The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 577 The plan of the Japanese pirate leader

Chapter 577 The plan of the Japanese pirate leader

"I didn't ask you to talk about robbery. We have all become turtles in the urn and will face the Daxia army sooner or later.

Everyone is trying to figure out how to escape! "The Japanese pirate leader was extremely angry.

Even now, I'm still thinking about robbing money.

I wish I could beat that subordinate violently before he could vent his anger.

The subordinate who came up with the idea also looked aggrieved.

"The general doesn't know anything. The young men have made special inquiries. All our ships, big and small, have been snatched away by Daxia or destroyed on the spot.

How can we escape without even a boat?

Navigating the sea without a large enough ship was very dangerous, and there was no way to carry enough food and water. "

After hearing his words, the Japanese pirate leader fell silent.

He really couldn't understand how the Great Xia Navy suddenly became so powerful.

Moreover, Daxia's attack was so fierce this time that they had already found out and took away all the Japanese.

I thought I was going to wipe out all of them.

Thinking of this, I felt very scared.

He killed many people, but when it was his turn, he was scared to death.

"General, I think we should indeed expand our power.

General, if you think about it, Daxia's navy is indeed very powerful, especially their explosives that no one can resist.

But if we want to survive, we should recruit more people to form an army.

There is also a lot of food and money to be found.

When Daxia's army finds us, we can surrender directly to them.

When the Daxia army sees that we are very strong, it is very likely that they will accept us. "

After hearing what this subordinate said, the pirate leader's eyes suddenly lit up.

He thought deeply and said, "What you said makes sense!

Even if you surrender, you must have enough strength!

If we only have people like us, Daxia can easily destroy us.

He won't even listen to a word we say. "

"Okay, your kid's idea is indeed useful. If someone is listening, we will take action tonight and kill the lord.

Seize this territory, keep those who are willing to obey our orders, and kill all those who are unwilling to follow us.

From now on, we must also expand our strength and surrender to Daxia in the future. "

The Japanese pirate leader knew the strength of Daxia very well. Even 2 of them could not deal with 1000 Xia troops.

Now that Daxia's tens of thousands of troops have landed in Japan, he has no intention of resisting.

If he was asked to lead the army in a head-on battle with Daxia, it would be better to find a place to commit suicide, at least leaving a whole body.

That night the Japanese pirate leaders went to see their lord.

The 200 people led by the Japanese pirate leader are all elites, and they have strong combat effectiveness no matter where they are.

The lord held him in high regard, especially in times of extraordinary chaos.

He must rely on these Japanese pirates to help him defend against warriors from other territories.

After hearing the request of the Japanese pirate leader, the lord immediately asked someone to invite him over.

The Japanese pirate leader walked forward and saluted him respectfully.

"This subordinate has met the lord!"

"Excuse me, come to see me so late. What's the matter?" the lord asked.

"There is indeed something very important to tell the lord. I heard news that warriors from two surrounding territories have united to seize our land.

And they're going to attack soon.

I know a secret about them. As long as the Lord knows this secret, he will definitely defeat them! "

The Japanese pirate leader made up a random excuse just to get close to him.

The lord has the power of the Japanese pirate leader, who is already a very powerful presence nearby.The other lords did not dare to attack him easily.

But when he heard that other territories actually united to deal with him, the lord suddenly became nervous.

Without thinking too much, he quickly said: "Tell me what the secret is!"

The Japanese pirate leader walked forward and pretended to tell him in a low voice.

Suddenly he drew his sword and chopped off the lord's head like lightning.

The lord's men stayed where they were, still looking confused.

I simply couldn't believe that the Japanese pirate leader suddenly turned against the enemy and killed their lord.

You must know that the lord took in these people, otherwise they would still be wandering today.

After a few seconds, the lord's guards reacted.

They drew their knives and attacked the Japanese pirate leader together.

Suddenly, dozens of people rushed in from outside, protecting the Japanese pirate leader in the middle.

The other Japanese people saw this situation and did not dare to take action again.

The two sides confronted each other with weapons.

The Japanese pirate leader smiled proudly and said: "The lord is dead, if you are willing to become my subordinates, your lives can be spared.

Let's go and conquer all the surrounding territories.

Each of you can follow me and enjoy glory and wealth.

If you don't want to, don't blame me for being rude!

There is an old saying in Daxia, which is that those who understand current affairs are heroes. I believe you can make the right choice. "

The lord's men looked at each other.

They have no intention of continuing the fight.

They knew that the Japanese pirate leader was fully prepared, and all his men were elite and wearing armor.

Even if they gather all their troops, they will not be able to defeat these Japanese pirates.

Put the knife back.

He said with a solemn expression: "Do you really mean what you say?
As long as we take refuge in you, you can guarantee our prosperity and wealth? "

"Of course! As long as you follow me, you can definitely defeat all the lords.

I think you should also know the news from the outside that the Emperor has been killed by Daxia, and all the [-] Japanese troops of our country have been wiped out.

If you don't expand your strength quickly, you will be destroyed by the Xia army sooner or later. "The Japanese pirate leader analyzed the current situation for the other party.

This news has already spread throughout the Japanese country, and of course other people know it.

"Okay, we are willing to be loyal to you!"

Everyone knelt on the ground to express their submission!
"Very good, you should command your own men. We will launch an attack early tomorrow morning and take down all the surrounding territories!"

The Japanese pirate leader did not completely believe everyone.

Instead, he has always been in the protective circle of his subordinates.

He had just killed the lord, so he was naturally afraid that someone was not sincerely loyal to him.

It's possible to attack him if you get close.

All contact with other people is left to his subordinates.

And he himself must always be under the tight protection of his subordinates.

Killed the lord and occupied his lord's mansion.

Quickly give orders to your subordinates.

That night, the entire territory was in chaos, and all the direct descendants of the lord were wiped out.

All his property was also looted.

Taking advantage of the lord's trust, he quickly took control of the territory, and at dawn, he launched an attack on other territories.

And within a short period of time, he defeated the four surrounding territories and conquered them all!
His army has also expanded to 2000 people, and it is already a very powerful force in the current Japanese country.

(End of this chapter)

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