Chapter 588
In the silent night, many soldiers guarding the city fell asleep leaning against the city wall with their weapons in hand.

Only a few people were patrolling back and forth.

After all, there was no movement in the camp in Daxia, and the Goryeo soldiers thought it was impossible to attack.

Suddenly, a huge explosion sounded.

The ground was trembling violently.

The city wall suddenly collapsed.

Before the soldiers standing directly above could react, they all fell down and were buried below.

The loud sound woke up all the soldiers.

He looked towards the place of the explosion in panic.

Some people were so close that their eardrums were shattered and they could no longer hear the sound at all.

The troops defending the city became panicked, and they had no idea what was happening.

Such a tall city wall collapsed, and only a natural disaster could destroy it.

The people in the city thought there was a big earthquake, woke up from their sleep, and ran outside in panic to seek refuge.

Seeing that a big gap was finally opened in the city wall, Lin Hai immediately issued an order: "Wang Dayong, charge in with your cavalry.

Everyone else followed and rushed into the city in one fell swoop! "

Wang Dayong pulled out his knife and shouted: "Brothers, charge at me!"

There was a whistle, and huge fireworks exploded from the sky, illuminating the ground very brightly.

You can see clearly even at night.

Immediately afterwards, the second and third fireworks took off and exploded one after another, which could continue to illuminate the earth.

For the cavalry, the distance of two miles was reached in the blink of an eye.

As long as the enemy in front was killed, he would rush into the city as quickly as possible.

Seeing the panicked army coming to stop them, they directly raised their crossbows and fired at the crowd.

The defenders of Goryeo suffered heavy casualties and were unable to withstand the attack.

Grenades greet you when you encounter crowded places.

The cavalry is as powerful as entering an uninhabited country.

Wang Dayong led his army to continuously strangle the enemy troops near the gap in the city wall, providing cover for the troops behind him.

Yuhuashi and Cao Qiang also arrived with their infantry.

The infantry quickly rushed towards the wall, fighting for the commanding heights.

After capturing the city wall, they mounted artillery on it and fired at the troops coming to support the city.

Jin Yu sent many soldiers to defend. He always believed that Daxia's army could not attack at night.

The sound of an explosion woke him up, and he quickly sent someone to check the news.

As soon as I got dressed, a soldier came over and made a panic report.

"The commander is in trouble, a large part of our city wall has collapsed, and Daxia's army has already entered!"

Jin Yu's face was dull after hearing his subordinate's words.

He yelled incredibly loudly: "What did you say? Our city wall is so tall and strong, how could it possibly collapse?"

"Little ones don't know that Daxia's army has already rushed in, and we can't resist it at all!"

Jin Yu was so angry that he kicked away the person who came to report the news, and shouted loudly: "Everyone listen to the order, follow me and repel the enemy troops quickly.

In addition, craftsmen were summoned to repair the damaged city wall quickly. "

Jin Yu was so frightened that if Daxia's army really attacked, he would not be sure to defend it.

After all, the weapons of the Daxia army are so powerful that no one can resist them.

It is necessary to take advantage of the number of defenders in the city to drive out all Daxia's troops before most of the army rushes in.

Once most of the troops rush in, the city cannot be defended at all.

Just as Jin Yu gave the order, another general ran in in a panic.

"Commander, the Daxia army has already invaded, and we can't resist it at all.

Their weapons are so powerful that they can kill a large number of us in one go.

Shields can't stop them at all, and our bows and arrows don't have as far a range as theirs.

If this continues, we will really be surrounded and annihilated! "The general who came to report the news was covered in blood and was affected by the artillery.

If he hadn't been wearing armor, he would have been beaten to death.

Even so, several places on his body were injured by iron sand and were bleeding continuously.

Jin Yu's face was slightly dull, but he quickly reacted and shouted loudly: "Notify all the troops to retreat immediately. Our army cannot be destroyed in my hands."

He reacted very quickly, knowing that he could not defeat Daxia's army head-on, so he could only lead his army to escape as soon as possible.

If they stay and fight hard, the main force of the [-]-strong army will be completely destroyed.

Then Goryeo would be destroyed soon.

Jin Yu is indeed the most powerful general in Goryeo, and he has made the most correct choice in a short period of time.

Don't be afraid of not having firewood to keep the green hills. If you lose a city, save the army first.

"What about our people?"

Someone asked quickly.

"What do you care about the people when the army is gone? Don't worry about them!"

Jin Yu stopped the army from continuing to resist and led his men to escape through the back door as quickly as possible.

Lin Hai directed the steady advance from behind.

With this experience, it is not difficult to attack the city behind.

Lin Hai was not anxious at all.

More and more troops rushed into the city and defeated the Goryeo army.

"Two dogs and Shitou, you each lead a team of cavalry to stop the fleeing people.

Don't let people burn things in the city.

Loot the granary first, don't let the enemy destroy it! "

Lin Hai gave the two of them orders.

"Don't worry, sir, we will definitely seize the granary!"

Liu Ergou agreed.

The two of them each led their men to rush forward quickly.

Their weapons are more advanced. Each cavalryman carries two crossbows and enough grenade tubes.

Moreover, the armor on his body is fully armed, leaving only two eyes to see the road, and there is no weakness at all.

Daxia's army quickly seized various intersections and advanced steadily.

He did not stop the retreat of the Goryeo army.

The battle lasted for more than an hour, and all the enemy troops had retreated.

Capture the entire city.

The Daxia army attacked so fast that the enemy did not have time to destroy the granary.

The people left by Jin Yu were shot dead in time by Liu Ergou and others before they set fire to the granary.

The two people were very excited when they saw the grain piled up in the granary.

After occupying Mocheng, the food here is enough to support the army for more than half a year, so there is no need to spend a lot of effort to transport food and grass.

Many people tried to escape but were all intercepted.

Arrest those people, search them carefully, and keep all the money they have with them.

Only then did he let the person go.

Even if the Goryeo people wanted to stay, they would never take them in.

After searching, they all were driven away.

Lin Hai would not feed these people.

This city was the first barrier against Daxia, and a large amount of food was accumulated in the city.

Moreover, the people here have many merchants who specialize in doing business with Daxia.

There are many rich people with money.

Liu Ergou and Shitou led people to search door to door and found all their money.

(End of this chapter)

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