The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 579: Take the initiative to surrender

Chapter 579: Take the initiative to surrender
"We all obey the general's orders. Just give us whatever you want us to do."

The henchman in the Japanese pirate's hand shouted loudly.

With someone taking the lead, others did not dare to disobey, and they all shouted together in unison.

"Very good, I have not treated you badly during this period, and you have not let me down.

You will soon see how wise my decision was.

Follow me and you won't regret it.

Regardless of the current prosperity of the other lords, they will all be wiped out by the Daxia army soon. "

The pirate leader shouted loudly.

After brainwashing his subordinates, he ordered the entire army to dispatch to find Daxia's army.

Lin Hai and Yuhua Shi are leading the army in pursuit.

When encountering a small group of Japanese pirates, they directly send cavalry to kill them and eliminate them as soon as possible.

For a force of tens of thousands of people, careful planning is necessary.

First use cavalry to block the escape route of the Japanese, and then the infantry will arrive.

Join forces to wipe out all the Japanese.

Looking at the map, less than a fifth of the territory is left.

However, the resistance recently received has become increasingly fierce.

After all, most of the forces have nowhere to retreat and can only unite to resist desperately.

"Let's work harder and try to eliminate all these Japanese people within three days.

We can then return to the imperial court! "

Lin Hai said happily.

"Okay, but you can't rush too far forward during the battle.

After all, you are the top general of the army.

Just let me lead the troops to kill! "Yuhuashi explained.

Sometimes if the killing is not enough, Lin Hai will lead people to charge.

Anyway, there are security guards all around, so there is no need to worry about safety issues.

This scared Yuhua Shi to death. Any damage to Lin Hai would cause huge turmoil to the Great Xia Conference.

When setting off, the Queen Mother specifically asked Yuhua Shi to protect Lin Hai's safety.

Yuhuashi didn't dare to be careless in the slightest.

But when I go out to fight, I can't help but feel itchy hands when I encounter the Japanese Yuhua Stone.

He wanted to personally lead his army to destroy the Japanese.

Sometimes it is impossible to stay with Lin Hai to protect him.

“Okay, I understand, there are not many battles left to fight, so I’ll just let you have a good time.

I'll just stay behind the army and command it.

But you should also pay more attention to your safety. If you are injured, I won't be able to explain it to Miss Xian'er when you get back. "

Although they have an overwhelming advantage, the Japanese are very fierce and their individual combat capabilities are still very strong.

If you rush too fast and are surrounded by Japanese people, no matter how strong a person is, it will be difficult to resist them.

"I understand, then we will make an agreement and no one can go back on it!"

"A word is settled!"

The two people clapped their palms together and smiled at each other.

"Sir, there are [-] Japanese in front of us, approaching us."

Scouts came to report the news.

"Twenty thousand people actually dare to attack us. They are like big fish coming to our doorstep!" Lin Hai was excited.

I have been chasing the Japanese for so many days, but I am the first one to take the initiative to attack.

"Prepare to fight immediately, be sure to annihilate all these Japanese." Yuhuashi gave the order loudly.

All the cavalry were to attack him.

The scout hurriedly said: "Two adults, wait a minute. These Japanese people came here on their own initiative. They said they were surrendering to us, Daxia. Do we want to destroy the Japanese people who want to surrender?"

After listening to the scout's report, Yu Huashi and Lin Hai looked at each other with puzzled faces.

There were actually some Japanese who came to surrender.

Not even fighting, but surrendering just feels like things are too weird.

"Isn't it another Japanese conspiracy? It seems that they still don't understand my character at all.

He wanted to use surrender as an excuse to get close to me, and then take the opportunity to assassinate me.

I will not give them a chance! Lin Hai said coldly.

"Hmph, what else is there to say to these Japanese! It's better to send troops immediately to destroy them all.

Keeping these people is just a waste of food and has no effect at all! "

Along the way, I saw many Daxia people who had been harmed, and Yuhuashi already hated the Japanese to the bone.

The whole army wanted to quickly eliminate the Japanese and vent their anger on behalf of the victims.

"The two adults don't know something. It seems that they don't know each other and use strategies to assassinate.

These Japanese Japanese seemed to be quite strong, but they took the initiative to find the scouts.

All weapons have been disarmed.

It makes no sense for them to assassinate like this? " said the scout.

"What, there is still such a thing? Even the weapon has been disarmed, it is true that the assassination is meaningless.

Could it be that these Japanese people really came to surrender on their own initiative? "Lin Hai was also confused at this moment.

"These Japanese are quite smart. They know that they can no longer resist and will definitely die if they are surrounded by our army, so they do the opposite.

If you take the initiative to surrender, you can at least save a life!

If I had known this, why would I do it in the first place? " Yuhuashi said.

"No matter what, let's go meet these people first. I think if these Japanese are willing to sincerely surrender.

I have found a new use for these people! Lin Hai said with a smile.

"Is it possible that Brother Lin plans to use these Japanese to attack Goryeo?"

Lin Hai nodded slightly and said: "Brother Yu's guess is absolutely correct, the Goryeo Kingdom and the Japanese Kingdom are completely different.

Their city walls were built very tall and the houses in the city were very dense.

Although we can rely on the advantage of weapons to easily break through the city gate.

But if Goryeo's army hides in alleys and attacks secretly, our soldiers will easily be injured or killed.

Letting these Japanese people be cannon fodder in the front is a good choice! " Lin Hai explained.

"Okay, I think this method is not bad! Then let these Japanese live for a while longer."

While talking, he led the army forward.

Sure enough, we saw an army of no less than two people.

It was said that the army looked down upon them, as most of them were wearing various samurai uniforms.

Neither the weapons nor the clothes are uniform, just like a motley army.

Lin Hai saw at a glance that the leader was actually in the hands of the Japanese pirates who had escaped before.

Lin Hai walked forward with the translator and said with a sneer: "You escaped last time, I didn't expect us to meet again so soon!"

The Japanese pirate leader quickly knelt on the ground: "I am willing to lead my men to surrender to your lord.

Let us do anything, please spare our lives! "

"I really can't understand. You originally had less than 2 men, but in just ten days, you have grown to [-] people.

Since you have such strong strength, why do you need to surrender to me? Lin Hai looked at him with a half-smile and asked.

"Daxia's army is too strong. If I continue to resist, I will only die.

It is better to be loyal to Daxia and obey the orders of the adults.

Only in this way can you have a chance to survive! "The Japanese pirate leader did not dare to hide anything, so he could only tell the truth.

He knew that he still wanted to play tricks at this time, just to seek death!
(End of this chapter)

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