The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 565 The plan to destroy the Japanese country

Chapter 565 The plan to destroy the Japanese country

Daxia originally came here to take revenge, so how could he be merciful to his people?
It's already pretty good without killing innocent people indiscriminately.

Lin Hai did not turn the Japanese country into a barren land and massacred everyone.

It’s also good to leave some people behind to work as coolies.

Although the Japanese country is very barren, there are still some minerals.

The women were taken away to help Daxia multiply the population, while the men stayed to mine.

Liu Ergou was extremely efficient in doing things and harvested all the money in the city in just one day.

The strong laborers were also captured.

Women were even detained separately according to their age, and they were given a ration of food as long as they could not starve to death.

Although he is cruel to the people of Japan, this is the safest way.

During the search, soldiers were attacked several times.

Many of the attackers were women.

At the beginning, I treated these women with compassion, but some of them were almost killed.

I finally realized that the women of Japan were completely different from Daxia.

Some of them are well-trained assassins, and they will lose their lives in the hands of these women if they are not careful.

If Yuhuashi hadn't told his soldiers several times and took action in time to save the soldiers,
There might actually be casualties!

For safety reasons, all the weapons of the Japanese were put away.

The most the family can keep is a short knife for cutting vegetables.

The money from the search piled up in a mountain at the lord's mansion.

Although the people of Japan live a very hard life, the more such a place is, the richer the powerful people are.

They use their power and influence to exploit poor people and gather all the wealth in their own hands.

But they did not expect that all the money they had worked hard to collect for several lifetimes would be used as wedding dresses for others.

Hundreds of people were called together to count the money, and it turned out that it amounted to more than 100 million taels of silver.

Lin Hai was a little stunned when he saw so much money.

After all, the Japanese country has always given people the impression of being very poor, and it can still collect so much cash.

Of course, most of this money was stolen from Daxia.

But it is also conceivable that with so many powerful lords in Japan, there must be a lot of money.

Collect all the money, at least it will not be less than ten million taels of silver.

Gong Yanwu was shocked when she heard the report.

"A small lord has so much money, but I see ordinary people wearing ragged clothes.

These stupid officials really deserve to die! "

"It's true that if an official does not make decisions for the people, he will harm the people.

We in Daxia must learn a lesson and never follow the old path of Japan.

Once corrupt officials are allowed to do evil, not only will they destroy the people, they will also destroy the entire Great Xia! "

Lin Hai said seriously.

“You are right, corrupt officials who want to make money will definitely rip off the people.

Will collude with those who have money to accept bribes.

The more money they make, the greater the suffering of the people. "Yuhuashi also hated these ignorant officials deeply.

Especially when he left the capital to buy tea mountains and followed Lin Hai to deal with those water bandits and corrupt officials.

I saw too many poor people.

They could have lived a good life through hard work, but corrupt officials wanted to make money from them.

Everywhere people are living in dire straits.

"After I return, I will definitely select more governors and let them inspect various places.

Whenever corrupt officials are found, they will be severely punished! "Gong Yanwu raised her eyebrows, her pretty face looking evil.

He has already become murderous towards those corrupt officials.

“It’s not enough to be a governor alone, we need to set up an agency specifically to collect intelligence.

Go to various states and counties in Daxia to investigate.

But they must not be given too much power, and the information from the investigation will be used as a reference.

You won’t be deceived by officials above and below you! "Lin Hai said. "That makes sense. I'm afraid that officials from above and below will join together to deceive me and the emperor.

Such people really deserve to be cut to pieces.

There must be some people under my direct control and let them go to various places to check the news! "

Gong Yanwu was convinced.

She had suffered a lot like this before.

Once all the officials were united, she, the Queen Mother, would be eliminated.

It's not a good feeling to be a puppet.

Had it not been for Lin Tiangui's military power, the consequences would have been disastrous.

If the powerful officials kill them all one day and directly usurp the throne, is there any way to do it?

The more he thought about the past, the eyes he looked at Lin Hai became even more tender.

The appearance of Lin Hai brought about earth-shaking changes in Daxia.

All powerful officials were dealt with.

Let her regain control of the government.

This kind of credit is no worse than that of the founding fathers.

"I have an idea that Japan has a better port than ours in Daxia.

Great for building large boats.

Why not build a dock here, send some Daxia craftsmen over, and have our army stationed here.

Let these Japanese people do the lowest level of work.

This saves a lot of labor and makes shipbuilding more efficient. "

Lin Hai proposed this idea because he thought that the Japanese country had captured many people from Daxia to work as coolies.

Just do the opposite.

Such good labor goes to waste.

In particular, the lives of many ordinary people in the Japanese country are not good, as long as the treatment to them is not particularly bad.

Let them have enough to eat, and there will be a lot of people willing to work for Daxia.

If you want to dominate the world in the future, you must build enough fleets.

Take back all the wealth in the world.

“This is a good idea, killing them all seems too cheap for them.

Use these artificial ships to build more warships as soon as possible.

This can also spare their lives and let these people live a few more days! "

As long as it was Lin Hai's suggestion, Gong Yanwu would always agree unconditionally.

All the food in the city is controlled by Daxia's army and distributed per person every day.

No one dared to resist at all.

Anyone who is dissatisfied with Daxia's practices will be dragged out and killed immediately if they complain.

If it weren't for a special order, it would be useful to keep the people of the Japanese country.

The navy soldiers wanted to kill them all.

The redundant warships of Japan were not of much use, after all, the sailing speed was too slow.

The next day, these ships were used to rush the young women of the Japanese country onto the ship and transport them to Daxia.

Reward these women to soldiers who have performed meritorious services.

Replenish the population of Daxia as soon as possible.

The Japanese country is about to be destroyed, and the children born will naturally side with Daxia.

After a few generations, you will think that you are a native of Daxia.

On the Japanese side, perhaps in a few decades, the local population will completely disappear.

If the people of Daxia were moved over, the Japanese country would become the territory of Daxia.

Lin Hai knew that defeating them would not work.

Perhaps a few hundred years later, the Great Xia weakened, and the Japanese government rebelled and left the building.

Let all the people of the Japanese country be descendants of Daxia, and even if they start a war in the future, they will all be their own people.

The benefits will not fall into the hands of outsiders!
(End of this chapter)

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