The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 492 2 Army confrontation

Chapter 492
Shaoyao immediately found the Turkic Khan and told him the news.

“Father, we must prepare quickly now and ask all clan members to retreat.

To prevent Mo Han from taking action against them.

This man was so ruthless that he even killed all other tribes.

He will never show mercy to our people! "

"What you said makes sense. Immediately order all the clansmen to move back.

Wait until the war is over before moving back! "

The Turkic Khan immediately issued orders to his men.

If Mo Han led his army to attack a few months ago, the Turkic Khan would have had a huge headache.

But the situation is completely different now.

He had enough weapons and an army of [-].

Coupled with having enough gunpowder, he believed that he could completely defeat Mo Han.

Not only defeat him, but also kill the rebels as much as possible.

As long as the rebels are severely damaged, Mo Han will no longer be his opponent.

Only in this way can we launch a counterattack.

After all, gunpowder was their secret weapon.

From the rebel's point of view, he doesn't have much gunpowder now.

They will definitely launch an attack with all their strength.

Waiting until the most critical moment to use gunpowder to attack can kill a large number of enemy troops.

Turkic Khan and Shaoyao had already discussed how to fight the war.

Based on the terrain here, constantly deduce the opponent's attack method.

Show weakness to the enemy first, and then launch a general attack.

The Turkic Khan was even imagining Mo Han's desperate defeat.

Get ready in full swing.

The Turkic Khan also hid a large number of soldiers and horses in the city, only showing half of the army.

A few days later, the rebels were seen, advancing rapidly towards this direction.

The generals guarding the city immediately informed Shaoyao and the Turkic Khan of the news.

A strong murderous aura erupted in the Turkic Khan's eyes.

"Since the rebels are here, let's fight them quickly!"

"Father, I'll go there too!" Shaoyao said quickly.

"No, you have been pregnant for several months now. You must protect yourself and absolutely cannot have any accidents.

Especially since it's very cold outside, be careful not to freeze.

You have to give birth to this child.

As long as we have successors, the position of Khan can continue to be passed down. "Turkic Khan said.

"But I'm not worried! After all, there are as many as [-] rebels, more than twice our number." Shaoyao said worriedly.

"When your father and I led the troops to unify the Turks, you were not even born yet.

Now we rely on the city wall for defense, and we still have [-] elite troops in hand.

Mo Han'er is no match for Ben Khan.

Look how I defeated them! "

The Turks are still very confident and want to completely defeat the rebels with their own hands.

Only in this way can he rebuild his prestige in the Turks.

As long as the rebels can be defeated, no one will dare to betray him for at least a few decades.

On the contrary, if he defeated the rebels with the help of his daughter.

Then he might be looked down upon by others.

Even if it is the reunification of the Turks, many people may think that it is Shaoyao's contribution.

I will only respect peony more.

I am not [-]% surrendered to him as the Khan.

Once Peony is not around, someone will have their own thoughts.

The Turkic Khan was very aware of this situation.Therefore, he preferred to lead the battle himself and defeat the rebels.

"Well, father, please be more careful! We have no retreat at all. We must not take the initiative to fight before we are sure of victory.

And also consider the enemy’s traps, don’t fall for them! "

"I understand, just stay in the tent and have a good rest. If anything happens, someone will send you a message!"

After speaking, the Turkic Khan left the tent and came to the city wall.

Saw densely packed troops in the distance.

Turkic Khan's face became more and more solemn.

"The army of [-] has been replenished so quickly. Where did they get their weapons and armor?

The Turks originally lacked craftsmen and iron, so it was impossible to build so many armors in a short period of time! "

"Could it be that they are just pretending and deliberately trying to deceive me?"

The Turkic Khan began to analyze to himself.

"Lord Khan, there is no need to be fooled by them, no matter how many troops they come.

We have tall walls for defense, and he cannot exert the strength of such an army.

We just need to defend as much as possible and consume their strength first. "The deputy general put forward his own opinion.

The Turkic Khan nodded and asked, "Have the city gates been closed?"

“It’s closed and stoned.

Unless they can climb over the city wall and reach the city, it is impossible for them to break the city gate. "The deputy general replied.

"Tell people to go down and remove all the stones blocking the city gate.

Although Ben Khan was on the defensive, he was not afraid of these rebels.

When they are defeated, they will launch a counterattack.

There are so many stones blocking the city gate, how can we get out? "Turkic Khan said.

"Isn't it too dangerous to do this? After all, there are too many enemy troops.

Once they rush into the city, we won't be able to resist them.

It would be safer to block the door! "The deputy general advised.

"Stop talking nonsense, immediately obey Ben Khan's order, and quickly have people remove the stone blocking the door."

The Turkic Khan scolded loudly.

The deputy general had no choice but to send people to remove the stones blocking the city gate.

He really couldn't figure out what the Turkic Khan relied on to defeat the enemy.

You must know that although they have added [-] troops, half of them are recruits.

They have not been baptized by the flames of war, and the training time is too short.

Once it falls into a disadvantage, the entire army may be completely defeated.

But since this was Lord Khan's order, he could only obey it.

The Turkic Khan looked at the army in the distance, full of endless fighting spirit.

Mo Han saw that Tufeng City had doubled in height in a short period of time, and became cautious.

Although his army had an absolute advantage, he did not dare to act rashly.

First of all, Turks are not ordinary people. When they were young, they led hundreds of tribesmen to sweep across the entire Turks.

The strength is still there.

And they also used gunpowder before, which was very powerful.

Now that some time has passed, I don’t know if gunpowder has been produced again.

After Mo Han got the royal city, he also arrested some people and knew that the Turkic Khan purchased the gunpowder raw materials from Daxia.

He has strictly sealed off the entire Turks and does not allow any merchants to deliver supplies to the Turkic Khan.

But he was not confident enough to completely cut off the transportation channel.

So he had to test it out first to make sure there was no threat from the Turkic Khan.

Then send troops to attack with all their strength.

The last time he attacked the royal city, he suffered a huge loss and was almost defeated and killed.

This time I have to be a little more cautious.

(End of this chapter)

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