The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 483 It’s fun to take advantage of the situation

Chapter 483 It’s fun to take advantage of the situation

"Is what you said true about Wu Jie in the Army?" Mo Han asked quickly.

If he could provide so many weapons, armor, and bows, he could quickly equip the entire army.

The Turkic Khans can be defeated even in winter.

When next spring comes, there is no need to worry about Daxia sending troops to attack them.

Can fully cope with Daxia's attack.

If there was a chance to defeat the Xia army, he could even lead his army straight in.

Seize the land of Daxia.

If he could do this, he would become the greatest Khan of the Turks.

No one dares to oppose him anymore!

"Don't worry, Lord Mo Han, the only thing we pay attention to in doing business is trust.

As long as you prepare enough money or cattle and sheep here.

We can deliver everything we need in batches. "

The old man said confidently.

"Okay, then tell me how much a set of armor and weapons will cost!"

The old man stretched out his hand and said: "A set of weapons and armor costs 50 taels of silver, a bow and arrow costs 20 taels of silver, and five arrows cost one tael of silver."

Mo Han took a breath after hearing this. The price was at least three or four times that of their own.

"The price you want is too high! I really lack these things.

But money doesn’t come with strong winds! "

“To say that the value of these things is really not worth this much money.

Even if the iron is smuggled in and you build it yourself, you can save several times the money.

But adults have to think about it, how long does it take to build so many armors and weapons?
When everything was built, the Turkic Khan also had a moment of respite.

No one can say whether they can be defeated by then! "The old man said with a smile.

"It seems that you know the situation of the Turks very well! This is my master!"

Mo Han's face was filled with murderous intent.

At this moment, he was very angry that he was manipulated by a Daxia businessman.

"If you are angry, you can kill the old man.

But the consequence of doing this is that no one in Daxia will dare to provide you with goods.

Even if it’s the medicinal materials you lack most! "

The old man was not happy at all and looked at Mo Han closely.

The two looked at each other like this for a moment.

"Okay, I'll pay the price you said! I want [-] sets of armor and weapons, [-] bows and arrows, and [-] arrows!" Mo Han said through gritted teeth.

"No problem, but please give me part of the deposit.

When I get back, I will give you the things you need in batches.

Each time a batch arrives, a batch is settled.

If you need anything else in the future, feel free to send someone to tell me.

I will deliver it to you in time! "

A smile appeared on the old man's face.

"I understand, I will send someone to pay you! You must send me the armor and weapons as quickly as possible.

If it's too late, these things I want will be useless! "Mo Han said coldly.

“As long as the money arrives, the goods will be delivered within seven days!

Sir, please prepare the money! "

After finishing speaking, the old man did not delay and followed the Turkic officials to withdraw the money.

After the old man left, Mo Han smashed everything on the table in anger.

"This is unreasonable. The merchants of Daxia are taking advantage of the situation and forcing us to buy their things at high prices.

What's even more disgusting is that these armors and weapons were captured from our Turks and Breakthroughs.

Sell ​​it to us again at a high price.

We Turks have never suffered such humiliation!

When I unify the Turks, I will definitely send troops to destroy Daxia. "Mo Hanqi roared angrily.

"Sir, please calm down, although we will have to spend several times the money.

But it's all a very good deal.

What the merchant from Daxia said was absolutely right.What we need to fight for most now is time.

Be sure to send troops to attack before the Khan is ready and completely defeat them.

By then you will be the new Khan of the Turks, and it will not be easy to make money! "

The people next to me quickly advised him.

After venting his anger, Mo Han became much calmer.

"What you said is absolutely correct, only unifying the entire Turks is the most important.

Wait until we recharge our batteries and completely defeat Daxia.

Sooner or later the money will fall into our hands again.

At that time, I must send someone to investigate and find out who is so bold.

How dare you take advantage of me! "

Mo Han's eyes burst out with strong murderous intent.

The current situation requires cooperation with Daxia businessmen.

After you've used it up, you'll settle the score.

The other clan leaders were very happy.

After conquering other tribes, they robbed a large number of cattle and sheep.

Even a lot of money was robbed.

In addition to handing over the property, their people would also keep some of it themselves.

Although following the rebellion paid a huge price, it also entailed great risks.

But now it seems that the harvest is also very rich.

The tribe has become so rich that the livestock cannot be eaten in two or three years, and a large amount of wealth has been accumulated.

As long as the Turks can be unified, Mo Han will become the new Khan.

Their status will also rise.

From now on, there will be endless glory and wealth, and everyone in the clan will be able to benefit from it.

As for the immediate gains and losses, they didn't care too much at all.

Anyway, these are Mo Han's money, it doesn't matter if they are all spent.

The most important thing is to unify the Turks, so that their wealth can last for a long time.

"Sir, there is no need to be angry. As long as we have enough troops, we can defeat Daxia sooner or later.

The most important thing we need to do now is to train our troops as soon as possible.

At the same time, we must unite with the small countries of Jin and Khitan.

Wait until next spring and we will deal with Daxia together.

If even we fail, small countries like them will not survive.

Daxia will definitely destroy them all.

They must understand this. "

Someone suggested.

"What you said makes sense. Send an envoy immediately to let them contact us.

Daxia's artillery is very powerful, we must unite as one. "Mo Han was convinced.

The next thing they have to do is to step up training of the army.

The royal city must continue to be reinforced.

The best way to deal with Daxia's artillery is to hide in the city and fight back with bows and arrows.

For this reason, they also specially made powerful heavy crossbows and set them up on the city wall.

Such a heavy crossbow has a long range and is very powerful.

The range has far exceeded Daxia's artillery.

The biggest disadvantage is that pulling the winch is very laborious and requires more than a dozen people to operate it.

Furthermore, the production cost is extremely high and takes a very long time.

If he could build thousands of heavy crossbows, Mo Han would even have enough confidence to fight Daxia's army head-on.

But he never dreamed that Daxia would go through these battles.

Lin Hai has already manufactured heavy artillery with longer range and greater power.

Fired directly from thousands of meters away, their heavy crossbows had no effect at all.

If he truly saw the power of the cannon, Mo Han would definitely fall into despair.

(End of this chapter)

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