at the bill handed over.

No wonder the surrounding enemy countries are desperately attacking Daxia.

As long as a city can be conquered, the wealth obtained is simply countless.

Lin Hai took out part of the money to reward the army on the spot.

And those who fight bravely will gain more.

Let people kill pigs and sheep to reward the three armies.

After working hard all night, everyone had to eat well.

Take turns to rest after eating and drinking.

Let people put the money and goods on the ship and transport them back to Daxia.

By conquering this city, you can also occupy a large area of ​​territory.

Send people to clean up the blown-up city walls and rebuild them again.

This place will be Daxia's city from now on, so of course it must be well protected.

Jin Yu and his men fled back in panic and ran all night. They did not arrive at the gate of their city until noon the next day.

The people who defended the city were frightened. They looked at their troops discarding their armor one by one. They looked very embarrassed. It was obvious that they had lost the battle.

"What's going on?" the city gate official asked doubtfully.

"I am Jin Yu. Let all the troops enter the city quickly and let the officials here come to see me.

Daxia's army is too strong and we cannot resist it. Jin Yu shouted loudly.

The officers and soldiers guarding the city were frightened and quickly opened the city gate completely to let all the troops in.

Jin Yu's reputation in Goryeo is known to everyone, and he is regarded as a god of war.

Unexpectedly, he led so many troops and was defeated.

Soon the officials in the city received the news and hurriedly came to greet him.

Jin Yu gave him an overview of the situation.

"The Daxia army's momentum this time is different from before. They have more powerful weapons. They are like thunder, and we cannot resist them at all.

Send someone to inform your majesty quickly so that the court can prepare for a hard battle. "

After all the troops entered the city, the city gate was tightly closed.

No one is allowed in or out.

But not long after, many people who fled came.

Tens of thousands of people stood at the gate of the city crying and wanting to enter.

After running away for a day and a night, I was thirsty and tired. I didn't have time to drink a drop of water and didn't eat a grain of food.

After finally reaching a safe place, they found that the city gate was closed and no one was allowed to enter.

They all cried and beat the city gate to get in.

More and more people gathered in front of the city gate, and looking at it from a distance, more people were rushing here.Shoucheng's general immediately reported the matter to the officials.

Jin Yu was discussing with officials about defending the city. Hearing that tens of thousands of refugees had appeared, he quickly came over to check.

Standing on the city wall and seeing the crying people, Jin Yu's face turned livid.

“This is Daxia’s strategy to drive all the people here just to increase our pressure and consume our food.

These are the people of Goryeo, we cannot watch them starve to death! "Jin Yu said through gritted teeth.

"Absolutely not, we already have tens of thousands of troops in this city.

If so many people are allowed in, the city will be crowded with people.

Food alone won’t last long!
Over time, chaos will definitely occur, and even Daxia will be fooled. "The official said quickly.

"Then we can't watch these people starve to death. Open the city gate and let people in. I will let the army guard them.

Give them some food and then send these people to other cities.

Daxia's army will attack soon, and it is true that they cannot take in these refugees. "

Jin Yu thought for a while and suddenly had a plan in mind: "Our army has suffered heavy losses, so we can recruit some young men to join the army.

Tell these refugees that as long as they are willing to join the army, their families can stay in the city and get food! "

"The commander-in-chief is right, I will make arrangements right now!" The official also knew that the situation was critical.

Jin Yu stood on the city wall and thought for a moment, then called his men and said: "Leave more people who can work and ask them to dig a deep ditch in front of the city wall and fill it with water."

Although he didn't know what Daxia used to blow open the city wall, he could imagine it.

They must have dug the ground and placed the explosive objects under the city wall.

I investigated this matter in detail on the way here.

Much like the gunpowder used in fireworks.

It's just that the power of gunpowder is not too strong to blow up a large section of the city wall at once.

Jin Yu is a very smart man, and he has roughly deduced that Daxia must have invented more powerful gunpowder when he blew up the city.

If you want to defend the city, you must first prevent anyone from digging tunnels and placing gunpowder under the city wall.

Digging artificial rivers is the easiest way to deal with it.

These people had lost everything and were willing to work as long as they were given something to eat.

Those who can't work are told to eat well and go to other cities quickly, and they are absolutely not allowed to stay here.

As for how to settle it, leave it to the local government.

Jin Yu sent scouts to quickly investigate the news, and could only pray secretly in his heart that Daxia's army would not come too fast, allowing him enough time to dig out the moat.

The Emperor of Goryeo had just received news that Daxia had new weapons, causing them to lose [-] troops.

Unexpectedly, new news came immediately, that Mocheng had fallen into Daxia's hands.

Tens of thousands of troops were lost in one night.

If Jin Yu hadn't reacted quickly and immediately retreated when the situation was bad, history would have been even more tragic.

Jin Yu hoped that the imperial court would quickly ask for help from the Turks and let them send troops to attack Daxia.

Only in this way can it be possible to force Daxia's army to retreat.

The Emperor of Goryeo turned pale with fright. Jin Yu made it very clear in the memorial.

Daxia has new weapons, and even tall city walls cannot defend it.

Once besieged again, the army will be completely annihilated by Daxia's army.

The Emperor of Goryeo immediately summoned ministers to discuss the matter.

I heard that Daxia's army had become so powerful that all the ministers could not think of a good way to deal with it.

They really want the Turks to help, but the Turks are currently in a civil war, so it's hard to say whether they can help them.

(End of this chapter)

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