The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 494 Fight to the death

Chapter 494 Fight to the death
This time the Turkic Khan did not refuse Shaoyao's request.

Peony has a high prestige in the army and is supported by soldiers.

If Shaoyao stood on the city wall to cheer them on, it would definitely inspire the soldiers' momentum even more.

The Turkic Khan immediately gathered all the troops and told the rebels what they wanted to do.

All the soldiers were extremely angry.

All Turkic people would not accept this approach.

If you use this method to deal with their tribesmen today, you may also deal with other tribes tomorrow.

How dare you do something like this that is outrageous to both humans and gods.

"Lord Khan, let's attack and destroy all these rebels!
We would rather die fighting than let them succeed! "

"Fight to the death, fight to the death..."

The soldiers roared in unison.

Seeing their high morale, the Turkic Khan said that the sad soldiers will win.

Everyone fights angrily with determination to die, and their combat effectiveness will definitely increase significantly.

"Okay, Ben will go out to fight with you. Princess Liu Yi will stand on the city wall to cheer you on.

You are all good sons of the Turks, and you must not watch your people being captured and massacred! "

The soldiers looked up and saw the peony on the city wall.

Morale has reached its peak.

Everyone regarded death as hopeless and decided to kill the enemy desperately.

The Turkic Khan said nothing and immediately asked people to open the city gate.

Mo Han was staying in the camp, discussing with the generals and clan leaders how to attack Tufeng City.

He never expected that Shaoyao would be aware of his plan so quickly.

At this time, a soldier rushed in and reported in a panic: "Master Qi, the city gate has been opened and the enemy has launched an attack!"

"What did you say?" Mo Han was shocked.

"Quick, get everyone ready to fight! If they dare to leave the city and take the initiative to attack, we must wipe them all out!"

Mo Han was surprised and happy.

He did not expect that the Turkic Khan would be so bold and take the initiative to launch an attack.

It really caught him off guard.

If you don't handle it carefully, there is a risk of failure.

Fortunately, the Turkic Khan's strength is still too weak. As long as he is deployed properly, all his armies can be surrounded.

He can win this battle.

He immediately walked out of the camp, mounted his horse and fought in person.

The reason why the rebels are so powerful is largely because Mo Han fights very bravely. Every time he goes into battle, he will take the lead and rush to the front.

Of course other soldiers cannot fall behind.

After reorganizing the army, the distance between the two sides was less than a kilometer.

The Turkic Khan himself was seen leading his soldiers forward.

Mo Han felt his blood boiling and stared at the army in front of him with great excitement.

"Haha, all the little ones follow me. As long as we can capture Khan, we will be the overlords of this land from now on.

Set off! "

Mo Han roared, slapped his horse and launched a charge.

Turkic Khan and Shaoyao got some bows and arrows and crossbows.

They specially trained cavalry in archery according to Daxia's offensive method.

Wait until the opponent comes within range.

Use bow and arrow together.

Countless arrows rained down on the rebels.

The rebels showed no sign of weakness, using weapons and small shields to block the front.

Also used bows and arrows to fight back.

Casualties quickly occurred on both sides.

The next moment, the two armies collided fiercely.

Screams, shouts of death, and the sound of bones breaking could be heard endlessly.

The two sides fought fiercely.

After Mo Han killed the two people, he suddenly felt the pressure doubled.

The ferocity of the Khan's army exceeded his expectations.

He quickly retreated and let his soldiers rush to stop him.

Until now, he still hadn't figured out why Khan's army was so fierce.Even the elite army has never had such a strong combat effectiveness.

How did he know that these armies were to protect his own people.

Everyone is fighting desperately, and all of them are fighting in a way that risks their lives.

Both sides suffered heavy casualties. Although the rebels had a large number of soldiers, they were beaten back steadily and were unable to hold on.

"Damn it, what's going on with these people? I never knew Khan's army had such fighting prowess."

Mo Hanqi cursed loudly.

"Kill Mo Han, there he is!"

A general saw Mo Han's position and gave a loud order.

A dozen people immediately took out their crossbows and fired at Mo Han's position.

"Protect me!" Mo Han yelled.

He quickly lay down on the horse's back and pulled the reins to make the horse retreat.

His men immediately stood in front of him and were killed by crossbow bolts.

Mo Han was shocked.

If he hadn't reacted quickly, he might have been shot into a hedgehog.

He no longer dared to stop in front.

All the enemy's bows and arrows were aimed at him.

The best way now is to hide behind the army and direct the battle.

When Mo Han retreated to the rear, the tribe leader quickly came over to help him.

"Lord Mo Han, don't take any more risks, and just command the army properly!"

"I can't spare them!" Mo Han was also furious.

I have never felt so depressed since the war.

After seeing the situation clearly, he ordered the general: "Encircle the left and right wings and launch a fierce attack from the side.

I don't believe they can withstand attacks from three sides. "

The general received the order and immediately led his men to launch a fierce attack.

The Turkic Khan has been watching the situation of the rebels.

When the rebels were preparing to encircle him, he knew that he would definitely lose if he continued to fight.

Once surrounded, there is no chance of retreat.

“Everyone obeyed the order and attacked towards the left wing.

Throw the gunpowder packet out with the throwing hand and break away from the enemy as soon as possible! "

After giving the order, he led his soldiers and turned around as quickly as possible toward the left wing.

Mo Han almost saw victory in sight.

Suddenly several loud noises were heard.

This voice made everyone's hearts tremble.

Many soldiers even panicked and tried desperately to escape.

Both sides are attacking desperately, and they are almost crowded.

The explosive pack was thrown into the crowd and exploded into a large area.

There is a lot of iron sand inside, which greatly enhances the lethality.

The soldiers and war horses more than ten meters away were not killed but were injured.

The war horses were frightened and fled in all directions.

The rebel offensive blocking the front collapsed instantly.

The Turkic Khan did not dare to stay long, let alone take the opportunity to launch an attack.

The number of explosive packets is too small to completely defeat them.

Once the encirclement is successful and surrounded by enemies, all these tens of thousands of troops will be wiped out.

Immediately command the army to break through quickly.

Suddenly attacked by explosive packets, the rebels caused quite a commotion and the attack speed slowed down a lot.

The Turkic Khan took this opportunity to break away from the rebels and led his army back to the city as quickly as possible.

Everyone was so tired that they were about to collapse.

The knives in many people's hands were curled from cutting.

Although the power of hatred makes them powerful, their strength is also consumed quickly.

The Turkic Khan was extremely happy at this moment, and fortunately the fight did not continue.

If you wait a little longer, the loss will be greater.

(End of this chapter)

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