The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 587 Unbreakable

Chapter 587 Unbreakable
"Wang Dayong, you have all the cannons concentrated on the city wall and see if you can break their city wall!" Lin Hai could only think of this method.

If you can use the power of cannonballs to blast the city wall, you can rush in with minimal losses.

Before the enemy's walls are knocked down, a forced attack will only lead to heavy losses.

Now we can only place our hope on the fact that the enemy's city wall looks good, but in fact it is not as strong as imagined.

Wang Dayong agreed and immediately ordered his men to turn the muzzle of the gun to a point on the city wall and start firing.

Before the enemy could react, the sound of cannon fire was heard again.

The cannonball hit the city wall, causing violent shaking.

The enemy soldiers on the city wall were so frightened that they fell to the ground with their heads in their hands. Many people thought that this was the arrival of the God of Thunder to help Daxia attack them.

Many people have been frightened out of their wits and have completely lost their will to fight.

The cannonballs hit the city wall, leaving a hole every time.

Broken bricks flew everywhere.

After a round of bombardment, the city wall was riddled with holes.

Some shells flew onto the city wall, killing several people.

The enemy troops on the city wall caused quite a panic.

The muzzle of the missed gun was adjusted again, and it started bombarding as close to a point on the city wall as possible.

After five rounds of shelling, a big hole was made in the city wall, but it was still very strong.

The impact on the structure of the city wall is not too great.

If such solid artillery shells were used to blow down the city wall, it would probably require at least tens of thousands of artillery attacks.

This is simply unrealistic and the losses would be too great.

After all, there are still many cities behind, and we can't keep fighting like this.

Lin Hai saw that the effect was not good and immediately asked people to stop the bombardment and began to set up camp here.

Looking at the tall city wall in front of him, Lin Hai also began to think about how to easily defeat the enemy city.

And that's without paying too many casualties.

Yuhuashi found Lin Hai: "The army has been arranged, and the soldiers will take turns to rest and be on duty!"

"Well, thank you for all the hard work! Although the Koreans probably won't come out for a sneak attack, you still have to be prepared!" Lin Hai replied.

Yuhuashi also followed Lin Hai's gaze towards the city.

"It is indeed not easy to attack such a big city! If you don't want to pay casualties, it may not be realistic!" Yuhuashi said.

Yuhuashi has also read military books since he was a child, and has considerable experience in leading troops in war.

The only way to face such a tall city wall is to make siege equipment and rush up at one go.

Since ancient times, this method has basically been used to attack cities. Even if huge casualties are caused, the city must be pulled out.

Lin Hai shook his head and said: "Absolutely not, things have not reached this point yet.

It’s not that there is no good way, it’s just a little troublesome! "

"Do you mean that the Japanese who are behind will make it impossible for Goryeo to defend after they create it?" Yuhuashi asked.

"That's not true! Don't forget that we have explosives. It's not difficult to capture this city!" Lin Hai said with a smile.

"Oh? You mean..."

"No matter how high the city wall is, it's useless. Let's dig a passage here.

Bury a large amount of gunpowder underneath and ignite the gunpowder together.

As long as the gunpowder is powerful enough, it can blow up large areas of the city wall.

Then just rush in and attack! Lin Hai replied

"I see, this is a good idea!"

Lin Hai called Liu Ergou over and told him.

Liu Ergou immediately found someone to set up a tent nearby and began to send people to dig a tunnel.

All the tools of the Daxia army are made of fine iron, and they can dig very quickly.

When one person got tired of digging, he would be replaced by the next one, and they kept digging all night long.

Although Daxia's army was stationed and did not continue to attack, it frightened the Koreans.Just now, we fired artillery attacks on the city wall, leaving many holes in it.

Moreover, the huge force caused the city wall to move violently, and everyone turned pale with fear.

If the cannon were fired at people, it would probably cause greater casualties.

No shield can withstand the power of this weapon.

Several cannonballs fell in large pieces on the city wall, killing more than a dozen people.

Jin Yu saw an iron ball the same size as a watermelon. He stretched out his hand to lift it and found that it was very heavy.

If you drop it on the ground, it will make a hole.

"What kind of weapon is this that can throw such a heavy iron ball?

If we keep using such weapons to attack the city wall, it will be impossible to withstand it. "

Jin Yu felt very heavy.

He couldn't think of any way to resist.

The city wall is relatively thick and can withstand it for a period of time, but the female wall is built with smaller bricks.

Cannonballs hitting the female wall can collapse the female wall.

There was no one on the city wall to defend, and Daxia's army could easily use engineering ladders to climb up.

How can such a battle be fought?
Jin Yu felt that things were very bad and he no longer had enough confidence to defend the city.

He quickly wrote a memorial and reported the situation here to the Emperor of Goryeo.

But he didn't expect that Lin Hai didn't force anyone to attack the city in order to protect the lives of the soldiers.

Instead, they kept digging tunnels in the ground.

Dig a passage under the city wall and plant explosives in an attempt to blow the entire wall down.

Although in ancient times, people did dig tunnels into the city for sneak attacks during wars.

They would also dig some holes in the ground and send people to squat there.

You can hear the sound of digging through holes in the ground, and you can set traps in advance.

It's just that Daxia's army doesn't need to dig into the city, they only need to dig under the city wall. Even if they send people to listen, they won't be able to detect it at all.

There seemed to be a truce between the two sides, and no one launched an attack.

It only took two days to dig almost to the bottom of the city wall.

Lin Hai asked someone to bring a lot of gunpowder for the cannon.

After a rough calculation, the gunpowder prepared was enough to blow up the city wall twice.

As long as the city wall is destroyed, the army can attack the city without causing too many casualties.

By midnight, we finally dug under the city wall.

Lin Hai asked people to carry all the explosives there.

Prepare the army for war.

There has been no attack for two days, and Goryeo's defenders have become much more relaxed than they were at first.

They thought that Daxia's city walls were too tall, so they were unwilling to launch an attack.

Waiting for Daxia's army to retreat quickly after eating up the food.

Neither the defenders on the city wall nor the Korean army in the city were prepared.

After the gunpowder was filled, Liu Ergou came over to report.

"Are you sure you have dug the foundation of the city wall? You only have one chance. If you fail, the enemy will be prepared in the future!

If you want to use the same method for a sneak attack, you will never have a chance again! "

Lin Hai asked.

"Don't worry, sir. We have carefully checked several times and we have definitely dug beneath the foundation.

Because the city wall is tall and the foundation is dug very deep, it is easy to tell! Liu Ergou said.

"Very good, tell someone to light the gunpowder!" Lin Hai gave the order.

(End of this chapter)

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