The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 580: Total Destruction of the Japanese Kingdom

Chapter 580: Total Destruction of the Japanese Kingdom
Lin Hai suddenly discovered that this guy was definitely a talent and had a very long-term vision.

But since he is a Japanese pirate, he has hurt many people in Daxia, so it is absolutely impossible to let him off easily.

Lin Hai remained silent, and the Japanese pirate leader became more and more worried.

"Is it possible that I thought wrong? Does this general want to kill me quickly?
I have already brought so many of my men to surrender, so why don’t I show no mercy at all? "

After a while, Lin Hai finally thought about it clearly.

He said, "Are you sure you want to lead everyone to surrender to Daxia?"

The leader of the Japanese pirates nodded vigorously: "The villain sincerely surrenders to Daxia. From now on, he will ride on horseback for Daxia, go up mountains of swords and under seas of fire without even frowning."

"Very good, as long as your words are enough! From now on, follow me and make more military exploits. I guarantee that you will be promoted and make a fortune!" Lin Hai said.

The Japanese pirate leader was overjoyed and quickly knelt on the ground and kowtowed: "Thank you, sir!"

After seeing the weapons of Daxia, he knew that the world would become Daxia sooner or later.

It was impossible for anyone to be Daxia's opponent.

Only by following Daxia can we have better development prospects.

Lin Hai said: "I will appoint you as the vanguard officer of the Navy and continue to command your subordinates.

But the ugly words are ahead. Since you are willing to join me in Daxia, you must abide by all the rules set by this officer.

Anyone who disobeys military law will be killed without mercy. "

The Japanese pirate leader was even more surprised.

Originally, he thought that joining Daxia would directly take away his military power, and his subordinates would be handed over to others to command.

Unexpectedly, he was still in charge, which gave him great power and trust.

"I will obey my orders and will never let you down!"

"Very good, I will give you the first mission, to lead your army to destroy all other forces.

Those who are willing to surrender will be incorporated into your army, and those who are unwilling to surrender will be killed on the spot.

The speed must be fast, and all forces must be wiped out within three days.

If you can't do it, come and see us!
I will also lead the army to cooperate with you in the encirclement and suppression.

After all the remaining forces have been cleared, they will immediately attack Goryeo. "

Lin Hai gave them orders.

"Yes!" the Japanese pirate leader respectfully agreed.

Lin Hai gave them part of the search area and allowed them to move freely without interfering.

Anyway, there are scouts who often pay attention to their movements and can know anything they do immediately.

Lin Hai sent troops to drive all other lord forces in front of them.

The Japanese pirate leader and his [-] men soon encountered other forces.

The two sides disagreed and started fighting directly.

The Japanese pirate leader has no other abilities, but he is quite experienced in leading battles.

Otherwise, he would not have become the most powerful Japanese pirate leader.

Defeat the opponent quickly.

Most of them were killed and the rest surrendered.

People like these take the flag and move on.

With Lin Hai's secret help, all the Japanese warriors were eliminated in less than three days.

Lin Hai left some troops behind and strictly guarded all the Japanese.

Let them work in the fields every day, and the country of Japan will be the granary of Daxia.

Although it is relatively barren, without the plundering of nobles, the harvested food has a large surplus besides eating.

What's more, a large number of women were taken away, which was equivalent to a direct reduction in half of the population.

The food consumed will naturally be reduced.

After counting the life in the Japanese country, it was actually equivalent to 2000 million taels of silver.

Although Japan has relatively little gold and silver, it does produce pearls, corals, and some treasures from the sea.

These things are still very valuable.Shipping to Daxia is easy to exchange for money.

Finally, when it was time to retreat, the troops were transported back in batches by large ships.

The Japanese troops stayed for the time being and then transported them by ship when they attacked Goryeo.

The Japanese state was originally very close to Goryeo.

There is no need to transport them to Bactria.

On the boat, Gong Yanwu looked at the financial list.

This battle not only cost very little, but also made a lot of money.

"It's better to make money faster by fighting! You are absolutely right, we should introduce more big ships.

Conquer all surrounding enemy countries and then engage in overseas trade. "Gong Yanwu said with great emotion.

Once you taste the sweetness, you can never stop.

More than 2000 million taels of silver are equivalent to several years of tax revenue in Daxia.

There are so many things you can do with so much money.

Lin Hai smiled and said: "With this money, Daxia can do a lot of things in the future.

First, strengthen the river embankment to prevent the river water from overflowing in summer. "

“You are absolutely right, if you have money, you should strengthen the river area as soon as possible.

Every time a river breaks its banks, countless people are displaced.

We must protect all people this year. "Gong Yanwu agreed immediately.

“It is not enough to strengthen the river embankments, we must also dredge the river channels to make the rivers smoother.

Now we can build steam engines and ship faster.

As long as the rivers are open and steam ships can be used to transport goods, efficiency can be greatly improved.

With more convenient transportation, it will be easier to do business. As long as business develops, the country will naturally become rich.

Another very important point is that we still need to build two good roads leading to Tibet and Turks.

Troops can be sent to these two places as quickly as possible.

Never worry that the two countries will betray each other. "

Lin Hai explained the concept of cement roads.

Gong Yanwu was surprised when she heard for the first time that cement roads could be built.

Especially with these roads, the speed of carriages can be greatly increased.

Even if it rains, it will not be affected in any way.

As long as Daxia is strong enough, if the border is invaded, food, grass and troops can be quickly dispatched in a very short period of time.

It's just that building such a road is extremely expensive, and it was simply impossible based on previous capabilities.

After wiping out all the Japanese kingdoms, we finally had start-up funds.

Moreover, the next step is to attack Goryeo, and Lin Hai estimates that he can earn more than 2000 million taels of silver.

With this money, basically two cement roads can be built.

Gong Yanwu was shocked when she heard Lin Hai's budget.

Although I strongly support Lin Hai's approach, it costs too much money.

"The current roads can also be used. Is it really necessary to spend 5000 to [-] million taels to build two roads?" Gong Yanwu asked doubtfully.

At this moment, I was already retreating.

This much money could not be spent in the treasury for several years, and it could completely exempt the people from paying taxes.

Used to reduce the burden on the people of Daxia.

Gong Yanwu was really reluctant to spend so much money on road construction.

“Of course it is necessary. Although the initial investment is very huge, the later returns are also quite rich.

You will never lose money! Lin Hai said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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