The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 485 The reaction of Japan

Chapter 485 The reaction of Japan

The two discussed plans for next year, although Daxia was recovering.

But there are holes everywhere that require a lot of money to fill.

Lin Hai believes that as long as corrupt officials can be punished.

It only takes two good harvests for the people to live a life of food and clothing.

Let the people have enough to eat first and have enough fields to cultivate.

You can live a well-off life in just a few years.

Although Lin Hai has plans to build a railway, the construction cost of the railway is too high.

Judging from the current situation in Daxia, it is still unaffordable to invest.

If you want to carry out such a large project, you must defeat all surrounding enemy countries.

Only after accumulating a large amount of money can the railway be completed.

There must be at least one very long railway line running from north to south.

The south is very rich in products, as long as the land is used properly for cultivation.

A large amount of food can be produced.

Transport these grains to the north at low cost.

In addition, there are many mineral deposits in the south, especially iron ore and copper deposits.

If Daxia wants to develop, these minerals are indispensable.

With railways, these ores can be transported to the north.

Lin Hai even wanted to build the railway all the way to the Turks' coal mines.

Transport the mined coal directly to Daxia.

With enough coal and minerals, Daxia can achieve rapid development.

With world-leading industry, it is not difficult to conquer any place.

Of course, it will take many years of development and progress to achieve this.

Now the cheapest way to expand outward is to build big ships.

There are many small coastal countries that are not very developed yet and can take advantage of this opportunity to grab wealth.

Weak countries directly occupied it and became the territory of Daxia, while those strong enough earned money through trade.

Under the joint calculations of the imperial court and Lin Hai, the Turkic Khans and rebels had become Daxia's cash machines.

Things that are of no use to Daxia can be sold at very high prices.

With enough money, heavy artillery can be manufactured faster and faster.

The number of craftsmen has been tripled, and by next spring, there will be at least more than [-] heavy cannons.

At least two thousand heavy cannons are needed for the entire Daxia.

In addition, many warships will be built in the future, and large ships will also need heavy artillery.

With the rapid development of Daxia.

Japan felt something was wrong.

Although Japanese pirates are equivalent to bandits in Daxia.

But many of them were controlled by Japanese forces.

However, they found that they no longer had contact with each other for a long time and no longer sent money to them.

People were sent to investigate, only to find that the islands had been burned down.

All the Japanese pirates disappeared.

When they saw this situation, they reported it immediately, and the forces in the Japanese country immediately launched an investigation.

It was discovered that these Japanese pirates were not annexed by other forces, but were destroyed by Daxia's navy.

This situation made them very panicked.

Daxia has become corrupt in their eyes. When will it have the strength to attack them again?
Immediately many agents were sent ashore by boat to investigate the situation in Daxia.

The navy on the Haidong side was very tightly guarded and immediately arrested anyone suspicious.

And there are clippers with steam engines that patrol the coast every day.

When they discovered the ships coming from Japan, they immediately detained all the people.

After questioning, I found out that he was a spy sent by the Japanese state.

Of course, all these people must be imprisoned to prevent leaks of information.

And patrols have been added everywhere, and Japanese infiltration must be strictly prevented.

After that, the Japanese State sent many spies, but all of them lost contact with them as long as they reached the vicinity of Haidong.

Spies from other places confirmed that Daxia was still the same as before.

The Japanese country immediately realized that there must be something wrong with Haidong.Daxia established a powerful navy there, and even the spies they sent out could not get in.

There must be a dark secret.

The more this happens, the more they want to check it out.

Although the territory of Japan is relatively small, its national power is relatively weak.

But their ambitions are very big.

Otherwise, Japanese pirates would not have been organized to frequently plunder Daxia.

They even have the ambition to annex Daxia, as long as they can occupy the fertile land of Daxia.

They can become more powerful.

Therefore, the Japanese country has been preparing to wait for Daxia to become even weaker, so that it can kill it through powerful naval forces.

Thus occupying part of the coastal territory.

It's just that they face each other across the sea, and the Turks and other countries also look down on Japanese pirates.

Almost no contact with them.

On the contrary, the connection between Turks and Goryeo is closer.

Each time the Turks sent troops to contain Daxia, and then Goryeo sent troops to harass Daxia, which made Daxia tired of dealing with it.

Both sides can benefit.

The Japanese country could only rely on itself to snatch Daxia.

Daxia was so powerful that the Japanese immediately surrendered.

He would faithfully make offerings every year in exchange for generous rewards.

Once Daxia's national power is weak.

They would show their fangs and try every means to plunder the people of Daxia.

Now that they found out that all the Japanese pirates they had trained had been wiped out, they suddenly became uneasy.

We must find out the details of Daxia.

If Daxia really formed a powerful navy, they would definitely not be their opponents.

He must come immediately to pay tribute and recognize Daxia as his master.

If we can win, there is nothing to say, we will immediately send troops to attack.

But they sent many spies and even landed in Daxia from other places.

They were discovered easily and all were arrested.

Because the Japanese people are so short, and most of them usually sit cross-legged, with bow-legged posture.

Plus the clothing, demeanor, and tone of voice.

The defenders of Daxia could easily distinguish them.

Now the imperial court has ordered that as soon as a Japanese person lands ashore, they will be immediately arrested and severely interrogated.

Wait until the first large steam engine is installed on a warship.

The speed of the warship sailing through the water immediately increased several times.

With this steam-engined warship, patrolling offshore became more convenient.

You can even catch fish with a fishing net while patrolling.

After several days of testing, it was determined that the large ship equipped with a steam engine had excellent performance and high reliability.

Both the craftsmen and officials were pleasantly surprised.

Send this good news to the capital immediately.

Apart from teaching the little emperor these days, Lin Hai spent the rest of his time very leisurely.

I take turns accompanying several beauties every day.

Playing chess, chatting, reading poetry, and painting are simply magical days.

Mr. Wen also gained the emperor's recognition with the help of Lin Hai.

Let’s help teach the little emperor together.

The more knowledge he learned, the little emperor's mind gradually became more stable.

At least I can sit down and study for more than an hour every day.

Because the emperor is talented and intelligent and learns quickly.

Even if you study for more than an hour a day, it is completely enough.

Lin Hai turned over various tricks to make things for the little emperor to play with.

The little emperor became quite dependent on Lin Hai.

(End of this chapter)

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