Chapter 562 Vulnerable

When the big ship was closer to the shore, he gave the order.

The heavy artillery on the ship fired at the Japanese on the shore.

The sound of artillery was deafening, and hundreds of shells hit the ground together.

The Japanese army was attacked by heavy artillery for the first time.

After the cannon sounded, I saw iron balls hitting each other.

Everyone hid in a hurry.

But human legs are not as fast as cannonballs.

What's more, their people were lined up together, and the shells bounced everywhere among the crowd.

The person who was hit was directly torn into pieces.

Then the cannonball rolled forward, killing all the enemies in the front.

In just the first round of attacks, the Japanese suffered hundreds of casualties, and the screams were endless.

This round of attacks caused all the Japanese to completely lose the idea of ​​resistance.

How can you fight with such a powerful weapon?
Lord Kamekawa shouted loudly and would never allow his men to take a step back.

Let people spread out a little to avoid the cannonball attacks.

Then the second shot came.

Heavy artillery can fire shells continuously, as long as the distance and aim are adjusted.

After firing the first shot, you can load the gunpowder and shells and continue firing.

The sound of shelling was endless, and the Japanese on the shore could only flee and hide everywhere.

By the time the ship was about to dock, thousands of people had been killed and injured.

The two wings of the big ship also began to contact the Japanese warships and start fighting.

The artillery of the Daxia Navy had a longer range, and the Japanese warships were hit by Daxia before they even entered the range.

Both crossbow bolts and artillery pieces fell like raindrops.

The Japanese on the deck were attacked, fell to the ground and were directly beaten into sieves, or were shot into hedgehogs by crossbow arrows.

After the ships of both sides came into contact, soldiers from Daxia rushed forward immediately.

Seizing the ship, he turned around and continued to attack the Japanese warships.

Although the Japanese warships were numerous, their fighting methods were too primitive.

They all used bows and arrows to fight back, and most of the Japanese had no armor at all.

Compared with Daxia's fully armed elites, they are not even a little bit behind.

Even if their bows and arrows hit the soldiers of Daxia, they would be blocked by their helmets and armors and would not be fatally injured at all.

On the other hand, as long as the Japanese are hit by arrows, they will either die or be injured, so they are no match at all.

Soon they snatched all the larger warships of Japan.

Smaller ships are directly bombarded with cannons.

After getting more ships, the ships he drove surrounded the Japanese.

No one from Japan could escape.

Lin Hai's plan was to block all their escape routes and let them be slaughtered.

The landing operation here went very smoothly. Less than a quarter of an hour after the artillery attack, the Japanese army suffered heavy casualties and fled towards the distance.

Daxia's warship docked smoothly at the dock, and the cavalry was the first to rush down.

Next came the infantry.

Wang Dayong and Yu Huashi each led a cavalry force to attack the Japanese on the shore.

Cao Qiang led the infantry to advance steadily and orderly.

Lin Hai led the palace guards to protect the safety of Gong Yanwu and several others along the way.

On the platform, I could already see the Japanese pirates retreating.

Everyone was extremely happy.

Daxia's navy has indeed become extremely powerful, and the Japanese were defeated as soon as they came into contact.

Lin Hai shouted loudly from behind: "Cao Qiang, we must proceed according to the plan. Scouts carefully detect the enemy's situation. Don't be tempted to go deep into the enemy's trap."

"Subordinates obey!"

Gong Yanwu was extremely excited: "Is Japan too weak, or are we too strong? We defeated them so easily?"

Lin Hai explained with a smile: "Isn't this normal?
No matter how fierce the Japanese pirates are, they are still fleshy.

No matter how powerful a person is, he can't resist firearms! "

"That's right, the power of the cannon is so powerful. If an iron ball is hit so far, no one can stop it.

Even the city walls can be blown down directly.

It seems that our attack on Japan will definitely go smoothly! "

Gong Yanwu could not imagine how Daxia destroyed Tubo before.

Now I have seen the battle scene with my own eyes. As soon as the battle started, more than half of the enemy was already dead or wounded.

There is no need to fight such a battle.

If they had surrendered to Daxia earlier, more people could have survived.

If we continue to resist, all the enemy soldiers will be destroyed.

"We can't get too close to the army, just watch from a distance!

You are still sitting on the carriage and following our army! Lin Hai persuaded.

The curtains of the carriage can be lifted to watch the battle scene in the distance.

The Japanese pirates were beaten back and forth and fled a long way before they regrouped.

But they were soon surrounded by Daxia's cavalry.

Lord Kamekawa originally looked confident, but now he was frightened.

Daxia's strength far exceeded his expectations.

No wonder the Japanese pirate leader under him ran away. It turned out that they had long known that Daxia's navy was so powerful.

I originally thought that I could prevent the Daxia navy from landing and start a decisive battle with them on the water.

After all, this place is very close to the Japanese country and can provide support at any time.

But I never dreamed that they would lose so quickly.

The battle had just begun and already more than half of them were dead or injured, and they were also surrounded by Daxia cavalry.

The chance to escape has been lost, so we can only fight to the death.

At this moment, his intestines were filled with regret.

In the Japanese country, with [-] men, he was already the overlord, and no one dared to provoke him.

Especially since he controls most of the Japanese pirates, they can bring him countless money every year.

With this money, more troops can be fed.

In the entire Japanese country, except for the emperor, he was the only one with the most powerful power.

And there are more than 3000 elites wearing armor and fully armed.

These people can almost fight one against ten, and there is no force that can be his opponent.

As a result, he had an extremely inflated mentality. Even when facing Da Xia, he didn't take it seriously at all.

What's more, they got the news that Daxia was getting weaker and weaker and had no strength to conquer the Japanese country.

But when he saw the situation in front of him, he realized that his estimate of Daxia was completely wrong.

If Daxia really wanted to destroy them, it might be impossible to resist.

At this moment, Lord Kamekawa just wanted to escape.

He has countless men, a large territory, more money and more women than he can use up, and he hasn't enjoyed enough yet.

I really don't want to die here.

He shouted loudly: "Don't be afraid, Daxia Navy's weapons are all on the ship. As long as they land, those weapons will be unable to be used."

Everyone rushed out desperately. As long as they returned to the city, they could rely on the city to resist Daxia. "

The men's spirits perked up after hearing this, and they all looked ahead fiercely with their samurai swords in hand.

Be prepared to fight to the death and look for a chance to escape.

Yuhuashi and Wang Dayong led the cavalry to surround the perimeter.

Just stop these Japanese pirates from escaping.

(End of this chapter)

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