The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 493 Mo Han’s poison plan

Chapter 493 Mo Han’s poison plan
"Come here, search for any herdsmen nearby and arrest them all." Mo Han immediately ordered.

The clan leader next to him was very confused after hearing this.

"Why is Lord Mo Han arresting those herdsmen? Do you still want these people to help us attack the city?"

Mo Han said with a smile: "Have you forgotten the lesson from last time so quickly? They may have gunpowder in their hands.

Once we attack the city with all our strength, we will use gunpowder to explode our troops.

No matter how strong the armor is, they are no match for them.

To prevent this from happening again.

Capture all the herdsmen around and let them stand in front of the city wall.

I don't believe they dare to attack their own people. "

The generals around him suddenly changed their expressions when they heard his explanation.

Although they are all enemies, these herders are also Turkic people.

As long as the Turkic Khan is defeated, the nearby herdsmen can naturally be subdued.

If these people are used as cannon fodder, I am afraid it will arouse public anger.

All of them will be despised by the Turkic people.

Even if they can win the war, they cannot win the hearts of the people.

Such a rule will not be stable at all, and problems will arise sooner or later.

"It's very inappropriate to do this. Please, Lord Mo Han, take back your life as soon as possible.

Once word of this gets out, it is very likely that all the Turkic tribes will become our enemies.

By then the Turks will have no place for us! "

Even the chiefs of large tribes would never dare to arouse public anger.

“It’s simply confusing, when will it become a big deal if you are so cautious.

As long as we can win this battle, the news will be blocked.

Moreover, all the Turkic people must be slaughtered.

This way we can sit back and relax!

No one got out alive, so of course no one knows what we did! "

Mo Han glanced at everyone with cold eyes: "Don't forget that last time we were defeated and almost annihilated.

If you are defeated again, there will be no chance of making a comeback! "

As soon as these words came out, many people shuddered all over.

What they did on the grassland was indeed outrageous.

Although force has been used to force those tribes to obey their orders.

But they are just forced.

Once they were defeated, those tribes would immediately turn on them with swords.

By then there will be no place for them in the entire Turks.

Therefore, they have no retreat and can only win by any means necessary.

Only by becoming the king of the Turks can the tribe continue.

They finally made up their mind and gritted their teeth and said: "Okay, then I will follow your orders.

This caused people to search everywhere and capture all the Khan's clan members. "

After reaching an agreement, the arrest operation began.

The Turkic Khan saw that the rebels were just surrounding the layers and did not launch an attack for a long time.

This made him very puzzled.

I really can’t figure out what the rebels’ plan is.

I had no choice but to find Shaoyao to discuss with him.

Shaoyao was extremely puzzled after hearing his story.

"This is absolutely abnormal. It must be difficult for the rebels to transport their food and grass from afar.

After arriving, they will definitely attack with all their strength and defeat us as quickly as possible.

How could it be possible to delay the attack as much as possible without attacking?
They definitely have some backup plans! "

Shaoyao Dai frowned slightly and began to think hard. "No, this is bad!" Shaoyao suddenly became panicked.

"What's wrong? Have you thought about what they are going to do next?" Turkic Khan asked quickly.

"Father, our people are going to be in trouble!"

Shaoyao gritted her teeth and said, "I never thought that Mo Han would be so heartless and dare to do something so outrageous to both humans and gods!"

"What's going on? Tell me quickly!"

“Mo Han definitely wants to deal with our tribe first, not only to steal their food, but also to arrest all these people.

Let these tribesmen act as shields and come to capture our city.

Their troops are hiding among our people, so we don't dare to fight back! "

The Turkic Khan was furious after hearing this: "This bastard, if he dares to do such a thing, he will be despised by the entire Turkic people."

"He is indeed crazy enough to do such a thing.

If one day he really becomes a Turkic Khan, all the Turkic people will suffer disaster.

You will definitely be severely suppressed by him! "

"Hmph, don't dream even if he wants to be a Turkic Khan.

Ben Khan must defeat them completely, capture these clan leaders and Mo Han, and make them widows! "

Turkic Khan said bitterly.

"We absolutely cannot sit idly by and watch this happen. We must quickly find a way to send troops to stop them from killing our people.

If all our people are captured, how can we get the soldiers to kill them? "

Shaoyao became extremely anxious.

The Turkic Khan's face became very gloomy!

"If we send troops, we will be fooled by them! He must be ready to break out once our troops leave the city.

They will definitely be attacked with all their strength! "

“If it doesn’t work, use gunpowder and repel them first.

We must protect our people no matter what! "

Shaoyao obviously lost some sense of proportion.

Even if the rebels can be defeated in the end, all their people will die.

So what if we win?
Since then, it has completely lost its foundation.

It will be very difficult to continue to control the Turks.

It's like a family has no children and becomes a destitute family in the future.

No matter how rich you are, no one will inherit it when you get old.

Those around them will immediately show their extremely greedy faces and devour their property.

"No, gunpowder is our last resort. It must be used at the most critical moment.

If our strength is exposed in advance, it will not be so easy to completely eliminate the rebels.

Once the battle drags on for a long time.

Daxia sent troops to attack us, without even a chance to fight back! "The Turkic Khan directly rejected Shaoyao's proposal.

Shaoyao thought for a while, stood up and said, "Father, you only need to give me five thousand elites and let me lead the troops to break out.

They definitely don't have many troops to capture our tribe. Five thousand cavalry can destroy them. "

"That's even worse. You're still pregnant and you can't ride a horse for long distances.

Wouldn't it be even worse if they caught him? "

The Turkic Khan made up his mind, "Immediately summon the entire army and we will launch an active attack.

We must not let Mo Han successfully capture our tribe! "

Shaoyao opened her mouth without stopping.

At this point they have to do something.

If they watch their own people being arrested and do nothing, their people will be completely disappointed in them.

"Father, although I can't go forward to fight. I will stand on the city wall to cheer you on!" Shaoyao said with an extremely determined face.

(End of this chapter)

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