Chapter 564
Kamekawa was tortured and asked to tell him everything he knew.

There was no need for soldiers to stay out at night.

He took Kamekawa directly to his city.

The city on the seaside is not high, the city wall is only about four meters, and it looks very simple.

It can only be said that it is enough for the Japanese defense to defend their own people.

If a city wall like this is to deal with a building, it shouldn't be too far behind.

Even without artillery, the city can be easily breached.

It is precisely because the Japanese country does not have many foreign enemies and does not border any country.

Almost all wars come from within.

After fighting for so many years, whoever has more people and better weapons will be the king.

After becoming a lord, the emperor would recruit and grant land.

Just pay taxes.

As for the battles between lords, the emperor would turn a blind eye.

As long as it does not affect the peace of Japan or the status of the emperor, you can fight to the death.

He led people to the city gate and asked Kamekawa to shout to open the door.

When the Japanese pirates saw all the Daxia soldiers below, they were frightened and closed the city gate tightly, not daring to open it.

Kamekawa cursed angrily.

"What are you bastards still doing? Open the door quickly, are you going to kill me?"

Lin Hai asked people to set up the artillery outside.

Let people issue an ultimatum to the city.

If they don't open the door again, they will bombard the city with artillery and force their way in.

Most of the Japanese soldiers have been eliminated, and there are only a few hundred people in the city to maintain order.

Seeing so many Daxia troops had already turned pale with fright.

This small number of manpower cannot withstand the Daxia army.

But they didn't dare to open the door, they just made the last resistance.

Kamekawa's nose was so angry that he twisted his nose.

"Baga Yalu, you bastards are trying to rebel!"

Now resist and won't open the door.

It was literally killing him.

If the general of Daxia is angered, he will definitely be chopped down with a knife.

Kamichuan was angrier than the people in Daxia at the moment.

He cursed loudly at his men.

“Tell them if they don’t open the door we’re going to storm it.

Once the city gate is breached, all those who resisted will die! "

Lin Hai ordered the translator.

The translator conveyed the order to the Japanese who were guarding the city.

As soon as they heard that the city was going to be massacred, the Japanese defenders were frightened.

They could clearly see that Daxia's army was no less than 2 people, and they only had a few hundred to defend the city.

Even if we include the Japanese people in the city, we can't dispatch too many manpower at all.

After much thought, he finally surrendered, not to mention that his lord was still in Daxia's hands.

Surrendering to Daxia might still have a chance of survival.

The Japanese opened the car door and left the city together to surrender to Daxia.

Lin Hai first asked Wang Dayong to lead people into the city to control the situation and collect all the weapons in the hands of the Japanese.

Places in the city where people might be hiding were either torn down or guarded by soldiers.

All the Japanese were not allowed to go to the streets and all stayed at home.

After making sure it was safe, he took Gong Yanwu's carriage and slowly entered the city.

Although the city is generally built, the lord's mansion is very luxurious.

Obviously these Japanese worshiped Daxia very much, and the lord's mansion they built was like a palace, completely imitating the architecture of Daxia.

After Lin Hai entered the Lord's Mansion, he felt very accustomed to it, as if he had returned to Daxia.After making sure it was safe, he walked to the front of the carriage.

"Queen Mother, everything is settled, come down and have a rest first!" Lin Hai shouted.

The door curtain of the carriage opened, and Qiaoer and the others helped Gong Yanwu get out of the carriage.

Arriving at the lord's mansion, Gong Yanwu sat in the seat that should have belonged to the lord.

With a happy face: "This battle was well fought, a city has been captured so quickly.

From the looks of it, it won't take long to defeat all the Japanese countries. "

"What the Queen Mother said is that according to the information we have received so far, the military strength of the Japanese country is not even a little bit worse than that of the Turks and Tubo.

It's just that the Japanese country is alone on the sea and has no boundary with us.

That's why they can live safely until now.

It's just that they don't see the form clearly, don't live a good life, and get rich through hard work.

Instead, they sent Japanese pirates to attack Daxia.

They asked for their own destruction! Lin Hai replied.

"Do you have a detailed plan on when to launch the attack?
I have decided that I will go out with the army and will never stay at the rear! "Gong Yanwu said seriously.

The first imperial expedition went so smoothly, Gong Yanwu would not let go of such a good opportunity.

Always follow the army to fight, and when you return, you can publicize it to the court and the people.

Gong Yanwu personally commanded the army and defeated the Japanese state.

This will greatly enhance her reputation and prestige.

Lin Hai felt that there should be no problem.

She is still very confident in protecting Gong Yanwu's safety.

“The lower official will arrange everything to ensure that the Queen Mother is satisfied.

After the reinforcements behind us arrive, we can launch an attack.

In addition, I think we should wait for two more days to see if the Japanese Congress will send troops to conquer us.

We can just sit back and wait for the enemy troops to come to our door, surround them and annihilate them all. Lin Hai replied.

"What you said makes sense. There are no other cities near here and the ground is flat.

If you are stationed here, you don’t have to worry about Japanese pirates coming to attack you. "Gong Yanwu nodded in agreement.

After occupying the city, no one is allowed to enter or leave at will.

Lin Hai plans to collect all the money here.

The Japanese country can rob Daxia, why can't Daxia rob them?

Not only be strong but leave nothing behind.

From now on, only banknotes specially issued by Daxia could be circulated in Japan.

If the Japanese country dares to rebel, they can just cut off the banknotes and stop trading with the Japanese country.

All the wealth of the entire Japanese country will be reduced to ashes.

Let Liu Ergou lead people to search house to house.

Anyone who had been a Japanese pirate would be killed on the spot.

All the young men were handcuffed and shackled, even the women who had practiced martial arts were not spared.

In a place with a very harsh environment like Japan, I looked at a woman who was harmless to humans and animals.

If you turn your head carelessly, you may die in her hands.

For the safety of his men, Lin Hai would not show mercy.

During the search, some people also resisted vigorously, and they were killed without mercy.

Wang Dayong led people to interrogate Guichuan and asked him to account for all the rich people in the city.

Kamekawa knew that his people were going to be robbed, and he was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

"We have already surrendered, why do we still treat our people like this?"

"Hey, you know how heartbroken you are! When you sent the Japanese pirates to harm my people in Daxia, why didn't you expect what would happen today?" Wang Dayong asked coldly.

Kamekawa was immediately speechless.

Of course he knew very well how cruel the Japanese pirates under his command were.

Not only did they burn, kill and plunder, they also captured many people from Daxia as slaves and worked as coolies in the Japanese country.

(End of this chapter)

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