The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 484: The treasury is full, how to spend money

Chapter 484: The treasury is full, how to spend money

The Turkic rebellion is intensifying, and both sides are desperately accumulating strength, waiting for the time to give the other a fatal blow.

Daxia did a lot of trade with the Turks at this time.

Using ordinary goods and even some useless armors and weapons, a large amount of gold and silver wealth was obtained.

The sheep can be killed in winter, frozen and transported back.

Even if you don't have money, you can still exchange cattle and sheep.

But the Turks also realize the importance of food.

They would rather spend more money to buy the goods they need than exchange them for livestock.

Because they know that once a war breaks out, the consumption will increase exponentially.

If there is no food, no matter how strong the army is, it will not be able to fight.

Only those tribes who had no money and a lot of livestock.

Willing to exchange cattle and sheep for goods.

Now he has the status of doing business with Mo Han.

Caravans can enter and leave the Turks unimpeded.

I don’t know when many merchants from Daxia were added to the Turks.

They went to those large tribes to do business and brought many exquisite daily necessities.

Silk and porcelain were particularly popular.

There are even canned sea fish, as well as baked dried fish and fish meat.

The herdsmen living on the grasslands have never enjoyed such delicious food.

Everyone is willing to spend money to buy it.

These large tribes followed Mo Han and rebelled.

A lot of money was made, and there was no room to keep the harvested animals.

Just enough to get what you need in life.

Both salt and tea are very popular.

In particular, some commonly used medicines have become indispensable.

The profits of these goods are very huge, and they can earn huge returns.

Wait until the first batch of money is earned and shipped back.

In addition to the money that his own business should get.

All profits from selling armor, weapons and salt were handed over to the court.

Now the imperial court has accumulated more than seven million taels of silver.

Daxia's treasury has not had such a generous balance in decades.

All the officials in the imperial court were aware of Lin Hai's ability to make money.

No one can find fault.

Lin Hai even jokingly said to Gong Yanwu: "In my opinion, it is better to wait until next year to build another bank.

Maybe in a year or two, the bank will be filled with money and there will be no room for it! "

Although it was a joke, Gong Yanwu took it completely seriously.

“What you said makes sense, we should indeed build another bank.

The current bank can only store up to 2000 million taels of silver.

I think at this rate of making money, it will definitely be full in less than two years! "

"I'm just joking with you, don't take it seriously. It would be the saddest thing if the imperial court really accumulated a lot of money but couldn't spend it.

It may even lead to the collapse of the imperial court, which is no less dangerous than lack of money! Lin Hai said with a smile.

Gong Yanwu was very confused after hearing this.

I have been short of money for a long time, and I never thought that having more money would bring disaster.

He asked with confusion: "Why is this? Isn't more money a good thing?"

With enough money, you don’t have to worry about money in the future.

Wherever there is a disaster, funds can be allocated directly for disaster relief.

There should be no bold person who dares to take any idea from the imperial court! "

Lin Hai smiled and shook his head and said: "Let me tell you a story. There were once some officials who wanted to make money.

Repairs to the city wall are reported every year.

This year the east city wall was broken down and they asked the court for funding to build it.Remove the bricks from the west city and add them to the east city.

In the second year, it was reported that the city wall in the west city was broken, so the bricks from the south city were removed and repaired to the west city.

I can't continue to cultivate like this, and the officials in charge are making a lot of money.

The court's money was spent like running water, but it made no sense! "

Gong Yanwu's face became extremely solemn after hearing this.

"According to what you said, if there is too much money in the treasury.

There will be many officials trying their best to waste this money. "

Lin Hai nodded and said: "That's right, if you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid that thieves will miss you.

Once an opening is opened, official corruption will quickly accelerate.

As the saying goes, it is easy to conquer a country but difficult to defend it.

Once the interests of corrupt officials are formed, they will quickly break through the dam like waves and floods. "

“I understand that I can’t hoard all this money.

But how should this money be used on the people? "Gong Yanwu asked.

“If you want to get rich, you must first build roads. With a lot of money, the first thing to consider is to dredge canals and build official roads.

At the same time, the river embankments are reinforced to prevent people from suffering disasters during the rainy season! "

Lin Hai explained seriously: “Although these things cost a lot of money, they can bring huge benefits.

First of all, the river embankment has been built, so people don't have to worry about being affected by floods.

It can ensure that people live peacefully.

Second, after roads and canals are repaired, goods can be transported faster.

The transportation of goods is convenient and the transportation cost is low.

The price of goods is naturally cheap, and people can benefit from it.

Especially for transporting official salt to various places, the cost of land transportation is extremely high.

In the hands of ordinary people, the price is quite expensive.

If the price of salt can be lowered, it will be a real benefit to the people.

The third point is that doing these projects requires a lot of labor.

It allows people to make money through work and support their families! "

“Of course, the most important thing to do is to supervise the issue of corruption.

It is necessary to prevent officials in charge from embezzling money and reducing quality. "

Gong Yanwu was convinced after hearing this, and felt that Lin Haiti's method was indeed very good.

The world will not be rich without business, and the world's materials must flow.

Only what the people harvest can be sold.

"Then according to what you said, we will start building pipelines and digging the canal after next spring.

Send people to reinforce the river embankment.

But how much do you think should be spent? "

Gong Yanwu asked.

"No matter what the court says, 300 million taels of silver must be reserved.

When the crops are harvested next year, some money will be left to buy food for the people.

This has two advantages. The first court can control a large amount of food and can deal with any emergencies.

Second, it can support the market.When there is a good harvest, grain merchants will lower the price of grain so that the grain in the hands of the people cannot be sold at a high price.

With the official purchase price of the imperial court, the people can be protected from suffering losses! "

"You are right, I have recorded these things.

Originally, this was what the court should do, but the court has been short of money over the years.

As a result, many things to protect the people were not implemented in place.

Now that the court has money, it must protect its interests! "

"By the way, there's one more thing. The grain warehouses where grain is stored in various places are probably in disrepair, and there is no extra grain in them.

Next year we will send people to build these granaries in time. Lin Hai reminded.

(End of this chapter)

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