The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 563 Capturing the Lord

Chapter 563 Capturing the Lord
Although two thousand cavalry charging towards the Japanese pirates can destroy them all, doing so will definitely cause casualties.

Yuhuashi and Wang Dayong will never do anything to hurt soldiers just for the sake of greed.

Just use crossbows and grenades to prevent the Japanese from escaping.

Waiting for the infantry to surround them, and then launching an attack together, they will surely be able to wipe out all the Japanese with minimal losses.

Lord Kamekawa is also quite experienced in leading troops and generals.

Seeing Daxia's cavalry, they no longer wanted to escape.

No matter how fast two legs run, they can't beat a war horse.

Once trying to escape, all soldiers will lose the will to fight.

The cavalry will definitely catch up and destroy them easily.

He knew that in this case, a head-on fight was necessary. As long as they could repel Daxia's army, they would have a glimmer of hope.

Let everyone line up in a defensive formation and wait for the attack of the army.

Kamekawa made a very serious mistake. He saw a cannon bombardment on the warship.

It was judged that this weapon would be difficult to transport to shore.

Definitely still fight with cold weapons.

He was quite confident in the strength of his men, and the warriors he led fought in the north and south to achieve their current status.

He has great confidence to fight against Daxia's army.

Cao Qiang led the infantry to catch up from behind, and arranged his troops in an arc shape, semi-surrounding the Japanese army.

There are cavalry in front, so there is no need to worry about the Japanese fleeing after defeat.

"Everyone listens to the order, and the crossbows and artillery are ready. The crossbows and artillery work together to destroy these Japanese and avenge our relatives who were killed!" Cao Qiang roared.

The enemy is right in front of you, so there is no need to use unnecessary words to boost morale.

Attack directly.

The soldiers lined up in neat lines and marched as fast as possible until they were within shooting range.

The soldiers in the first row pulled the triggers of their crossbows together.

Countless arrows were shot at the Japanese.

Most of the Japanese had no armor and fell to the ground directly after being hit by arrows.

Every few people left a space for artillery, lit the artillery and fired directly at crowded places.

"Boom boom boom..."

As the cannon sounded, a large number of Japanese pirates were shot and fell to the ground.

As soon as he showed his fierce expression, he saw his men falling down in pieces like straw.

Lord Kamekawa completely collapsed.

He stared at all this dumbfounded.

It is impossible for flesh and blood to resist the attack of crossbows and artillery.

"Escape quickly, Daxia's weapons are too powerful!" Kamekawa has completely lost the will to resist.

This was either a war or a one-sided massacre.

Maybe some people can escape with their lives if they run away now, but those who stay will only die.

With Kamekawa's order, the Japanese could no longer hold on and ran away.

The entire battlefield became chaotic, and the Japanese fled in all directions.

Wang Dayong and Yu Huashi knew it was time for them to take action.

He led the cavalry to surround the fleeing people, and fired a round of arrows as soon as they got close.

Use grenades to greet people in crowded places.

The sounds of explosions on the battlefield are endless.

Cao Qiang also led his people to surround him quickly and chased them together from behind.

The Japanese army of more than 2 was almost completely wiped out in less than half an hour.

Only Kamekawa and a dozen of his men were left, and all of them were injured.

Yuhuashi and Wang Dayong knew from the armor they wore that this person must be the leader.

Leave these few alive.After all, the situation on the Japanese side was completely unknown, and a few people had to be captured alive for interrogation.

Gong Yanwu found it incredible that the battle could be resolved so quickly and easily.

The other party had an army of [-], and they were all wiped out so quickly.

Mainly because the soldiers of Daxia are all ruthless and want to avenge their families.

They were merciless in fighting. Even the Japanese pirates who were injured did not show any mercy. They walked forward and hacked them to death.

Before the war started, Lin Hai had specifically stated that the Japanese would not be left alive.

Leaving some people to clean up the battlefield, Lin Hai led others to gather around.

Seeing the dozen or so prisoners captured, Lin Hai pointed at Kamekawa and said, "Keep him and take all the others down!"

The soldiers rushed forward and pulled Kamekawa's men away.

Those people still resisted desperately, and the soldiers would not tolerate these people.

He was pushed to the ground and beaten indiscriminately, beating them until they were half dead and dragging them down by their legs.

Kamekawa was left alone.

Kamekawa was so frightened that he felt weak and shouted loudly to keep others away.

Someone translated his words into the Bactrian language.

Lin Hai asked: "I am the Commander-in-Chief of the Great Xia Navy, who can you name me?"

After hearing what the translator said, Kamekawa looked at Lin Hai doubtfully.

It was unimaginable that the naval generals of Daxia were so young.

"I am Lord Kamekawa. Since I have been defeated by you, I am willing to surrender!"

Kamekawa knew that it was useless to resist, so he simply surrendered.

At least based on his identity and status, he can receive preferential treatment even if he is defeated.

"Okay, since you surrender, then explain it honestly and explain everything you know clearly."

Lin Hai asked about the Japanese pirate leader, and Kamekawa explained everything one by one.

Very resentful towards the Japanese pirate leader.

He clearly knew that Daxia's army was so powerful but he didn't explain it clearly to him.

In fact, the Japanese pirate leader had told him that the Daxia army was difficult to deal with, but he didn't take it seriously at all.

He thought that this was his territory and it was impossible for Daxia's army to defeat him.

Now that he is captured, he puts all the blame on the Japanese pirate leader.

Lin Hai smiled slightly after hearing what he explained. It was exactly as he guessed.

I also asked about the situation of the Japanese pirates. I found that the Japanese country was not strong and most of the people lived in great pain.

It's just that the Japanese country believes in the spirit of Bushido, and there are many samurai even among the people.

There was no way to fill his stomach by farming, so the only way out was to become a samurai.

Either join the army or become a subordinate of a small lord, killing and robbing everywhere.

If you are more courageous, you can fight Japanese pirates, and you can make money faster by robbing outside.

Almost all the warriors of the Japanese country have blood on their hands. Whether it is the blood of their own people or the people of other countries, they are killing people all the time.

Conquer everything by force and make others their slaves.

Lord Kamekawa has a small town, which is quite large even in Japan.

Lin Hai plans to attack Japan, but his current manpower is still too few.

After defeating the Japanese pirates, I got a lot of warships and have already gone to transport more navy troops.

I plan to wait here for two days until all the troops arrive before launching an attack on Japan.

Lin Hai did not block the news, but released some people to report to the Japanese Emperor.

Let them know that Daxia has come to attack, and quickly prepare the army to come for a decisive battle.

It is much easier to let the enemy take the initiative to die than to actively search for it.

(End of this chapter)

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