Chapter 590
"My dear friends, tell me quickly how to deal with Daxia's army. This time is different from the past.

They can blow up our walls and be powerless against the enemy.

If we continue like this, we will not even be able to retreat to several cities, let alone have no way to retreat, I am afraid our army will also suffer heavy casualties. "The Emperor of Goryeo stamped his feet anxiously.

The prime minister said: "Your Majesty, I think that the best way to make Daxia retreat is to unite the powerful Turks, Jin Kingdom and Khitan.

Let them immediately send troops to attack Daxia.

The Chinese army is attacking us, so our defense must be very empty.

As long as they attack with all their strength, they will definitely be able to break through the city and steal a lot of wealth.

Daxia's army can only choose to retreat to resist them, and we can be safe and sound.

At the same time, we also need to understand what method Daxia used to blow up our city wall, so that we can take precautions in advance next time. "

"It's easy for you to say that the Jin and Khitan countries are too weak and they are definitely not willing to fight alone.

The Turks are currently in a civil war, and they may not be willing to send troops for our Goryeo. "The other minister had a completely different idea.

"Master Jin, since you think my method is not working, you should think of a better way!"

Jin Daren pouted and said, "You may not agree with my approach, so it's better not to say anything!"

"How long has it been and you are still quarreling? If you have a good idea, tell me as soon as possible.

Whether it works or not, I will never blame you! "

The Emperor of Goryeo urged him quickly.

"To solve the current predicament, the best way is to rely on the Khitan and Turks of the Jin Kingdom and let them send troops to help!"

Master Jin replied.

The prime minister was furious after hearing his words: "This method was obviously proposed by me first. You just retorted that it wouldn't work, and now you propose such a method.

What on earth are you trying to do? "

Master Jin glanced at him with disdain on his face.

He turned to the Emperor of Goryeo and said: "If we ask them to send troops directly, of course they will resist and use various excuses to shirk.

In fact, it's not that they don't dare to send troops, but they will definitely not do such a disadvantageous thing before they get the benefits.

What's more, the Turks were in civil strife and there was no way to send too many troops to deal with Daxia.

Therefore, they will definitely open their mouths like a lion and will never send troops without seeing any benefit.

If we directly ask him to send troops without mentioning the benefits, being rejected by them will not only be a loss of face.

If you are willing to spend money in a critical situation, you must spend more money than before to convince them! "

The Emperor of Goryeo was still very angry at first, but after hearing his explanation, he felt it was very reasonable.

Even if it were me, I probably wouldn't send troops to attack Daxia at will.

Without enough benefits, who would be willing to waste their efforts.

Even if they can get back a lot of money by sending troops to attack Daxia, they can only earn it by their own skills at the cost of casualties.

Once the troops and horses move, a large amount of food, grass and money will be consumed.

If you want Khitan and Jin to send troops to help in time, you can only give them enough benefits.

Although the prime minister was very angry, he couldn't find anything wrong with it.

The internal fighting between them is one thing, but driving Daxia's army away is the most important thing.

If Daxia really attacks, they will all become prisoners.

Why bother getting angry over the little things in front of you?

The Emperor of Goryeo glanced at the Prime Minister and asked, "What do you think, Prime Minister?"

The prime minister clasped his fists and saluted respectfully and said: "I think what Mr. Jin said is indeed feasible.

But who should be sent as envoy to the Khitan and Jin countries?

In addition, I believe that although the Turks are fighting among themselves, the rebel leader Mo Han is now short of various supplies and money.And he led an army of great numbers.

As long as we give him more benefits, we will definitely be willing to send a team of troops to support him.

Daxia is still more afraid of the Turks. Once the Turks send troops, they will definitely be extremely panicked.

This will allow Xia Jun to retreat earlier. "

"What you said makes sense. Finding a suitable messenger is the most important thing.

Who do you think is the most appropriate messenger to send? "

After hearing his words, the prime minister looked directly at Lord Jin.

Mr. Jin was not afraid at all. He straightened his body and took the initiative to invite you: "Your Majesty, I am willing to go!"

When the prime minister heard this, he immediately felt something bad.

I originally thought of recommending him to do this dangerous thing, because maybe there would be an accident on the way and die outside.

Or Master Jin shied away because of fear, then he could laugh at him severely.

Being timid will definitely make the emperor feel disgusted with him.

But I didn't expect him to agree so simply.

Obviously Lord Jin also wants to achieve meritorious service through this adventure, and he will definitely be taken seriously by the emperor in the future.

After the prime minister figured out this matter, he suddenly felt regretful.

Even if it is a bit risky, it is still a major meritorious service and can save Korea from fire and water.

Such a great achievement was actually given to someone else, and this person was also his biggest opponent in the court.

The Emperor of Korea was very happy and shouted loudly: "Okay, as long as we can find reinforcements, I will definitely reward you heavily when you come back."

"Thank you, Your Majesty. The matter is urgent, so I will leave without delay and set off immediately!
Please ask the emperor to quickly order people to prepare money! "

"Okay, go get ready!"

The Emperor of Goryeo arranged everything and ordered Jin Yu to delay for a while.

When Jin and Khitan send troops, Daxia will definitely retreat.

Jin Yu had people dig a ditch to protect the city and pour water into it. Daxia's army still didn't come over, which reassured him a lot.

With this big ditch, as long as there is no shortage of water, gunpowder will not be secretly buried.

After Lin Hai settled everything, he dispatched troops slowly.

After hearing the news from the scouts, the refugees did not stay in the city, but moved to other places.

"This man really has two skills. If we didn't have gunpowder, it would be really difficult to deal with him!" Lin Hai said.

"He is just doing this to quench his thirst, as long as we attack more cities.

Soon all the cities will be filled with refugees.

So many people consume a lot of food every day, and they have no way to give up.

If these people were left to starve, chaos would surely ensue. "Yuhuashi looked at the city in the distance and said.

"Yes, if we capture more cities, we can put more pressure on them!"

When he led the army to the city, he saw a temporary ditch dug out in front of him.

Lin Hai was very surprised by this.

"The coach of Goryeo is really not an ordinary person. He found a way to stop us so quickly."

Liu Ergou said coldly: "Don't worry, sir. It doesn't matter if we dig the ditch. The worst we can do is dig deeper."

"That is to say, this little thing can't stop us at all! It's just a matter of spending more effort!" Shitou also followed up.

(End of this chapter)

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