The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 578 Sweeping the Japanese Kingdom

Chapter 578 Sweeping the Japanese Kingdom
Lin Hai commanded the army to use thunderous means and a net-like method to gather all the people in the territory.

Ships kept transporting people and money to Daxia.

The remaining people were kept under close supervision and had to work in the fields every day.

Captured Daxia slaves were found in many territories, and their lives were extremely miserable.

This made Daxia's soldiers increasingly angry. Anyone who had harmed the people of Daxia was killed.

Lin Hai did not stop these things and let them vent their anger as best they could.

What's more, these Japanese will have to be wiped out sooner or later. It doesn't matter if they are killed now or die of old age later.

In just a few days, one-third of the Japanese territory had been occupied.

They also captured the palace where the emperor lived. Although it was far inferior to the palace in Daxia, it was indeed the best built place in Japan.

He placed Gong Yanwu here and left five thousand elite soldiers to protect him again.

Lin Hai and Yuhua Shi planned to personally lead the troops and capture all the people in the other territories as soon as possible.

If enough soldiers are left to guard here, they will have to lead the army to retreat.

The next step is to attack Goryeo.

As the delay continued day by day, Lin Hai became more and more anxious.

After all, she had received news that Shaoyao was several months pregnant and had to deal with the Turkic rebels.

Lin Hai has been worried.

We must quickly resolve these two hidden dangers before sending troops to the Turks.

No matter what, we must defeat all the Turkic troops and then seize Peony.

Regardless of whether Shaoyao is willing or not, she must be brought back by force.

Gong Yanwu also knew that if she kept following the army, she would only bring a burden to them.

The amount of food and grass consumed by the army every day is not a small amount. It is better to completely destroy the Japanese country as soon as possible and return to Daxia as soon as possible.

It can be said that this personal expedition by the imperial commander achieved an unprecedented victory.

The purpose of coming out has been achieved.

Gong Yanwu did not insist on following the army, but stayed in the palace where the emperor lived.

Lin Hai and Yu Huashi personally led the army and attacked quickly.

Clear all territory.

Nowadays, most of the people in the territory are women, or they are the old, weak, sick and disabled.

Lin Hai also quickly received news from the scouts. Since the Japanese knew the news of the emperor's death, all their troops had been destroyed.

The brave ones took the opportunity to gather people to expand their strength and snatched away all the women and money.

Trying to lead the army to fight guerrillas against Daxia.

In the eyes of these people, even if they can't defeat Daxia's army, they just need to avoid the sharp edge and try to avoid it.

At worst, he could just go up the mountain and become a bandit. Anyway, he had money and food in hand and had nothing to fear.

But these Japanese warriors ignored the strength of the Daxia cavalry.

As long as the scouts know where they are staying, the Daxia cavalry will quickly arrive and wipe out all these people.

The entire Japanese country has fallen into chaos, and ordinary people are living in dire straits.

After being captured by Daxia's army, at least he still had food to eat, and he could fill his stomach by working.

But when they met those Japanese rogues, they couldn't get any food and slaughtered them all.

The Daxia army searched carefully and eliminated each force.

The Japanese pirate leader has gathered a team of nearly 2 people during this period.

It's just that these teams have not undergone strict training, and they are scattered when fighting.

The only advantage is that most of them are samurai, and their individual combat effectiveness is quite good.

However, these men did not completely surrender to him, and many of them were forced to be captured.

Following the Japanese pirate leader can fill his stomach, and there is no shortage of women.

It has quickly become the strongest force.But he has always been extremely worried.

Many people were sent to inquire about Daxia, but the result was that many forces were wiped out.

Arrest all the people, men, women, old and young.

The Japanese pirate leader also began to murmur mentally.

"What exactly does Daxia want to do? Does he really want to kill everyone?
This is absolutely impossible, right? Do you still want the Japanese country to become a land of ruins? "

He originally wanted to increase his strength as much as possible and then surrender to Daxia, but he didn't understand the situation before.

He didn't dare to act rashly.

They can only try to avoid Daxia's army and retreat all the way back.

But Daxia occupied more and more places, and they soon became unable to escape.

What's more, Daxia's cavalry is very fast. Once they find their traces, they can catch up quickly.

"General, we encountered Daxia's scouts less than thirty miles away from us.

Should we continue to retreat, or should we fight them? "

One of his men asked.

The Japanese pirate leader slapped him with melon seeds.

"Are you tired of fighting against the Daxia army?

If you want to die, just wipe your neck with a knife, why bother. "

The subordinate was slapped and no longer dared to speak casually.

"There's no point in escaping anyway, let's just take a gamble! Let everyone gather together and we surrender to Daxia!"

His subordinates looked stunned after hearing this.

Their development speed is so strong that if they were in the past, they would even have the strength to compete for the emperor.

Why did Daxia's army become so timid when they encountered it?
He had already given in defeat before even fighting.

He looked at his men in a daze with suspicious faces.

The Japanese pirate leader cursed loudly: "How dare you disobey my order?

I'll tell you the truth, don't think that we already have 2 people.

This small amount of troops would not be able to hold out for a long time in front of Daxia, and they would be wiped out easily.

Our only way to survive is to surrender like Daxia.

There wasn't much of an escape route at all.

We don’t even have a ship, we have become a turtle in a urn, what else can we do if we don’t surrender to Daxia? "

The men were scolded and rushed to spread the news.

After all his men had gathered, the Japanese pirate leader presented his plan in front of them.

It is true that many people are not satisfied with this.

After finally living a good life, robbing money and food everywhere, it was really hard to accept that they were suddenly asked to be prisoners.

"General, if we are so powerful, we can hide on a hilltop and surrender before we fight. Isn't this too rash?"

The pirate leader glared: "You bastard, you still don't know how critical the situation is.

Everyone has been taken away by Daxia. Even if they can hide, what can they eat?
What's more, Daxia's cavalry is very fast. Once they find our traces, they can catch up immediately.

You have no idea how terrifying Daxia’s strength is. No matter how many people there are, they are no match for them!

Do you want to survive or surrender to them?

If you are unwilling to obey my orders, you can leave now.

If you are killed by Daxia's army, don't rely on me! "

Even if someone is dissatisfied and wants to escape, they don't have the courage.

They knew the character of the Japanese pirate leader very well, and anyone who dared to leave would definitely die.

(End of this chapter)

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